
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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The Recruiting Sergeants

Started by Flandor, July 02, 2012, 01:28:44 AM

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Character: Dougie
Location: Barrow

Dougie was happy to see his words indeed seemed to have had an impact on the crowd.  He glanced over and saw the little molemaid had returned with her contract.  He was a bit skeptical that such a small and seemingly homely creature would do particularly well with the training, but he wasn't about to turn her swaybacked. Surely they'd find something for her to do. 

Taking the signed contract from her, he gave her a smile and a thank you.  Before he could speak further, a rather short and fat hare was before him, seemingly scared stiff and stammering words at Dougie.  With a closer look, the creature seemed more likely to be a rabbit than a hare.  Dougie had heard rabbits were a bit less sturdy than hares, and that seemed the case here.  However, same as with the little mole, they couldn't afford to pick and choose.  Dougie thought with a little hard exercise and drill this rabbit could shape up quite nicely.  After he'd grown a bit more of a backbone, of course.  At the moment he looked frightened half to death.

He gave the rabbit a smile.  "Of course, wot.  Here's a contract for you then.  Scribble your name down here and you'll be ready to go!" With a pat on the shoulder, he spoke softly again to the rabbit.  "Very brave of you to sign up, chap.  Admirable fellow."


Character: Brigg
Location: Barrow

The other rat, his father's temper, and everything else was soon forgotten by Brigg, who listened with rapt attention to the Sergeant's speech.  He was in awe of the hare's discipline and his skillful use of words.  Brigg could never talk that way. 

Halfway through the speech, Brigg saw his father turn back towards the road to their farm.  Corgan called over his shoulder.  "I'm goin' back home, son.  Ye'd do well to follow soon."

He was confused by his father's sudden turn of ill temper today.  It was very unusual, and quite upsetting.  Brigg watched him walk down the road, still listening to the hare.

Their home was in grave danger, it seemed.  More upsetting news.  Today was getting to be more than Brigg was used to handling.  He longed to be at work back home, where things were simple and his father was his usual jolly self and there was no war. 

War.  What a horrible thought.  He tried to imagine what it would be like and found that he couldn't.  Too horrible.  Far too horrible.

The hare was calling for volunteers. 

If the image of war was too horrible, then the idea of his home being overrun by evil beasts was too awful to stomach.  His little baby sisters, starving.  His mother, broken and sobbing.  His father, toiling under a shadowy creature's lash.  He felt he could sob. 

Brigg laid his paws out before him, palms up.  He examined the callouses and muscle.  If there was anyone who ought to go, it was him.  His father was getting older, he had his fields to tend, and his mother was far too ill and gentle for warring.  No, Brigg was a prime candidate.  He knew he was strong and used to working.  He knew he could handle the marching and hardships.  He did not know if he could handle the killing, but that would be something he must endure, the same as he endured the hot sun and long hours of toil. 

He simply must go.  There would be no end to his guilt if he didn't at least try.

He clenched his paws to fists and lowered them to his sides, taking a deep breath and squaring his shoulders.  The loud sergeant was still standing nearby while the speech-maker was taking recruits further away.  He went to the loud one.

Be brave now, he told himself.

"Sir, I do think I must join ye."
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


Character: Thorn
Location: Barrow

Thorn had listened to Dougie's speech and couldn't help but smile a bit in admiration. They did work together well and, even if he did annoy him occasionally, he was certainly good at what he did. He smiled and nodded to Dougie as he ended his talk and stood down from the crate. Now a few beasts were walking up to him, a molemaid and what appeared to be a hare but, on closer inspection, was a rabbit. Thorn doubted how useful the molemaid would be, but they couldn't afford to pick and choose. They would find something for her (and the rabbit).

"Sir, I do think I must join ye." Thorn wheeled around as he heard the voice speak behind him. And, lo and behold, here was one of the rats in the centre of the quarrel! Thorn nearly jumped back in surprise. A rat, wanting to join the Long Patrol? Who had ever heard of that! Surely he could not allow it! And yet...

All the beasts of Barrow seemed of fair heart. Perhaps this rat was no exception? Wasn't he calling that mouse his father after all? Perhaps he was raised well by him? And this rat had offered the other one, the thief, help from the floor, something a rat would normally not be prone to doing. This beast seemed to be of good heart, and any beast of good heart was welcome to join.

Thorn let out a great sigh and looked back at the beast, who had been standing patiently while this debate carried out in Thorn's head. Then, he addressed him. "Never before have I ever heard of a rat wanting to join us. Yet, you seem to be of good heart, and I cannot refuse any beast with a good heart. If you are absolutely sure you want to join, take this quill and contract and sign it. It simply says that you swear loyalty to us. Don't worry, the quill already has been inked." He then turned towards Dougie, trying to catch his gaze and ask him using his face whether he had done the right thing.
Received mostly negative reviews.


Bruntil shook his head slightly at the speech and so many young creatures signing up.  Signing up for what, to be thrown into the hordes of killers brought by vermin warlords.  The mole knew his history.  A very few of them would survive, and probably do great deeds worth of remembrance.  Others would be changed for the worse after their time.  Still others, whose names would never reach anything but a book of military statistics, would perish to be forgotten.  

Poor young things.  He was glad Brigg had more sense than to -. Where did that rat go?  Oh no.  Ooh no.  Bruntil rushed over to Brigg in time to hear Thorn say something about the contract.

The mole grabbed Brigg's paw, preventing him from taking the quill.  "Maister Brigg, either you'm let oi readen et fur ee, or ee doan't soign et."  Brigg was taken aback.  Bruntil didn't usually do things like this.  But he let the mole read the contract.  Bruntil jammed the thing close to his eyes and began reading. Moles are notoriously shortsighted and Bruntil was no exception.

 He muttered bit and pieces aloud as he read through.  "Ee will give ee Lord of Saladannascon ee loyalty . . . Follow ee orders . . .  Penyalties fur dezzertin' . . . ," Bruntil looked up at Thorn after a short time.  "Whurr do et say 'ow loang ee stays in ee Patroler?  Oi needs to know afore oi signs or maister Brigg soigns." If Brigg was going, he would need someone to keep an eye on him and help him.  Bruntil figured it may as well be him.  Despite his extreme dislike for the whole concept, it was still the right thing to do.  Besides, the mountain might have a good place for more inventions!


Character: Walnut Strider
Location: Barrow

,,Thank you, Sir," Walut said to Douglass. The hare's words were making him feel better and less scared. Still, he wouldn't have called himself brave at that moment. Being brave meant facing dangers without fear in your heart, right? Whatever else he might be, Walnut wasn't fearless. Not like others anyway. The two hares – Douglass and Thornbury - would be going war too, but they didn't seem to be frightened by this prospect. Furff had signed a moments ago and she wasn't scared either. No, she was excited! Walnut was beginning to wonder, if he was the only coward here...

Walnut took the contract and a small bit of charcoal from Douglass and read it (it being the contract of course). It was clear that once he had signed it, there would be no turning back, not unless he would like to risk punishment for desertion. Once again Walnut hesitated. But then, while some part of him was calling him insane and foolish for doing it, he signed the contract. For better or worse, he did it. Strangely, he felt relief. Perhaps it was caused by knowledge that he had made a final choice. What was done, was done and what will be, will be. There was no point in being totally terrified then, although it wouldn't be correct to say that Walnut was fearless now. More like resigned to his fate, though he hoped that death at young age wasn't part of that fate.

He gave signed contract and charcoal back to Douglass and asked him:

"What happens now?"

Something Horrifying

Character: Dmitri
Location: Shockingly, Barrow.

After the distraction the hare's speech provided, and being dismissed as a "petty thief", Dmitri was regaining confidence that he'd be able to get out of this alright. Now would almost certainly be the best chance he'd get to escape. More creatures were moving to sign on with the Patrol, and seemingly forgetting about the small commotion he had caused by running into that large rat. Speaking of which...

Dmitri hadn't even noticed, but the rat he'd been standing beside only a moment ago had stepped away, and... You've got to be kidding me. The other rat, Brigg he thought he'd heard them call him, was standing in front of one of the hares, volunteering to join. Was he completely insane?

Snorting with disbelief, the young thief couldn't bring himself to leave just yet, not without expressing his derision. Keeping as much distance as possible between himself and the hare, Dmitri moved close enough to be heard by Brigg without raising his voice.

"Are you really signing up?" he asked, his tone clearly indicating what he thought of the idea, though with a hint of almost genuine concern. "Just from that little speech? They talk big, but trust me, you're completely expendable to soldiers like this. And not just because you're a rat, either--though it isn't gonna help."

He knew he should get away while he could, but now Dmitri felt like he had to stay long enough to see if he'd gotten through to Brigg. For once he had actually meant every word he'd said--he didn't really care much about the other rat, but he'd still hate to see him join up. In Dmitri's mind, the Long Patrol was exactly the same as the army from which he had only recently escaped.

Fanfics: Blackness (complete) --- Recovery (in progress)
Art: Art Thread --- MS Paint Redwall


Character: Dougie
Location: Barrow

"What happens now?"

Dougie took the contract back from- he glanced briefly at the signature- Walnut, giving the rabbit a smile. 

"Just be here to meet us at daybreak on the morrow, wot? We'll be leaving for Salamandastron then.  You'll want a travelling pack and a bite to eat as well."

He clapped Walnut on the shoulder once more, happy to have the rabbit on board.  Tucking the contract back in his bag, Dougie glanced about for any more possible recruits. 

Next to him, he was suprised to see the big rat talking with Thorn.  Was he serious? It was already completely out of the ordinary that they were accepting creatures other than hares into the patrol, but a rat? He guessed the other Patrollers back at the mountain would be positively flabbergasted by the sight of a rat marching along back to Salamandastron with them, not to mention what the Lord would thing.  However, he trusted Thorn's judgement, as the hare was his senior and far more experienced.  If he thought the rat was acceptable, so be it.  He started again looking about the crowd.

He spied a young ottermaid, a bit chubby but also appearing strong.  She was standing away from the crowd, looking annoyed by the whole situation.  He decided it couldn't hurt to start asking creatures one-on-one and made his way over to her. 

Standing before the otter, he folded his arms across his chest.  "Any interest in joinin' up, miss?"


Character: Brigg
Location: Barrow

As Thorn went to hand him the contract, Brigg became a bit nervous.  He couldn't read, much less sign his name.  Would they bar him from joining for that? Surely this hare would think he was too stupid.  At that moment, however, Bruntil was at his side, staying Brigg's paw and grabbing the paper from the sergeant to read over.  He was a bit startled by the mole's demeanor, but let him do as he wanted.  He listened as Bruntil began asking questions of the hare.

A voice came from a behind him, very clearly directed at Brigg.

It was rat who had bumped into him before.  His voice dripped with disrespect for the whole prospect of joining the Patrol.  Brigg found himself unable to ignore the smaller rat, and turned to face him, taking a good look at him for the first time.

There was no denying this rat was no ordinary country beast.  He could almost be called handsome, but he seemed too well-groomed and disdainful for that.  His speech was educated and his demeanor proper.  Brigg found himself intrigued, unable to stop staring.  He'd never met a creature like this before, and this was the first other rat he'd ever laid eyes on.  Thinking for a second, he remembered his name.  Dmitri, that was it.

He found his words again, fumbling to explain himself to the other rat.  "Er... I'm not afraid o' dyin', not to keep my family from 'arm.  Would be an honorable way t'go."
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer

Tiria Wildlough

Quote from: Flandor on July 28, 2012, 03:05:40 AM
Standing before the otter, he folded his arms across his chest.  "Any interest in joinin' up, miss?"

Trina shifted uncomfortably. She'd planned to give a smart reply if asked to join, but now all her ideas left her. What would the hare say if she refused?
The ottermaid pulled herself together and said, 'But I've got no fighting skills. I've never held weapons . . . I couldn't . . .'
She fell silent. All the other creatures who were joining were obviously as inexperienced as she was. Besides, it would be embarrassing if she was the only beast her age who hadn't signed up.
'Alright, I'll sign up.' she said, trying to sound confident.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Character: Walnut Strider
Location: Barrow

Walnut looked at the hare, who at the moment was recruiting another beast for the war effort. Douglass seemed like a nice fellow, though admittedly his mission would require of him to behave in kind manner to convince as many creatures to sign up as possible.

"Well, Furff... It looks like both of us will be fighting in Long Patrol," Walnut said, as he approached the molemaiden. They needed to find some place to stay for a night and gather more food for a journey to Salamandastron.


"Thas gut. Oi bes froightend but askited s'well." Furff pointed to a bar farther down the street, "Oi'm gonna be gettin' food an' stuff." She trundled off for the bar without looking back at Walnut, "C'mon." She felt more alive then ever, she was joining the Long Patrol! Walnut wasn't such a bad companion after all. Maybe he was sincere. No, he probably wasn't, the fox had seemed sincere. Inwardly, she shuddered, this would be harder then she had first thought, being surrounded by insincere creatures pretending to be sincere day in and day out. Maybe this was the wrong choice.

White One6193

Character: Brawblade
Location: Somewhere along the River Moss.
A young male badger rode on a river barge, which had a small shack atop its deck.
"Hmm," thought Brawblade. "Ah've been travelin' along this river awhile now. Nary a hair nor hide tae be seen!" Brawblade's stomach rumbled. "Ach. And nae food to be tasted, either." The massive badger sighed. There was nothing in the world he loved more than a good meal.  Brawblade silently wished that an otter would show up and offer him some hotroot soup. Sighing sadly, the bard put down his steering oar, and took out his most prized possesion; the massive claw that served as a reminder of his bravest act.
"Ragnar," mused Brawblade. He drifted off to sleep, letting his craft ground itself on the far bank.
"Ride for wrath, ride to ruin, and the world's ending!"- King Theoden


Mit Gott, Fur Koenig, und Die Vadeirlandt!


Character: Thorn
Location: Barrow

"Whurr do et say 'ow loang ee stays in ee Patroler?  Oi needs to know afore oi signs or maister Brigg soigns."
Thorn nodded as he tried to understand what the mole was asking. Working it out, he replied. "Why, as long a we need you, eh wot! Once this threat is out of the way, then I guess ye could leave."

Thorn stood patiently, waiting for the young rat (and possibly the mole) to sign the contract. He was still  debating in his mind whether he had done the right thing, but there was no way he could retract his actions. Then, he heard a sneering voice.

"Are you really signing up? Just from that little speech? They talk big, but trust me, you’re completely expendable to soldiers like this. And not just because you’re a rat, either--though it isn’t gonna help."

Thorn turned to see the voice and, not to his surprise, he saw the other rat, the one who had caused all the trouble. He felt a growing anger inside him and had to restrain himself from drawing his claymore. Just as he was about to speak, the other rat made his reply.

"Er... I'm not afraid o' dyin', not to keep my family from 'arm.  Would be an honorable way t'go."

Thorn nodded in appreciation. He had definitely misjudged this rat, it seemed. All negative thoughts of his decision was erased from his mind. He addressed the other rat in his most intimidating voice. "I think your friend here has just made a valuable point, eh wot? Without us this village here would have been destroyed long ago. And I couldn't care less if he is a rat- he and the mole have proven themselves already to have a good heart, which is obviously more than I can say for you, young one."
Received mostly negative reviews.


Character: Walnut Strider
Location: Barrow

"Thas gut. Oi bes froightend but askited s'well."

Walnut raised an eyebrow. She was frightened? Then she must be very good at hiding it, he thought. Maybe he should follow her example and not show his fear so visibly. That Sergeant had had to notice that he had been terrified with joining the Long Patrol. What a good luck that Douglass hadn't called him unfit for military and had allowed him to sign up or he wouldn't be able to fight against... Hmm... Maybe 'good luck' wasn't the appropriate phrase in this situation...

He and Furff were walking towards a building that looked like a small tavern. This probably was the place, where they could find both food and shelter for a night. After that, they would be taken by those hares to die in some faraway place... Stop thinking like that! Walnut scolded himself. Those military creatures had to know what they were doing and they wouldn't let recruits fight without preparation and training. Hopefully.

Once inside the tavern, Walnut didn't see any creature in the main room. It seemed that every inhabitant of this town was in the square.... No wait, there was one beast – a mouse to be precise - who might be an owner of this place. At the moment this mouse was sleeping, apparently not knowing that the peace of his town was disturbed by arrival of hares from Salamandastron.

"Should we wake him?" Walnut asked Furff.


"Oi doawn't see 'ow else we'm kin get ee room." Furff waddled over and waved her digging claws in front of the mouse's face, "Zurr moawz, we'm wan' ee roomb. Wha' do ee wan' from us'ns?" She held out her digging claw to Walnut, "Oi doawn't 'ave much, do ee?"


Character: Walnut Strider
Location: Barrow

"As a matter of fact, yes I do have something," Walnut said, looking through his bag. Before he had set out on his journey, he had taken a small amount of gold, if he ever needed to pay for anything. After a short search he found a coin purse, but there was something wrong with. It felt a lot lighter than Walnut had remembered. He opened it and – to his great surprise - instead of gold he found a scrap of paper. He took and read it. This was what had been written on it:

Dear brother,

I know you will travel far and long, so I decided to relieve you of your gold. That way you won't tire as fast as you would, if you were carrying all this heavy gold. I hope you appreciate my concern for your well-being.


At first, Walnut couldn't believe what he was reading. Then his surprise turned into anger. Alright, that's it! I don't care if Robin is my brother and he is just 12 seasons old. When I return home this little pest is going to pay for everything, he thought, crushing the piece of paper in his paw. This wasn't the first time when his little brother had played a joke on him. Robin had always loved to be a nuisance to everybody and cause trouble, mainly for his own amusement. Walnut knew he should had suspected something when he had been saying goodbye to his family and Robin had had this smug smile on his face.

Walnut looked at Furff and sighed with exasperation. "I'm sorry, but I don't have anything we could pay for a room with."


"Whoi?" Furff looked over Walnut's shoulder, her brow furled in annoyance, "Is R. yurr bruver or sisker? Eoither way, we'm carn't stay 'ere, wiv no money. Oi'll sleep ootsoide. Oi bain't that cormferble insoide. Whurr ur you'm sleeping?" She turned to the mouse, "Sorr furr waking ye oop furm yurr nap, zurr." She left quickly, not trusting the mouse.