
"Beep-Bloop" -Matti, probably

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Overlord's Orders VII

Started by Matthias720, January 14, 2013, 05:24:04 PM

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The entry deadline has been reached, and sign-up has been locked. Ready? Here we go....

Banners flapped in the breeze, moving back and forth. Birds flew overhead, trilling their songs of happiness. A stream gurgled nearby, as water rushed over rocks and pebbles. All of this beauty was lost on the Overlord. With keen eyes, he spotted what he had been waiting for. Over a small hillock came a group of assorted vermin, comprised of ferrets, rats, stoats, and even a fox. When they reached him, they all quickly bowed to him, waiting for his word to rise. “Come,” he said, “and enter my tent.” Following the Overlord, the group entered the large tent, seating themselves at a large table. The Overlord sat at the head of table, signaling to a nearby weasel. Servers quickly rushed in with plates of vittles for the motley crew of vermin, as well as two small rats rolling in a large barrel of ale.

Slowly sipping wine from a silver goblet, the Overlord waited until the group had finished their meal before addressing them. “Now that you have had vittles and drink, harken unto me. I have a proposition for you that I believe you will be interested in. I am the mighty Overlord from the North. I have no name, as none is needed. You have no doubt heard of me and my horde, as we have crushed every force that has ever opposed us. You are all each a leader of your own small band, but they all pale in comparison to my powerful army. I therefore am extending an invitation to you to join me and become officers and captains in my horde. If you do, I will fill your sacks with treasure and your mouths with fine vittles. What do you say? Will you join me?”

The vermin were all pleased at the thought of good vittles and loot. It mattered little that the Overlord had no name, or that he wasn’t even any specific type of recognizable vermin. Looks had nothing to do with power and prestige. Greed won over the crew, and they all quickly agreed to join the Overlord’s army.

Smiling disarmingly, the Overlord was pleased that he had won them over so easily. Looking at them each in turn, he gave them their first assignment. “Go to the seamstress and get your uniforms. Once you have them, I want you each to take a squad of ten soldiers and go out foraging for food along the stream. I believe this will be a good test of your abilities. Now go.”

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“Unacceptable! How can you fail so miserably at simple foraging? I send you to do one simple thing, and you give me results that a blind frog would laugh at! You were supposed to bring back good vittles, like fish, berries, or bird eggs. Even roots and herbs are better than what you lot brought back! My army cannot eat rocks and firewood. And what is this? Is that…Yes it is. What is with that snake skin? Explain yourselves! You, with the dumb look on your face, explain to me what happened, before I lose my temper!”

OOC: That's right. The mystery theme I chose for this round is Redwall Villain Overlord. If this proves as entertaining as I think it will be, we're in for a rather fun round. :)


Taggerung, exalting in the best uniform he had ever wore, spoke first. "Well, mighty Overlord o' the North, leader over these vagabonds, I can tell you! I would've pleased you greatly, had you seen my squad's foragin' an hour ago, afore these lot of scurry excuses for good foragers ruined it all! First, there was Daniel's crew, slammin' 'round the wood like a bunch o' wasps, hammerin' at trunks like termites, they were! Me an' my true foragers did a better job than they ever could. We had berries an' 'erbs an' roots o' all sorts, when my crew unfortunately was set upon by the excuses for soldiers led by Daniel. He was screamin' up mad like, wavin' 'is cutlass like a toy, an' pointed it right at my throat, yellin' to come and steal all o' our food. I think he was jealous and didn't want t'come back t'you with no vittles o' his own. I really don't know what was wrong with 'im. Warra you supposed t'do 'bout it? Well, anyway, he got t'yellin' louder than a bankvole inna mudball and up comes this big snake. It must've been an adder, majesty. It was so big, that I can't believe the rest of the crews didn't 'ear it. They must've been too scared, the cowards! I love a good fight, so I start pushin' my squad for'ard t'engage, and it clears off. Daniel, scared out of 'is wits, calms down enough to get an idea into 'is head. An' a bad one at that! So he takes off with 'is crew, after they eat all o' our vittles, and purloin a snake skin downhill. Block'eads!"
Start building something beautiful and just put the hate away


Mattio feeling rather pleased with what he had got was terrified at what the Overlord had to say. "Well sir I had a whole great feast we were carrying it back when lightning struck one of my soldiers i told them to run back. None of them didI found them under a tree stuffing their faces with everything we found. I whipped all of them into shape and made them search."


Romsca finished what Mattio was saying. " we searched for a long time, and I found some food. But PluggFiretail here started eating it all. We carried it back anyway, but PluggFiretail had finished by the time we got here. What do you have to say about that, Plugg?"

OOC: Unfortunately I won't be here Friday or Saturday. Is that okay?


OOC: That's fine. Just be sure to check in on Sunday to make sure you if you have to post or not.


Plugg bowed. "My lord. Romsca has been accusing me for this because Mattio ate it all, but forced the last bit in my mouth and Romsca me."


Quote from: I found this in the rulesWhenever someone says something, it becomes fact.


as soon a Plugg stopped stuffing her face I tackled her because that was the best food we found I beat her into telling the truth


Daniel the ferret leader spat on the floor. "Gah, trust Tagg to get the story all wrong! Let me tell ya, oh great Overlord, me and mah crew are tha stealthiest lot around. The reason we were 'stampin' around like a bunch o' wasps' was for that reason exactly. Wasps. They were set loose on us by none other than Leatho and 'is lot. He was obviously jealous o' the great vittles we 'ad found, and wanted to be the best in your eyes. Let me tell ya, we would 'ave been the best if it were not for Leatho. He set them wasps loose on us he did, an' they stings us badly, and we run about and run in to Tagg and 'is lot by mistakes we did. I was trying to swat the wasps away with me cutlass, so that was why I was wavin' it around, and I wasn't yelling about trying to steal Tagg's food, I was yellin' about Leatho tryin' to steal ours! I tripped over an' that's why I pointed me cutlass, because I fell on 'im.

And about this snake. We weren't a-feared o' no snake, the yells were because o' the wasp stings. They were still a-hurtin' like made they were! So we sees this snake, and an idea came to mind. Snake actually tastes quite nice, you know. So I decides to chase it after Tagg an' 'is lot did there thing. So we chases it, but sadly it was gone. One o' my crew picked up some of the skin it had shed. I didn't think it was needed, but Psybox's crew did, who we came across soon after, and we gave it to them to take. So that's why it is there, M'Lord. Also, we didn't eat all 'is vittles, they were eaten by some o' Redwaller's crew, who we met at the same place Tagg was at. Some of our crews mingled, so that's probably why Tagg got confused.

And ask PluggFiretail about the rocks 'n firewood, they were the once who took 'em 'ere."
Received mostly negative reviews.


 "Well Leatho's crew jumped on our food sup'lies too. That was after I tackled Plugg. She had already eaten it all by the time I saw her.She started running oh'ho she did. But I catched 'er.And she promised never to eat anything we've scavenged again, M'lord. Then I saw that snake Daniel was talking about. We set up an ambush in the trees. Here comes the snake then comes Daniel's Blundering lot. They scared the snake away and everything else." Mattio stared crossly at Daniel.

Tam and Martin

Tam finally spoke "But Mattio stole the supplies when everyone wasn't looking. I saw him!

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


Mattio look crossly at Tam "Nae I didnae steal it I was stealin' it back me lord. ye see he stole all our food, now this was before Plugg scoffed it. I saw Tam sneak away with all our food. So I got me band tugether ta hunt 'im down."


OOC: While I haven't noticed any specific instances or problems this round, here are a couple of things to remember about how the game works:
1. When someone says something, it happened. Your job is to explain why, despite of how things look, you were not to blame.
2. Take responsibility for you actions, and use what other people have said to your advantage.
3. Don't be afraid to be creative. Thinking outside the box may save you from being eliminated.
4. When you're not sure what to post, think about your dilemma, and try restating your actions that other people have said that you have done. You may be surprised at the ideas that you come up with.

Person 1: I saw what happened. Person 2 blew up the treasure you wanted, with 50 pounds of TNT.
Person 2: Yes, I blew up the treasure, but only because the treasure was rigged to trigger traps set up by Person 3. They wanted to keep the treasure safe, but none of us could get near it. Destroying the treasure was an accident, because Person 4 was the one who placed the TNT for me.
Person 3: I wasn't my fault. Person 1 told me to keep the treasure safe while they went to get shipping containers to carry it in. I may have gotten a bit carried away, but Person 1 was the real brains behind it. Ask them why they thought traps were a good idea.

Also, I was bored yesterday, and I doodled a rough map of the area this game is taking place in. It might give you clues as to what lies ahead in future rounds.
Overlord's Orders VII Map

Keep it up, and try to make the best posts possible, so that you will stay for the next round.[/i]

Tam and Martin


You see Overlord, I took some of the food so that I could bring it back to you. everyone else was fighting over the food. When I saw Mattio giving chase, I ran back and handed the food to ToR.

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


Run I did from Mattio, because he was beating me up, trying to cover HIS gluttony. I brought the rocks and firewood here by accident because I thought that it was the last of the food and was planing on giving it to you but... *looks at firewood and rocks* it's not edible. It was wraped up, as you can see. So I couldn't tell.