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Harry Potter Thread

Started by W0NWILL, July 11, 2012, 03:59:47 AM

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Awesome pictures, Wonwill.  Urgh I hated Umbridge so much.  Especially with all her discrimination towards werewolves and whatnot.  What a jerk.

That was actually a rather intense chapter, Graypatch.  Sad, too :(

And yes, I have a separate bank account to save for my trip.  I can't go for years yet anyway, because I can't get enough time off work until I have more seniority there.
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer

Capn Greypatch

Quote from: Flandor on July 11, 2012, 09:05:47 PM
Awesome pictures, Wonwill.  Urgh I hated Umbridge so much.  Especially with all her discrimination towards werewolves and whatnot.  What a jerk.

That was actually a rather intense chapter, Graypatch.  Sad, too :(

And yes, I have a separate bank account to save for my trip.  I can't go for years yet anyway, because I can't get enough time off work until I have more seniority there.

It was definitely easy to hate Umbridge.

Yeah, poor Moody.....

Aw...well, it's good motivation to keep on workin I guess! 
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing". - George Bernard Shaw


White One6193

GAAAAAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING, bringing that series into a Redwall Forum?! LOL, just kidding.

Anyway, if you like Harry Potter, look up a series that was written about thirty years earlier; called The Dark is Rising.

It was written by a lady named Susan Cooper, who was a student and family friend of none other than C.S. Lewis.

It is very similar in idea to Harry Potter, if differing broadly in detail.
"Ride for wrath, ride to ruin, and the world's ending!"- King Theoden


Mit Gott, Fur Koenig, und Die Vadeirlandt!


I'm rereading the series right now.  I had forgotten how wonderful it is :) it's got such personality, and a very enjoyable plot and style.  The characters are so perfectly described; JK often finds just the right adjective or simile to use. 

I finished 1 and 2 so far; I'm excited to start 3 because it was the one that got me hooked when I was younger and has my favorite characters, Remus and Sirius.
"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer


Yes, three is my favourite as well. It even doesn't focus on Moldy Voldy(;D), that's one of the reasons I like it.


I don't really prefer Harry Potter. That's cool that you like it though. I do like British literature and movies, I just prefer Redwall and Narnia more.
"There's some good in this world, Mr.Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."-Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers



Some Twilight jokes for ya.  Well... not the Snape one, but that one made me laugh out loud.

"Each of us is born to follow a star, be it bright and shining or dark and fated."
-Rillbrook the Wanderer, son of Rillbrook the Wanderer, Grandson of Rillbrook the Wanderer

Skalrag of Marshank

My brother, my dad, and I are really into Harry Potter right now. Haven't seen any of the movies, but I really love the books. I'm on the fifth one.  ;D
"With great chocolate comes great responsibility."
  ~ Larry Boy


my favorite harry potter is chambers of secrets


NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.



I just merged two existing Harry Potter threads into one. Carry on. :)


I'm a Harry Potter fan. :D I'm not sure which is my favourite book. It used to be Prisoner of Azkabam but I've read the first four so many times!
I recently got to go to the HP Studio Tour, near London - was soo good!

Season Namer 2014

Russano the Wise

I love Harry Potter. I've read the first 3 books at least four times and the entire series twice. The first three books have been read more than the others because when I was younger I just couldn't read all the way through the much longer Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. When I got older and was able to read longer books I could finish the entire series in two weeks. It's been a while since I last read it though so it might be do for a re-read. Maybe after I finish my Redwall series re-read.
"But if you really love your friends, they're never really gone. Somewhere they're watching over you and they're always there inside your heart." -Martin the Warrior