OOC: REACHing for Redwall

Started by Dannflower Reguba, September 20, 2012, 05:59:12 PM

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Dannflower Reguba

AAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHH!! My computer is being SO stupid! I got down to the last few words when IE decides to mess me up! AUGH!

So yeah This RP was originally the brainchild of AbbotAlf, but that went down the tube, so I reinovated it.

Setting: Far off future

Scenario: Senate in turmoil, (insert bad guy name here) is on the loose, and has constructed a massive army that has advanced dangerously fast in the tech. tree.

Short version of Plot:
The senate is arguing over the most tricial of things. (insert bad guy name here) makes a blitz which causes no end of damage to the number of personal that that (insert good guy name) have. The Redwallers must now recruit mercenaries to hope for victory... A specific few are sought to make up an elite team called..... Not sure if I'm going to rip off Bungie on this one... lol.

You can play pretty much anything in this: Senotars, Bad dudes, the Salamandastronian Marines, the Redwall Spartans... you name it.

There is also navy based stuff in this unlike halo.

Character sheet!

Codename: (optional)
Primary loadout: (optional)
Rank: (optional)
Appearance: (preferably with a pic.)
Color: (For those with armor)

My Character

Name: Katrina Aerie Tusckiti
Species: (can't decide between a golden furred squirrel, or a cheetah! [fox sized])
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Codename: (optional) N/A (yet)
Primary loadout: (optional) None as of now
Rank: (optional) N/A
Appearance: (preferably with a pic.)
Color: (For those with armor) Silver were the blue is in the pic., black other wise
Personality: Cheery most of the time, perceptive, smart
Occupation: Mercenary/engineer
Job: Engineering
Side: Neutral-Good
Other: Has a cybernetic right arm... no one knows why (SSSSSHHH! Those of you who know who I am don't give it away!  ;D
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Wisteria Wild Cat

Ah, I would join but.... I don't know anything about Halo and the futuristic stuff confuses my small brain!
I am so unbelievably busy at the moment, (BECAUSE I'M MOVING!!!) if you need me, which you most likely won't, PM me!



I'll join but I'll just wing like with Abbot Alfs version.  :)

Name: Flighter
Species: Otter
Age: 21 seasons
Gender: feamale
Codename: Fli
Appearance: Strong built otter
Color: if i had armour it would be the red for the redwall spartans
Personality: Friendly but always willing to prove herself
Occupation: Redwall Spartans
Job: scout
Side: Good

Fun. is a fantastic band.