Escaping the Redwall Universe (All May Join)

Started by Lutra, June 09, 2012, 01:20:59 PM

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OT: If you have not done so already, please read the discussion topic on this RP before joining in.  It can be found here:


The otter awoke with a start.  It had been a long day, all that work to do, and people to listen to.  It was a tough job he had.  Rubbing his eyes, he looked about, and did a double take.  These were not hands--they were paws.  Otter paws.  Since when was it Halloween?  He tried to take them off, but couldn't.  Its as if he was always an otter.  In fact, he WAS an otter!  The face, the arms, the paws, the tail!  He had a TAIL!

"What the flippin' fish is this?" he roared anxiously to nobody.  Wherever he was it was bare, but clearly a dormitory of some sort, with basic cots, pillows and blankets.  Sunlight streamed in from the stained glass windows above.  Was he in church?  At the thought of that, he almost want to take back what he yelled, given it might not be too appropriate for the setting.  But an otter?  How did he get here?  He was a professional human in 2012 when he went to sleep.  How could he have awaken to find himself an otter in what appeared to be a church out of the Medieval times?

He stood, only to find the legs wobbly and shaky, and the tail moving about in all sorts of wacky directions.  "This will take some getting used to," he muttered glumly.  He tried walking, stumbling, and grabbing onto the beds as he tumbled over, trying to get used to the fact otters weren't made to waddle on twos, and also the fact he had a tail for balance.  Finally he made it to the door, which lacked a modern doorknob.  I'm definitely not in 2012 anymore he thought as he pulled on the handle and peered into the hallway, lighted by torches.

"Hello?" he called questionably, not certain who-or what-would come down the corridor.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra

Dannflower Reguba

Ashe Blackflight, the resident black squirrel did a quick about-turn to face the newcomer, "Hello good sir, I am Ashe Blackflight. Who do I happen t have the pleasure of meeting in acquaintance?"
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Brigg ambled down the dormitory corridor, the hem of his worn green habit brushing quietly against the stone floor.  He smiled contentedly, as he often did for seemingly no reason at all.  The Dibbuns had all been taken down to the pond for a paddle by a few members of Skipper's otter crew, so he was relieved of his caretaking duties for a short while.  It was a welcome break, though he did love the little ones with all his heart.  He planned to go to his bed for a short afternoon nap.  He was by no means a lazy beast, but a good nap was always appreciated.

He rested a paw on his habit cord as he walked, noting the beginnings of a belly coming in.  Hm.  All that good Abbey food and drink seemed to be fattening him up.  Maybe it was time to rethink his nap...

A disturbance towards the end of the hall caught his attention.  An otter he'd never met before came stumbling out of one of the dormitories.  Brigg frowned slightly.  Was the beast drunk? He never did like drunkenness.  He heard Ashe before he saw him; the black squirrel blended so easily into the shadows.  He called to both of them.

"Can I ask yer name, friend otter? Sure, but I don't believe we've met before."
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer

Tiria Wildlough

Shaderinne trotted down the hallway, humming snatches of a Guosim paddling song, when she saw the otter. He was wobbling and stumbling around like a Dibbun who was learning to walk.
Shade giggled. Was the otter being silly, or did he really not know how to walk? She called out, 'Who are you, sir? Are you alright?'
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Skipper laughed merrily as a gang of dibbuns pushed Deeja -a member of his otter crew- into the pond, taken by suprise Deeja sat up and squirted water out of her mouth at the dibbuns as he water ran off her sleek fur. Skipper watched as Deeja chased the dibbuns around him. One of the moles called out
'Help oi Skip!' Skipper stood in front of Deeja and crossed his arms trying hard not to laugh, the dibbuns gathered behind him and watched giggling as Skipper confronted Deeja 'Now Deeja, wot are you doin' chasin' my liddle shipmates eh? shame on you, i say we push 'er into he pond, wot say you shipmates?' The dibbuns answered by charging forward screaming wildly and chasing Deeja. Skipper roared alughing as Deja called out to him 'Help me Skip you sly dog! help me!'


Caldoron was walking along the battlements, resting his ears from all the noises below.


   Miles away, someone else was coming to. Awaking with a start, he found himself under a tall tree, surrounded by a forest and a small group of creatures. He did not recognize them, but somehow they seemed oddly familiar to him. As he slowly rose to his feet, he first checked to see that he himself was alright, and was surprised by how  odd he felt. He looked at his hands and feet, startled by the appearance of mouse appendages. He was quite confused and distressed. "What happened? What's going on?" He rubbed his head, noticing a dull headache for the first time. "Where am I, and who are you?"


OT: I have a very difficult time keeping track of everyone if there are lots of characters in a RP, but I will do my best not to mess up--much!  ;)  I had to make a cheat sheet of characters.

Also, anyone who originally replied to me in the corridor is allowed to respond because its still very early and not everyone has joined in.  I think once Matthias ends up at Redwall we'll have to slow it down a bit--for now we have two very different storylines taking place.  Keep watch for other mods jumping in! ;)


Before the otter could say another word he was surrounded by rodents.  Not in the mean way of course, but literally species of rodents--mice, squirrels, and even another otter.

"What the flippin' fish?" he said, amazed.

How can this be? the otter thought, not so certain how much he should let on.  The animals surrounding him all wore clothes, spoke a dialect of the English language, and wanted to know what he was doing here.  Gee I wish I had the answer to that one too! thought the otter, still stunned from the shock of seeing animals conversing with him as if he'd always been there.  The otter took it slowly, and as plainly as possibly, not certain if these creatures would be truly friendly to a human.

"I don't know what I'm doing here either, and I certainly can use some help!" he said, blatantly.  Getting used to otter limbs and that dratted tail was going to take some getting used to.  "Where am I anyway, and what time is it?"  Maybe I'm still asleep! thought the otter.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


Brigg scratched the back of his head, honestly puzzled by the otter's response. 

"Why, I'd say it's about half noon, friend.  Forgive my askin', but how in heaven did y'get into our dormitories and not know where you were?  Did somebeast let you in?"

What a strange day it was turning into. 
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


What in the name of Vilu Daskar is under that tree?" said Cap'n Barbossa Sparra pulling out his sword and slowly walking towards Matthias.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.

Dannflower Reguba

Quote from: danflorreguba on June 10, 2012, 03:32:01 AM
Ashe Blackflight, the resident black squirrel did a quick about-turn to face the newcomer, "Hello good sir, I am Ashe Blackflight. Who do I happen t have the pleasure of meeting in acquaintance?"

Am I in exestance?  :(

Quote from: Lutra on June 10, 2012, 05:11:18 PM
OT: I have a very difficult time keeping track of everyone if there are lots of characters in a RP, but I will do my best not to mess up--much!  ;)  I had to make a cheat sheet of characters.

Also, anyone who originally replied to me in the corridor is allowed to respond because its still very early and not everyone has joined in.  I think once Matthias ends up at Redwall we'll have to slow it down a bit--for now we have two very different storylines taking place.  Keep watch for other mods jumping in! ;)


Before the otter could say another word he was surrounded by rodents.  Not in the mean way of course, but literally species of rodents--mice, squirrels, and even another otter.

"What the flippin' fish?" he said, amazed.

How can this be? the otter thought, not so certain how much he should let on.  The animals surrounding him all wore clothes, spoke a dialect of the English language, and wanted to know what he was doing here.  Gee I wish I had the answer to that one too! thought the otter, still stunned from the shock of seeing animals conversing with him as if he'd always been there.  The otter took it slowly, and as plainly as possibly, not certain if these creatures would be truly friendly to a human.

"I don't know what I'm doing here either, and I certainly can use some help!" he said, blatantly.  Getting used to otter limbs and that dratted tail was going to take some getting used to.  "Where am I anyway, and what time is it?"  Maybe I'm still asleep! thought the otter.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


OT: I spoke to everybody.  I am saying "the otter" as myself....mainly because the character does not understand what is going on and thus hasn't taken the name I said he would. ;)  Once he does, it'll probably make more sense who I'm speaking to.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


In another dormitory down the hall, Lily awoke to bright sunlight shining through what she thought were the windows of her apartment. "No..." she mumbled, as she tried to turn over. "Can't be morning yet..." Something was in her bed, preventing her from turning over. Sleepily, she grappled under the covers until she found her tail, then moved into a more comfortable position.

Wait a minute... her tail? Suddenly wide awake, she jumped out of bed and stared incredulously down at her furry belly. Laughing nervously, she poked herself. She seemed real enough. She stood there in a daze staring at her paws-which-used-to-be-hands until she heard voices outside. Slowly, she looked out the door. She was greeted with the sight of a hallway full of... creatures. She shut the door to her dormitory and laughed again. Lucid dreaming. That's what it was. Just a dream.


Barbossa thought that the thing uder the tree could wait and made his way to Redwall Abbey.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


The otter looked at Brigg, who had answered his question.

"I don't know how I, in the dormitories," he said after some thinking.  It wouldn't do any good to say he lived as a human in the United States.  It was apparent they wouldn't get that.  Just go with the flow he thought.  "If someone let me in I don't remember it happening, but somehow he I am, and here you all are, and I'm going to have to just live with that for now."

He tried to move closer to the otter, to secretly ask how an otter managed to walk upright, but stumbled before he could get to him, and fell onto the cold stone.  He could only sigh and mumble to the group, "This has not exactly been a wonderful day for me."  Hoping to change the subject, he asked politely, "Any chance I can get some clothes and maybe some food?  Maybe then I'll feel better and can walk straight."  Hopefully that quells any discussion about an otter that can't walk like the rest of them! he thought getting on his rear limbs once again.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra