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The Recruiting Sergeants

Started by Flandor, July 02, 2012, 01:28:44 AM

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As I was walkin' down the road
A'feelin' fine and cheery o
A recruitin' Sergeant came up a t'me
Says he, "you'd look fine in khaki, o"
-Charles Dibdin, The Recruiting Serjeant

The Recruiting Sergeants
Part One

Character: Sgt. Douglass T. Jolloper
Location: Eastern Mossflower, near Barrow

A fresh spring breeze drifted over Eastern Mossflower, ruffling the buds and young leaves that filled the trees.  It was still early morning, with the sun low in the sky.  Golden rays colored the foliage and filtered through the treetops.  Birds chirped, branches rustled, and in the distance a small stream could be heard gurgling.

It was a glorious morning to be alive!

Sergeant Douglass T. Jolloper skipped joyfully along beside his companion, another Long Patrol Sergeant.  A wide grin was set on his features, exuberant at the beautiful weather and happy to be awake and moving.   They'd been marching since daybreak after a light breakfast of hard bread, apples and cold water. 

Dougie turned to face his companion, jogging backwards in front of him. 

"Ha ha! Isn't it great to get the old legs moving, Forepaw? This brisk air really gets the blood going, wot?"

"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


The birds had begun to chirp after Bruntil had finished his breakfast and much of his day's work. The mole was a hard worker and preferred to rise early, finish his work, and then do as he saw fit for the rest of the day.  He mopped his brow with a paw and studied his field as the sunrise turned everything info a golden hue.  "Naow, even iffin oi sez et moiself, that'n thurr be a noice 'un, ho arr et do!"  He smiled to himself.  What to do now?  His own field was in good condition, his inventions were, for now, finished.  Well, most of them.  His straitfurrer digger still went left for ten paces, then right for twenty.  But he needed time to think about that one.  After allowing himself another glance at his field and a sigh of satisfaction, he decided to trundle off to see how Corgan's farm was going.  If nothing else, he could help Brigg a little, and perhaps plan an evening at the pub.

He saw Corgan when he arrived, hard at work.  "Gudd day to ee, zurr!" Bruntil tugged his snout respectfully.  "How goes et furr ee?  Wudd you'm loik eny extra paws?"


OOC: Wonwill- 1) Good that you'll be able to get on, 2) My post was fine, everyone knows what's going on. 3) To everyone- Please, please take all OOC comments to the OOC thread.  Thanks.

Character: Brigg
Location: Corgan's farm, Barrow

Brigg rose each day with the sun.  His father had instilled in him the importance of waking early, and he did appreciate working during the cooler time at dawn.  He was working currently in their vegetable garden, weeding.  It needed done, and his mother was no longer nimble enough to work bent double.  He was yanking on a particularly tough-rooted dandelion that was starting to take over the carrot patch when he heard Bruntil hailing his father over by the toolshed.  Brigg's father had been tinkering with a loose handle on their plow.

He listened as he worked on the weeds.

"Well, if'n it isn't me ould mole Bruntil!" Corgan said cheerily.  "How's the day treatin' ye so far today?" His voice rose to a shout.  "Oi! Brigg! Go 'n fetch some water, please."

Brigg straightened and tossed his pawful of weeds aside, hurrying to the well.  There was a full bucket of water already hauled up, so he untied it, stuck a dipper in it, and trundled off with the bucket held in one paw.  He waved to Bruntil as he walked up, smiling.  The mole was a loyal and hard-working beast, both qualities Brigg very much respected.  He always had a new invention he was working on, and while the science behind them often baffled Brigg, he as always interested to hear about them.

"Sure, Bruntil, don' you got any work t' be doin'?" he joked, setting the bucket down beside his father, who gratefully took a drink with the dipper.  Brigg brushed his right paw off on his shirt and held it out for Bruntil to shake.

Corgan finished his drink of water.  "We'd love a hand, Bruntil.  The ould plow needs some work," he said.
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


"Ha ha! Isn't it great to get the old legs moving, Forepaw? This brisk air really gets the blood going, wot?"

Sgt Thornbury Forepaw was never one for much conversation, so he simply grunted in agreement at his companion's comment. The truth was, the beauty of the morning was lost on him. The only thought in his mind was the job at hand. The tough soldier was growing a bit old, and no matter how fit he was running along for far distances wasn't getting any easier for him. However, he wasn't going to question the badger lord's authority. After all, he was the one who had given him a second chance after the embarrassing moment all those years ago. So he ran on, his face grim and set.


Oaka had awoken early in the morning, as he often did. He set about preparing breakfast for himself, his usual tea and scones. He spread the scones thickly with jam and sat back on a chair by the window. The sun was shining, and it was a beautiful day for gardening.

After breakfast and a swift cleaning of his little home, Oaka stepped outside, took a deep breath of the clean, fresh air and begun his work. A few weeds were beginning to grow up around the flower patches, and the carrots were ready to dig up. Even though the work wouldn't take him long, he made sure he dragged it out for as long as he could. He loved gardening, and he wanted to spend as much time doing it as possible. Afterwards, he would go for a dip in the river and do a spot of fishing. It looked to be another perfect day.
Received mostly negative reviews.


Character: Orleaf
Location: Barrow, Blacksmith.

Orleaf was watching a chunk of metal softening in the glowing embers. Spring was always very busy for him, the farmers needed new tools, the farmers' wifes wanted new teapots and the likes. Spring always made Orleaf happy. When he judged the metal had softened enough, he took his pincers and hammer and went to work, making a lumbering axe. Blacksmith was hard work, and Orleaf was looking up to hiring an apprentice.


Character: Leon
Location: The mouth of River Moss

Leon had walked for miles south after his banishment from Blackstone Abbey. His purple habit was ripped in some places and hade some holes in it. He wanted to stay as far away as posible from Redwall Abbey. He was always taught as an apprentice that that place held teachings that would lead to ones demise. He saw the fabled legendary mountain of Salamandastron of in the distance and he wondered what adventures awaited there.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.

Dannflower Reguba

Ashe Blackflight the jet black squirrel was headed to Barrow and much looking forward to it. He hummed the tune "Misty Mountains," to himself as he plodded along a dusty path. Oh to see Bruntil again! It had been awhile sense his last visit. The kindly mole was always a great beast to be with, so friendly! The squirrel let slip a smile as he remembered how they met each other many a season ago at the fall festival.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Character: Malti
Location: the gates of redwall

Malti waved good bye to her firends form the battlements. They had treated her very kindly and she learned a lot from the amazing place. Adjusting her haversack on her back she stepped lively out. She had learned about the fabled Salamandastron and was dying to see it. Heading out west she took out the map that the old recorder had given her. The journey wouldn't be that hard, compared to the Northlands. Looking at the beautiful surroundings of Mossflower she smiled. It was going to be a great day.
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Character: Dougie
Location: Outside Barrow

Dougie wasn't very deterred by his companion's unresponsiveness.  He was used to creatures not sharing his exuberance.  He fell back into place next to the other hare and continued on.

They reached Barrow around midmorning.  The village square they entered was bustling.  There were creatures of all kinds about, peddling various things from market stalls and carts.  The smells of new baked breads, fresh caught fish, and roasting corn filled the air.  The small area seemed packed full, though in actuality there were no more than twenty creatures there all told.  Dougie looked longingly at the stall where a  squirrel peddled roasted ears of summer corn.  His stomach growled rather violently.

"I say, I vote we get through with this recruiting sharpish.  I could stand another round of breakfast."  He dug around in the breast pocket of his tunic, looking for the recruitment notice they'd been sent with.  "Y'don't happen to have that notice, do you Forepaw?"
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


Character: Orleaf
Location: Barrow, Blacksmith.

Orleaf saw the hares enter Barrow. 'We have visitors!' He thought. It was rare when outsiders came. Orleaf continued making a teapot for Bruntil. After a while, he stopped for lunch. He went to the town square to get some fresh bread.


Forepaw nodded in agreement. "Aye, let's get on with it," he said simply. He then put his paws in his pocket and fumbled about until he found what he was searching for. Handing the recruitment notice to Dougie, he let his eyes wander, taking in all the stalls. All that running had made him feel quite hungry... He turned to his companion and let out a rare smile. "Tell you what, how about you go an' hang up that notice. I'll get us some food. I'm feeling a tad peckish."
Received mostly negative reviews.

Tiria Wildlough

Trina saw the two hares talking. She didn't stop to wonder what they were talking about because it was a beautiful day, and she didn't really care. The ottermaid stopped at one of the stalls to talk with its owner.
When she finished, she saw the recruitment notice hanging up nearby. Her eyes narrowed as she scanned it. She felt a bit worried. Did this affect her?
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Character: Dougie
Location: Barrow Village Square

Dougie nodded and took the paper from Forepaw, unrolling it.  He glanced over it.

Volunteers are wanted immediately for the Long Patrol!
Seeking young, strong beasts of all kinds.  Must be of sound mind and body.
Room and board provided.  No prior martial training required.

He looked about at his surroundings.  He hadn't noticed before the stir they'd caused upon arrival.  Apparently these country folk were unused to soldiers marching into town, let alone two Long Patrol sergeants.  Dougie puffed out his chest a bit and added some extra military stiffness to his gait, ever proud of his Patrol.  Never hurt to look professional, though he guessed it wouldn't take much to impress these bumpkins.  Still being stared at by the locals, he searched about for the best place to hang the poster.

He decided on the door of the Town Hall.  He fished a nail out of his haversack and nailed it up, using the pommel of his small knife as a hammer.  Standing back, he admired his handiwork with a grin.  The notice was already catching attention.  He then glanced around, trying to see where Sgt. Forepaw got to.

"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


Leon saw a poster of the Long Patrol volunteer sign up. He walked up to the gates of the mountain and knocked on the gate. "Uh.. hello? Is anybeast there?" He was very nervous, he had never had any military experience.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


Malti had reached the town Barrow after a couple hour march. She was tired, it had been a while since she had taken one of these long marches. She rested by the cool steps of Town Hall and drank some water from her flask. Many beasts of this town had crowded in to see the sign on the door. Malti was curious what it could be and took a look.
She stood baffled after reading it. The Long Patrol was asking for recruits. She of course knew of the Long Patrol from Redwall and was surprised they needed help. Malti wouldn't let an opportunity like this pass. She searched the town for the hares. It was her ticket to Salamandastron and become one of the legendary Long Patrol.
Fun. is a fantastic band.