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Started by Gonff, July 07, 2011, 01:25:10 PM

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Do/Have you homeschooled?

I have forever!
I did, then school, then homeschooled
School, Homeschool,School
School, then Homeschooled from then on
Homeschooled, then school from then on

Dannflower Reguba

Quote from: davers84 on August 22, 2013, 10:42:47 PM
Quote from: danflorreguba on August 22, 2013, 05:23:06 PM
Daverse84...... You have NO idea. 1. Big mistake o life-long friendships there, because we need to seek out the friendship, it's much more likely to last than the friendship with the kid who has study hall with you all semester simply because a friendship that makes you want to take the time to go somewhere out of the way to visit with your friend is most likely more important to the person.
I do have an idea. I VERY GOOD idea of how homeschooling works. I took classes to teach/assist homeschooled children after I graduated. A lot (not all, but a lot) of homeschooled children are very sheltered from the world. Nothing wrong with that since there are a lot of bad things out there. But what can happen is that parents get lazy and don't allow their children to interact with other people, or they just get too overly-protective. I didn't say you don't find friends. I said it's harder to find friends. Sure, the ratio of true friendships vs acquaintances is probably going to be higher in homeschooled children simply because they are going to seek out long lasting relationships. The advantage of being in public schools is that it is EASIER to friend long lasting relationships because you don't really have to search them out. People are around you all the time and it is a lot easier to build friendships that way.

QuoteSheltered? Hardly, but what I was exposed to was controlled so that I didn't go into shock and make the mistake of doing the things that I was shown. My parents care very dearly about me and my siblings, so they filter the things we know that are volatile until they think we're ready to handle them. It's called controlled adjustment.
Yes, sheltered. That's one of the points of homeschooling. What you just described is being sheltered or "controlled adjustment".  Nothing wrong with it. It just shows that your parents care to not expose you to things people just shouldn't be exposed to. And for that, I commend your parents. Many parents homeschool their children because of how corrupt the system is. It's not perfect. And neither is homeschooling/private schools.

QuoteDo you honestly think you need to see someone day in and day out? My best friend is someone that I hardly ever see, and some of my really good friends I see about once a week. A good relationship is not built upon seeing them time and again, it's built on just how much you care about the other. The divorce rate in this country just goers to prove that, married couples see each other almost every single day, but still about 1 in 3/2 break the covenant because they don't care about the other as much as they thought they did.
I never said you had to see someone every day to be friends. I said it's easier to build relationships when you don't have friends and you start seeing people every day. That daily interaction helps. I didn't say it was impossible. Not everyone is outgoing. So someone that is homeschooled all their life with little interaction to those outside their family and probably small circle of friends is going to have a hard time adjusting to strangers. They tend to be more shy and timid.

People on here are saying they are homeschooled and don't have any friends, but how often do they interact with someone outside the home? I was encouraging them and telling them that it will change when you get a job and start interacting with the outside world.

I'm not bashing homeschooling. I think it a lot of instances, it's a wise choice. ASSUMING that the parent is actually going to teach the child along with treating homeschool as "school" and not just some excuse to keep the child away from the outside world. I firmly believe that homeschooled children should go on field trips and be involved in community projects and the likes to help get them motivated and outside their "comfort zones". THAT'S why I regret my private schooling. We weren't encouraged to interact outside our school and it greatly affected my ability to build   friendships and interact with the public. If you are homeschooled and have access to a plethora of friends, count yourself lucky because you are in the minority. Not everyone is going to have that luxury.

You just don't get it dude, I'm not going to bother arguing with someone that thinks he knows when he doesn't. Please leave the topic because this is supposed to be a positive conversation and a way for the Homeschoolers on the forum to get to know each other better..... OUR way. Not this generic way that the rest of the world see's fit.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


You know, I had a long response all typed for you, but out of respect for the other members here that have been so gracious and kind to me since I arrived, I'm not going to post it. I never said anything negative or mean until you personally called me out. Matter of fact, I was being nice and letting someone know that making friends is a little bit easier when you get older and are around more people more often. Is that so wrong? There are a few cons I pointed out but, whether you like it or not, are true in most cases. I'm sorry that your experience in a controlled environment is different than my experience and therefore I'm wrong. You don't have the right to tell me what's right or wrong in my experience. You have been very rude to me and you get your wish of me leaving. But for future reference, don't call someone out (by quoting them) and then get upset when they try and defend themselves and you post with a rebuttal of "Get out. You don't know what you're talking about".


Ok, let's just calm down a bit, guys. Both of you have differing opinions and experiences, but if you are going to discuss them like this, would you mind doing it through PM? Thanks. ;)

(Please don't take offense, I didn't mean any.)
"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." John 17:3


Why does there have to be fights all the time? Look, Davers, When I read your post, the way you wrote it(Which I believe you did not wish it that way), suggested that it's better to be public schooled.

And Dan, you were quite rude. When someone has a differing opinion on a subject, I either ignore the post, or just try to still be friendly without offencing anyone.

Dannflower Reguba

And once again everyone manages to mis-interpret my posts. Someone tell me when this topic is back to normal please.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


So, I just restarted school after summer vacation and I'm still adjusting. I just don't feel like starting Life of Fred Pe-Algebra this year. :P
"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." John 17:3

battle dragon

haya I'm home schooled. I do an online GCSE corse :D
Awesome Domination is my game and Battle Dragon is my name


Quote from: Mask on August 23, 2013, 01:24:39 AM
Seriously, all of my friends are best friend quality, though all of them are girls. I need to get some real guy friends. Not boyfriends, friends that are guys.
the only people I can sort of call friends are guys but their also (and mostly) my brothers friends  :( and Dragon it's course  ;)


Does anyone else do life of fred? I think its fantastic!
"Every fairytale needs a good old-fashioned villain. You need me, or you're nothing."

"People have died."
"Thats what people DO!"

"Did u miss me?"
      ~Moriarty & Sherlock


Quote from: Mask on August 24, 2013, 07:25:40 AM
So, I just restarted school after summer vacation and I'm still adjusting. I just don't feel like starting Life of Fred Pe-Algebra this year. :P
;) :D
"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." John 17:3


"Every fairytale needs a good old-fashioned villain. You need me, or you're nothing."

"People have died."
"Thats what people DO!"

"Did u miss me?"
      ~Moriarty & Sherlock

Russano the Wise

Well, I started school today. I got up at 6:30 AM, read a Redwall book for an hour, ate breakfast, and then started my first day of school. And you know the best part? I didn't have to walk out my front door to get to my school room. I just had to walk to the other end of the house.  ;D I love homeschooling!
"But if you really love your friends, they're never really gone. Somewhere they're watching over you and they're always there inside your heart." -Martin the Warrior


I go to an online school... Does that count as homeschooling?
I went to public school until 8th grade, so I'm no stranger to the public school system. The public schools in my area are not very good at all and my online school teaches me a lot more than the public schools. I'm actually ahead of my friends who are in public school!

Russano the Wise

QuoteI go to an online school... Does that count as homeschooling?

I would say that it does. I take one online class where I have an actual teacher that I'm communicating with and handing in my homework to each week. 
"But if you really love your friends, they're never really gone. Somewhere they're watching over you and they're always there inside your heart." -Martin the Warrior

Tam and Martin

Quote from: Aldeneg on August 26, 2013, 08:39:55 PM
I go to an online school... Does that count as homeschooling?
I went to public school until 8th grade, so I'm no stranger to the public school system. The public schools in my area are not very good at all and my online school teaches me a lot more than the public schools. I'm actually ahead of my friends who are in public school!
I think that will count because you're note in the Public school system. Are you doing it at home?

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000