Duel -- Tzarin(W0NWILL) vs. Julian(Sparks of Southsward)

Started by W0NWILL, February 15, 2013, 04:54:31 PM

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The breeze rattled through leafless branches that clawed at the sky. The sun was setting over a late autumn day in Mossflower. Tzarin, one paw on her sword, the other removing a flask of ale from her belt. She sipped it and watched a bird, a robin, flew past on its search for food before winter. The wind picked up and a few drops of rain began to fall. Tzarin wrapped her jacket more tightly around her and set off in a brisk walk in the direction of Redwall.

The group of mice huddled closer to their fire, blowing on their paws and rubbing their noses to stay warm. One of them chuckled, "Wish we had found Redwall today, mates. We could be by a warm hearthfire sipping tea right now." The others murmured agreement.

Tzarin smiled a sly smile, the flickering light of a fire showed through the trees. She drew her sword and strode toward it. She marched right into their midst, the mice went deathly quiet, "Get out of here." Tzarin commanded. One of the bolder mice stood up and faced Tzarin, "No," he began, but stopped when Tzarin's sword tickled his throat, "Leave the fire, your food, your cloaks, and your possessions to me." She said in a deadly voice. The mice nodded, and scrambled away, leaving their rations and belongings behind. Tzarin grinned and helped herself.

The mice ran in the direction they had been heading, toward Redwall. It wasn't that long before they were knocking on the door to come in.

The mice had been let in quickly, and they were telling their story to a group of Redwallers and a Long Patrol hare, "She was a large fox, she pointed a sword at us and told us to leave so she could use our fire." One of the mice babbled, "She took our food and belongings, everything but the clothes off our backs."

Sparks of Southsward

It was a rather cold a miserable day as Julian the Long Patroler was peering out of the window into the cold of the day, he then saw that he was approached by a band of bedraggled mice, telling him about the fox who took what they had, he silenced then as he raced upstairs, throwing on his campaign uniform and slid a red beret neatly onto his head, it had a gold badgers head on the middle, he then grabbed his weaponry, a ornate halberd with a large steel nut on the staff end and a buckler shield and short sword to boot he stormed off into the evening, in search of the fox


Tzarin picked the least ragged cloak from the ones the mice left and put it on over her jacket. Something in the fire caught her eye, and she pulled out her sword and neatly speared the potato. She took a tiny bite, and burned her tongue. After she was done cursing, she slide the potato off her sword and onto a rock. She stabbed a branch in the middle of the fire with her sword. When the blade got too hot to touch higher up, she would start eating the potato. After the first five minutes the sword blade could still be touched, albeit it was getting uncomfortable to do so. At the ten minute mark, she could touch the sword blade, but only for five seconds. At fifteen minutes, she looked up, and saw the hare. She grabbed her sword, meaning to pull it smoothly out of the branch, but it stuck and she ended up with a hot sword in her paw, with a stick at the end. Nevertheless she brandished it at the hare.

Sparks of Southsward

The rain would pick up from drizzling to a consistant downpour but his eyes were locked on the fox by the fire, with that he would put his halberd down in front creating quite the reach with the badger-crafted weapon "So your the bushy tailed she-witch I'm hearing about, what business do ya 'ave in Mossflower? An' be quick to speak, my halberd here thirsts for vermin blood" as he talked, he would pace in a circle around the fox, keeping his wits about him.


Tzarin began moving to the side, her hot sword at the ready and keeping her gaze locked on the hare, "I don't fear you, bunny!" she spat as she raised the thin sword, glowing orange with heat. Finally, the log slid off the end and landed at her feet. A few sparks landed on the leaf mold and the wind blew them into a little flame that was soon quenched by the downpour. With a crackling hiss, the fire went out, plunging them both into darkness. Spots in her eyes, Tzarin quickly backed up so she could have a little time to regain her night vision.

Sparks of Southsward

"A bunny? Now patchcoat, listen well because I'm a jolly..." at that point, the fire was extinguished, smelling a burnt potato, soggy fur, and the smell of rain, he clutched the halberd close, taking a step or two back as well, not daring to make a sound, knowing that all foxes had a keen sense of hearing.


Tzarin's night vision took a while in coming back, but it came back, maybe a little after the hare's, seeing as she had been seeing by the fire's light longer than he, "Now, rabbit." she goaded, trying to anger him, "Let's dance!" She assumed a fighting position, her sword held downward at an angle and her knees bent.

Sparks of Southsward

The hare breathed a sigh of relief as his eyes adjusted back to normal, now with a smile he bent his knees and stabbed outwerd with the steel axe/spear combo, having the idea of where the fox captain may be.


Tzarin was able to see it coming and stepped back, sucking in her stomach, the spear part just touched her belly fur. She swung her sword downward in a counter attack, her teeth gritted in concentration.

Sparks of Southsward

The long patroller heard the crash of metal upon metal, the contac sending an uncomfortable shockwave through his paws, he then retreated a few paces to wait for the fox to come to him. "So in the meantime chapess, may I ask what your flippin' name is?"


"Tzarin." she replied and swung her sword several times on the offensive. Her strikes were small and quick.

Sparks of Southsward

Julian tried to deflect most of the blows with his halberd and buckler, though one strike did land a blow, right on his left shoulder "Yowch! Clipped ol' Jule here in the shoulder!" he then would try to counter with the heavy steel nut at the end of his halberd.


The nut hit Tzarin in the chest, just below her throat. She staggered back, coughing, not recovering before Julian would be able to attack again.

Sparks of Southsward

Julian took the moment, slashing at her with all the might of his halberd, aimed to take a chunk out of her chest, adrenline warmed him on this wet, cold, night. "EULALIA!"


Tzarin stumbled back further, her paw automatically going to her wounded chest. She kept backing up, her sword at the ready for when the hare attacked again.