
Started by Lainet, July 04, 2012, 02:13:06 AM

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OOC: There's no rules or anything on this! Besides the basics of no godmodding and all that. You know. Anywho, anyone and everyone is welcome to join :D

Lainet had always wondered where she came from.  As far as her memories went, she had been raised at the Port of Sanem.  The Port was like a small town- bustling with all the manner of creatures, mainly vermin.  It was supposed to be a neutral area, but the vermin had swarmed it, causing most of the other beasts fear it. All the manner of boats docked at the port to stay a night at the inn and restaurant of Sanem.  Lainet worked at the inn as a maid.  Her "parents" were the owners of the establishment.  Though she knew they weren't really her parents, she still referred to them as her parents.  She was an otter and her mum and dad were weasels.

Lainet was known as "Darkeyes" to the periodic visitors.  This was because of her peculiar eyes that appeared black at first glance.  However, upon further inspection they were actually a deep purple.  Her sleek fur was a very light tan color, like dry sand on a beach.  Dark brown curls swirled up her paws and halfway up her arms and legs as well as on her tail.  Her muzzle was the same brown color.  That particular day, the ottermaid was cleaning the inn porch when some of the searat dockworkers called out to her for some help.  A rather large ship was coming in- and it was suspected to hold corsairs.  Corsairs were forbidden at Port Sanem, but considering it was just about the only convenient docking spot, many corsairs would pretend to be transporting goods to stay there.  Normally, Lainet recalled, they didn't cause trouble.  However, just in case, the dockworkers that doubled as skilled guards would escort ships in.  Sometimes, Lainet would help.
When someone says they've never heard of Redwall... I feel like crying for them.
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OOC: is there a sign up for this?
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


When someone says they've never heard of Redwall... I feel like crying for them.
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OOC: You need to make one if you want this to be good.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


"What're we doin' today, Lainet?" Breersk skipped up.


Tetra watched the shore from her boat, The Black Abbey.
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


Lainet sighed wearily as she replied, "The dockworkers keep asking for help escorting a ship in.  You know how sea beasts act- it's such a pain."
When someone says they've never heard of Redwall... I feel like crying for them.
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"Aye, they go all, shiver me timbers! Y'need to walk the plank!" Breersk screwed up his eyes and limped like he had a peg leg.


Tetra watched them talk and jump off her ship. She was only a girl but a tough one. She walked up and said, "What's that ye say about the sea scum?"
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.


Breersk quailed under the furious gaze of Tetra, "Oh, er, I didn't meen you, marm!"
OOC: I have to go, there's kringla to be made!


"We said nothing bad, Miss.  We just want to welcome you to Port Sanem, and hope you will stay at the Sanem Inn," Lainet said calmly, seemingly unbothered by the captain's intimidating personality.
When someone says they've never heard of Redwall... I feel like crying for them.
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Leatho Shellhound

Mean while on the high seas, captain Hillack one of the most feared sea corsair was headed for Sanem, and to take it...if any one was going to have it ,it would be him.

"Row me crew we will make it by night." he said 
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Lainet decided that staying by the docks wasn't in her best interest.  Maybe she would tell her parents to tell Tetra's crew they had no more room.  The ottermaid honestly didn't want the corsair to stay there overnight.  Sometimes she wondered how the dockworkers were so dimwitted that they didn't even know a corsair when they saw one.  The law against corsairs was pretty much useless.  She walked back to the inn to resume her cleaning duties, hoping there wouldn't be any trouble from the new arrivals.
When someone says they've never heard of Redwall... I feel like crying for them.
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Got a deviantART? Love to see new works~


Breersk waved goodbye and walked off to scrounge in waste bins and off the street, he wasn't lucky enough to get work.


Tetra walk into the inn and asked the innkeeper, "How much for a room to night and a beer?"
I will lead Redwall Abbey to a golden age of peace through the power of Jesus Christ.