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redwall kindle editions

Started by redwally, September 19, 2012, 06:39:03 AM

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Hi there

I know it has been discussed whether there are any Redwall books on kindle at the moment, but I specifically wanted to ask if anyone 'in the know' could give me an ETA for Redwall book 1 on kindle?  It seems really silly to produce kindle editions at seemingly random times in random order... (I am assuming it is a weird publisher timeline thing)

I am a pathological collector of many series, and just cannot handle starting my eCollection with book 2 ;)

thanks in advance for any info or news about this!



I believe that there are several Redwall books on the kindle, but as I have a nook I am not 100% positive which ones, but there are some, that I can say for sure.


Received mostly negative reviews.

Ungatt Trunn

I defunautly know that there is a Kindle edition of the Rogue Crew.

Life is too short to rush through it.

Taggerung The Otter

For GOD so loved the world he gave his only begotton SON so that whoever belived in him would not parish but live eternal life.

Oh yeah...buitiful verse... :D

Mad Maudie

There actually are a lot of redwall books on kindle at the moment not all 22 but a lot... and yes rogue crew is one of them
Cause you are the piece of me I wish I didn't need
Chasing relentlessly and I don't know why
If our love's tragedy why are you my remedy?
If our love's insanity why are you my clarity?
Why are you my clarity?
