OOC/Sign-up: New RP discussion :)

Started by Lady_Gwalia, July 10, 2011, 12:12:25 AM

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Do you like the plot idea?

16 (84.2%)
1 (5.3%)
Kind of......
2 (10.5%)
I have another idea(post it if you do)
0 (0%)
not really....
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 17


Wait, never mind, sorry I got confused.
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.--Billy Sunday


I'm just a Redwall Abbeymaid that is good with a sling.  :)
Feel free to send me a private message or visit me at my deviantART, FictionPress, or FanFiction accounts. Message me for account links.


New character list. Sorry I haven't been joining you lately. Rather busy. Wont be able to much this week either.  Hope everyone's enjoying themselves :D


Name: Elya
Occupation: Member of the Traveling Players
Age: 16
Species: squirrel maid
Appearance: Reddish fur, dressed in a forest green tunic, always carries at least a pair of throwing knives.
Other: Performs as singer, harpist and knife thrower, as well as performing as in any skits the players put on.(Songs from the books can be used by the players, if they fit the moment)

Name: Tey
Occupation: Redwall maid training to be healer
Age: 17
Species: mouse maid
Appearance: A small brown mouse maid dressed in a simple sky-blue dress, rather shy
Other: is also interested in Abby history, knows many songs, poems and riddles from Redwall's past


Name: Shellmara Galedeep
Species: Otter
Occupation: Nothing in particular, just wanders around Mossflower. Hates vermin.
Age: 14 seasons
Appearance: Slim build, with dark brown fur. Has two cutlasses in her belt in case of vermin.

Name: Selah the Black
Species: Pine Marten
Occupation: main baddie
Age: 28 seasons
Appearance: Black with a yellow patch on her neck. Has a curved sword.


Name: Trigoma
occupation: wanderer, doesn't mess with vermin if they don't mess with him
age: 16
species: Squirrel
Appearance: Jet black. no weapons but his paws and head. would like weapons though lol
other: just wanders everywhere. Doesn't know about Redwall. It's were he's heading without knowing


Name: Babel Ritachanayitanakimdibrunoskii
Species: Hare
Occupation: Just your everyday hare
Age: Young Seasons
Other: Talks and "babbles" too much. Other beasts have trouble pronouncing his last name (go figure...). Lives at Redwall.
Name: Easóg Zynilte (Eh-soe-g Zin-il-t)
Species: Stoat
Occupation: I guess a slightly important beast in the bad beast's horde (assuming that their is a horde...)
Age: Just about middle aged
Other: Wears a kilt and a tartan cap, green eyes and reddish-brownish fur, wields two swords and has two knives as well, comes from the Northlands

Name: Togan
Gender: Male
Species: Squirrel
Age: Just a dibbun
Occupation: Um....A dibbun..?
Other: Brown fur, is constantly getting into trouble, usual dibbun antics


Name: Whinsil
Species: Hare
Occupation: Redwall Hare
Age: Old enough to be adult but not too old to be an elder.
Appearance: Young in seasons, dressed in a blue tunic (from his father who was a soldier at Salamandastron), and carries a sling everywhere he goes!

Redwall Musician~

Name: Sundew
Species: Mouse
Occupation: A lone traveler
Age: Young seasons
Other: Can throw knives. Was raised by hares so talks like a hare. Left home when her family was killed by vermin. Is loud spoken and a little brave. (Note I say "a little".)

Name: Maypetal
Occupation: a Traveling Player
Age: Young-ish (Not a Dibbun)
Species: Hare (girl)
Other: An actress. Can make herself cry over nothing. But can be serious too.


Name: Webbtail (I'm always him, he's my character! His age etc always changes though)
Occupation: Skipper of otters at Redwall.
Species: Otter
Age: Quite young, about 16 seasons, which is a little older then Matthias was in Redwall.
Appearance: Wears whatever otters usually wears.
Other: A master of all weapons but uses a sling at long range and for short range an otter javelin or a sword, but mostly an otter javelin.

Name: Joey
Species: Squirrel
Occupation: Abbey warrior (I can't see any other abbey warrior)
Age: However old Felldoh was in Martin the Warrior
Appearance: Normal squirrel hair.
Other: Webbtail's best mate. Normally uses Martin's sword, however, since it's stolen he is learning how to use an otter javelin. Can be very stubborn and rebellious. An absolute champion tree climber.

Nature Lover~

Name: Putley De Ramo Parmare
Occupation: Member of the Traveling Players
Age: In his prime seasons
Species: hare

Name: Trinn
Occupation: Lives at Redwall
Age: young but not a dibbun
Species: Squirrel
Other: She is an orphan found by Redwall creatures when she was young. She is rather independent. She loves the woods and can use a small bow and arrows rather well.

Crantor the Bloody~

Name: Alivaned Doodledoop
Occupation: Lives in Salamandastron
Age: As old as Dandin in "Mariel of Redwall"
Species: Hare
Other: Good ol' rascal, ol' gel. Doncha know? Wot wot!

Name: Navius
Occupation: Lives in Redwall
Species: Squirrel
Other: Trigoma's "bodyguard" otherwise he just likes following him.

James Gryphon~

Name: Terrus
Physical Description: Light brown fur; slightly below average size. Consistently wears a brown cloak. Wields a short sword; also tends to carry along some small trinkets with him in his pockets.
Occupation: Hired thief, occasionally assassin
Place of Residence: A previously abandoned system of mole tunnels, hidden in the Western Plains
Age: Middle-aged
Species: Vole
Motivation: Wants to get as many "friends" as possible.
Personality: Seemingly light-hearted and sociable, but deeply delusional. Ascribes anthropomorphic qualities to inanimate objects and non-sentient creatures, speaking to them as though they're listening and can understand him. Can be easily soothed, manipulated, and controlled by someone who pretends to understand his condition.

Lady Amber~

Name: Lady Amber
Weapons of choice: bow and arrows (of course!), dirk, blowpipe and poison darts.
Age:twenty-three seasons
Occupation:Fifth Squirrelqueen of Mossflower.
Fur colour: Bright russte coloured, sandy streaks through-out her tail.
Other info: Is the great-great-great-great-great-great granddaughter of the first Lady Amber.

Name: Streamblaze
Age: 13
Species: Otter
Occupation: She's a scout
Appearance: Chocolate-coloured fur with a creamy white throat. Wears a leather belt with a sling. She also carries twin javelins. Has a woven reed bracelet on her left arm. This bracelet is dyed with the colours green, amber, and red.
High or the hills, far or the seas,
Fly with the small birds and follow the breeze,
Go with your heart, where would you roam?
Back to the rose colored stones you call home.
~The Pearls of Lutra


Lady_Gwalia, we have a wee argument aboat whether the moon iz oat or nay. Az yer the creator o' thiz RP, we thought it bezt tae azk ye tae zettle it. Here are the argumentz fer each.

No moon is out:
- The first post to mention the moon stated that the moon was in the "New Moon" stage, and thus there was no moon.
- Lady Amber is using the same exact excuse as with the forum war thread, where she had said that she was in bloodwrath and could do anything she wants to do, only this time saying
Quote from: Nightfire on July 30, 2011, 03:13:14 PM
...I say the moon should be out..........
Which is using the same exact same "I'm Lady Amber, and I can do anything I want!" attitude as before.

The Moon is out:
- Lady Amber says the moon should be out.
- HIAG said
Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on August 09, 2011, 01:15:23 AM
The moon would have been out and shining magnificiently, but it had the fever and was restricted to staying in bed and reading Sherlock Holmes stories instead. Because of this night got fed up with waiting for the moon to come out, stopped slowly creeping up on the earth, took a running jump, and completely covered the earth in darkness.
which is utterly ridiculous and its stupidness is thus reason enough for the moon to be out.
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.

Tiria Wildlough

I have a little question: who is going to kill Selah the Black? Because somebeast will have to...
??? ???
My tumblr! not-the-skycat.tumblr.com
I'm not a hipster.

James Gryphon

QuoteOh, shut up. You're the one who posted something ridiculous
I'd like to request that nobody continue to use harsh language here. This problem can be solved without personal attacks on other members.


... is using the same exact excuse as with the forum war thread, where she had said that she was in bloodwrath and could do anything she wants to do
I'd prefer if we could keep hard feelings about past events out of this; anything anyone may have done in some other topic isn't the issue at hand. That topic you refer to, on the Off-Topic forum, was closed, and for good reason. Let's not have a continuation of that topic and its problems, all right? This goes for everyone; I'd prefer, as both a player and a moderator, not to let conflict drift in and ruin a promising RP like this one.

Now to the problem at hand:

(long quote from story)
...which is utterly ridiculous and its stupidness is thus reason enough for the moon to be out.
I think (as a player) that the main issue here is that the explanation of the moon's movements in the story isn't as clear as it would likely be in a Redwall story, and it takes a different tone than normal Redwall writing, with noncanon references to things such as "Sherlock Holmes" that don't exist in the universe we're writing here.

Because of that, I'd say that there might be a certain temptation to avoid making reference to it in later posts -- after all, there have been other times in other RPs when players have revised or outright ignored other players' contributions, simply because they were inconvenient for the story.

I have no way of knowing whether the second post was initially made with the awareness that the moon had been previously set in course in the previous post, so it isn't necessarily wrong that there was a contradictory post, though I'm not sure the first post should have been ignored when a protest came up. Barring Lady Gwalia's decisions, facts mentioned in earlier posts take precedence over later posts.

If we were going to go back and edit old posts, here's what I'd suggest myself: Maybe remove the reference to the moon shining in the second post, but also edit the first post that refers to the moon's current phase to make it more Redwall-themed.

In the end, this is Lady Gwalia's RP, and if we can't have an amicable agreement on this issue, she can resolve it... but I'm afraid for this story if she has to, because if our RPers can't resolve a simple thing like the moon's current phase, how can we possibly agree on something important later on?
« Subject to editing »


Zae ha' many beaztz are goin' tae be in thiz group exactly?
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


I've been away for quite a bit and it seems my rp has run a little wild! When I left everyone was at the feast. What happened to waiting for the direction of the story? Please be patient, you've kind of rushed ahead in things. Also, no more characters please. We've got a full cast of character to have fun with, any more and it will get overwhelming.  Another thing, please be polite to one another. We're here to have fun. You can resolve a difference without being rude. If you need to discuss something please use this page not the rp page. Thank you.
High or the hills, far or the seas,
Fly with the small birds and follow the breeze,
Go with your heart, where would you roam?
Back to the rose colored stones you call home.
~The Pearls of Lutra


Also, not to be rude or anything, I need people to stop giving directions. It's confusing the original story direction. I'm not going to point a finger at anyone in particular, I know more than one of you have done it. The story isn't running how I intended it to. Has anyone noticed a specific Redwall touch that's missing? What happened to warning from Martin? Riddles, anyone? That's one of the reason's I have Tey as a character, she's a historian, a scholar. They always need someone knowledgeable for the quests, but you lot ran off before we got there.  What needed to happen was this: Someone receives a dream/vision from Martin, they ask the Abbes about it, she sends them to the gate keeper and Tey. The dream needs to run along the lines of telling them about the queen, in a riddle, if someone wants to attempt it. Then a max of 10 characters should head out on the quest. Head in general direction of evil queen, and meet a couple dangers on the way. I should have told you all a more structured direction. But lets see if we can salvage this. Quest people: Please head back to the Abby, after all, you need vittles :D
High or the hills, far or the seas,
Fly with the small birds and follow the breeze,
Go with your heart, where would you roam?
Back to the rose colored stones you call home.
~The Pearls of Lutra


Wot if they come upon the dibbunz an' the otter an' have tae take them back?
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


That would be a wonderful way to have them return. Thank you :) Who would like to have the dream from Martin?
High or the hills, far or the seas,
Fly with the small birds and follow the breeze,
Go with your heart, where would you roam?
Back to the rose colored stones you call home.
~The Pearls of Lutra


Maybe when they return an' the Abezz comez out tae greet them zomebody zuddenly goez intae a trance and zayz the riddle?
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


High or the hills, far or the seas,
Fly with the small birds and follow the breeze,
Go with your heart, where would you roam?
Back to the rose colored stones you call home.
~The Pearls of Lutra


It would be funny if it was a dibbun!

But I doubt it, I personally think Tey should have it, or maybe one of the travellers.
Received mostly negative reviews.


Sorry, we did get out of control. :-[ I think it will be good to have the traveling players come back and try this again.

Who is going to go into "the trance?" Will it be Tey who has it when the players come in? Maybe kinda like Sister Nasturtium did in Salamandastron?

One more question, do you want Trinn and Putley to go on the quest? It doesn't really matter to me.

Sorry if I got a little bit controlling well you were gone. I'm glad your back and I think it will go better this time. ;)
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.--Billy Sunday