
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Round One: Swords of Freedom (Spring Festival)

Started by BrookSkimmer, March 10, 2013, 11:57:25 PM

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  Spera jumped at the sound of another creature's voice.  She had scared herself silly while looking at the ship, so she hadn't expected anybeast to start talking.  Or to have somebeast standing next to her, for that matter!

  Spera looked at Frost, her brown eyes wide with fear.  "I think there are vermin out there, Frost."  She tried to argue with herself, thinking, Maybe it's just a trade ship or something.  It could be peaceful beasts.  She couldn't convince herself.  What normal beast would be out in a storm?

  Shivering and still clutching herself, Spera stepped closer to Tim.  Partially because she was afraid and he seemed like a big comfort, but mainly because he blocked some of the wind.  She looked up slightly to see his face.  "Are they vermin, sir?  Do you know if they're vermin?  We're not in danger, are we?  I mean, not serious danger, right?"

  Spera stopped herself from speaking more, realizing that she was rambling.  The panic was the obvious cause, but her teeth were chattering, so that might have helped some.  She peered off into the distance, trying to spot the ship again.  She hadn't had enough time to get a good look at it, but it certainly hadn't looked like a very good ship.  Maybe she was overreacting, but she was scared.  Overreacting was common when one was scared.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Dannflower Reguba

     Xbalantie followed her leader stoically through the plastering wind and rain. The lightning once again illuminated the BloodSpine. The squirrel twitched her nose at Spera's first comments.... "Are they vermin, sir?  Do you know if they're vermin?  We're not in danger, are we?  I mean, not serious danger, right?" At these second comments, Xbalantie was somewhat aghast. Turning to the squirrel maid she tried her hardest not to be condescending to the obviously less-experienced, "Pfff... Of course they're vermin! No beast else runs such a terrible patch job that I can tell from this far away in the midst of a full gale! Peaceful creatures don't have all black ships, and they don't run a pirate flag! Wave runners are of the most vicious vermin type there is, this entire coast line is in grave danger!."

     Xbalantie took a moment to catch her breath. Of all the different activities a beast could do, she found talking to be the hardest by far. Beyond that, she had spoken more there than anyone had heard her speak in an entire day. This had also been the loudest she had spoken, her voice carried like no beasts business, but even that wouldn't have been enough to force her hard voice through the storm gauge tempest.

     She turned back to the fore-front, not expecting an immediate answer, shock always came right after her talking, much less shouting, and there was still pondering to be done about the ship... At the rate it had been going, and noting the halting progress of the scourge of the sea.... She shook her head, "No beast could properly plot this ships path."

"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


As she saw Xbalantie talking to Timballisto in a low tone, Sora's bent ear flicked. A pebble of dread dropped into her stomach. It was obvious to see that something was wrong from the urgent expression on Xbalantie's face.
The tiny squirrelbabe, Tibble, halted his dancing when he saw his older friend looking the other way. He frowned, scampered to her lap, and used her shoulder's to stand taller, filling Sora's vision with his chubby face. "Wassamatter, miz Sora?"
The albino forced a smile. "Nothing, Tibble. Here, run along now. There's something I need to attend to."
Tibble tipped his head to the side, about to demand an explanation, but the squirrelmaid picked him up from her lap and deposited him onto her seat. Sora glanced across at Liv, hoping to catch her eye and inform her of the event that seemed to require the Swords' attention. There was no time. Somebody else would warn her. Right now, it was important to find out what was going on without drawing too much attention.
Sora winced as soon as she set foot outside, almost driven back through the doorway by the ferocious gusts and the pellet-like rain. She paused to catch her breath and draw her trusty katana, Kaiho, from its sheathe across her back. After a second deep breath, she charged out into the storm and fought her way up the path to the cliffs. A bolt of lightning made a dash in the endless grey storm clouds overhead, briefly illuminating the surroundings. Sora made out four shapes standing on the cliffs and set a course towards them. Several times she was almost swept off her feet, but eventually she reached the cliffs. The squirrelmaid said nothing, standing behind the cluster of Swords on the cliff. She faintly heard Xbalantie's outburst, but one sentence was perfectly clear. "Of course they're vermin!"
Sora squinted through a blinding flash of lightning that briefly shattered the dark heavens just long enough for her to spot the ship. It was a tall, frightening beast that bucked and dipped on the crashing waves, but still managed to stay afloat. The albino had heard Xbalantie mention a pirate flag and, though Sora could not make it out herself, she trusted the other squirrelmaid's description.
Pirates. Seascum. Vermin flotsam.
Instinctively, Sora's paw tightened around the hilt of Kaiho. She had nothing personal against pirates, but a vermin was a vermin. There was no chance that the monster of a ship out there belonged to a merchant. Vermin were coming. What we need right now is to keep level heads and discuss this calmly. There's always a logical solution. If that means war, then war it shall be.
Sora frowned, staring out at the wild sea in the darkness. She could not see much with the illumination that lightning would provide, but she could hear and feel the worsening conditions of the storm. Could any ship sail through that and survive? She doubted it, but she also knew to never underestimate enemies. There was always a chance that the ship would get a lucky landing on the coast. In that case, the Swords needed to be prepared to fight and defend their home. It would be wise to hold a Council of War, she thought.
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


Five rudimentary machines of Timballisto's creature stood as stoic giants on the hillsides near the cave dwellings. The mouse had made sure to leave a good stock of ammunition near to each of ballista. One never knew when their home would need protecting. That time had come soon, too soon for anybeast's liking.

After the brief conversation mostly consisting of snippets of shouting over the gale, Tim now made his way back down the cliffs and along the path that lead to the main storage locker used for those working the ballista. The locker was actually a hollow, dug out of the hillside, and big enough to allow the members of the Swords of Freedom to gather inside. Tim made for the locker with all haste. He knew the Swords would attend him. It was time for a council of war.

On his way to the locker, Tim ducked back inside the Hall of Dawnlight and signaled an older mouse to come to him. This mouse was named Bryant and he held a leadership role within the clan.

"Listen Bryant," Tim began, a concerned look on his features. "Now, I don't want you to be alarmed and I don't want this to turn to panic. However, you need to let the clan know, in as careful of tones as you can, vermin have been spotted."

"Vermin! Where? When? What shall we do?" Bryant could not stop the words tumbling forth.

Timballisto grabbed the old mouse by the shoulders to steady him. "Bryant. Get a hold of yourself. You have always been the strong leadership voice of our clan. You will tell them to stay inside, stock up supplies for the young ones and those females who do not wish to face the dangers vermin carry. Those who can fight should be ready to do so. You will gather in the Hall of Dawnlight and await my orders. Do you understand?"

Bryant nodded dumbly. "Yes, I understand," His eyes brimmed with tears. "Vermin. Here, now? Vermin."

"Aye, and we won't let them near our dwellings, young ones, or anything we hold dear. You must tell them and keep them calm Bryant." After the mouse nodded and turned to do as he was bid, Tim made his way to the locker.

He glanced around, noting the Swords of Freedom as they made their way towards the locker. They were all strong, brave beasts. Each in their own ways. The cave dwellings would be held secure. They would not fall to vermin advances again!

There were a few low benches in the locker. These along with emergency rations, supplies, and materials used to do maintenance upon the ballista were the contents of this small hollow in the hillside. Once the Swords had drawn near Tim addressed them.

"How quickly it has turned to this my friends. It is time, once again, to lend your swords, your lives, to our cause. We swill stand strong and defend our home." He looked around, noting their expressions. "This council of war will now come to order. It is my suggestion to keep the ballista aimed towards that ship, if they come anywhere near enough to be in range, we fire at them. Ammunition will be boulders that can crack a ship's hull good and proper. Hopefully that will be enough to show them they are not welcomed here. If not we aim to sink their bloody ship and send the crew to 'Gates."

The mouse looked around the group. "What suggestions do you bring friends?" He rested a paw on the hilt of his sword.


 Frost shivered and brought her cape closer to her. What was that she remembered before she was parent less. Lightning cracked overhead as she fought to obtain control

    Her mother put her behind some weeds near a huge stream and whispered ''don't come out Frost not yet''. ''But I want to come with you'' said Frost quivering from the cold she was still a dibbun. Shouts from nearby caused her mother to turn around but it was to late she fell to the ground with an arrow through her

   Frost shook those thoughts aside and paid attention to the ship that was getting closer to the shore. She looked to see if she had all of her weapons but she noticed she forgot her darts of course she could make some more but it was to late now. She still had a pipe which she could shoot thorns from her quiver of arrows with her bow and a short sword. Looking straight at the ship fury was edging his way to her as she growled ''vermin you will regret you came to this shore because The Swords of Freedom will slaughter you all''.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


At the mention of vermin being nearby, Marcus' heart jumped and sank at the same time. While he was absolutely glad to hear this- he really wanted to pound on some vermin- he did not like the thought, however, of the Spring Festival being disrupted for everyone else. At the order of being told to go get Liv and Vannoyne, he gave a curt nod and turned straight toward Liv, where he saw her fiddling.

Coming up to the pretty mouse, he came up to her side and put a gentle hand on her shoulder, murmuring, "You'll need to find a replacement fiddle. Vermin have been spotted outside." After making sure she didn't respond too wildly, he glanced over and saw that Frost and Sora had already seen what was happening. "Get Nevfae, and take her to the lockers. Vannoyne and I must ready the ballistas."

Without further warning he turned to where he had last seen Vannoyne, just outside the caves. Quickly finding him, Marcus swiftly walked up to him and told him in a low, urgent, but calm voice, "Vermin have been spotted. Quickly, we must prepare the ballistas." Like he usually did, Marcus didn't wait for a response. Turning, he confidently strode through the gales and harsh rain without so much as a flinch towards the ballistas.

Hmm... The rain on his face felt good. Refreshing. Like the feeling he would get liberating the life of innocents from murderers.It didn't take him long before he made it to the ballistas. Glancing back at Vannoyne, he didn't wait for him to catch up before starting his work. Greasing and Priming, he expertly prepared the ammunition and cannons with little trouble. When that was done, he ignored Vannoyne once again and made his way to the locker where the rest of the Swords were just as Tim started speaking. When he asked for suggestions, Marcus bit his lip. What he wanted to do would not be best for the good of everyone, so he just kept his mouth shut.


Leatho Shellhound

Vannøyne had been thinking about what Liv had said, the dancing and music was blocked out of his mind. He came out of his thoughts by the words of Marcus.

Vermin have been spotted. Quickly, we must prepare the ballistas.

He heard it and smiled, he know this day would come, and he had been trained for it. No more waiting and watching...this was war.

He ran over to the back of the cave, opposite from the sea. There was a door there, pushing back the bolt he opened it. A ladder went from the floor to the cliff top. He had built it himself during the long winter months. Climbing it to the top, he opened the hatch door and was pushed down by the wind and rain. He finally got out and began working on the ballistas and found one of them out of order. A torsion spring was broken.

He ran to the the meeting place to give his report. The way was difficult and rough, the terrain was full of sharp rocks and the rain was violent and unforgiving.

Opening the door he stood there in the doorway, his silhouette went black when a lightning flash hit the sky. Walking in he closed the door. "Bad news, friends of this council, ballista #3 is out of order."
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While Liv was playing a reel requested by one of the dancers, Liv had spotted Xbalantie talking to Timballisto. She felt a knot form in her stomach as Tim's face fell and Spera's took on an expression of fear. Her heart dropped when Marcus informed her of the vermin. She looked out over the dancers as she calmly finished the reel. So peaceful....why couldn't it have just stayed this way?

She forced a smile and called for the other musicians to return to their posts, saying something about wanting to enjoy the feast, too. She wasn't even sure what she said, preoccupied by Marcus' words as she was, but everyone seemed to take it in a stride. Sure, they gave her a hard time for quitting two songs in, but no one seemed to notice that she wasn't the only Sword leaving the celebration. As she moved through the crowd, she was struck by how calm everyone seemed. How she hated the vermin who would willingly destroy their peace without a second thought!

She held onto her forced smile, though her eyes shone with determination, as she made her way to Nevfae. She touched Nevfae's shoulder and whispered, "Vermin threat outside. Calm as possible make for the locker. It's time for a council of war."

With that, she turned and made her way for the cave entrance. As she passed her own cave, she sighed a bit, but knew that she must hurry on instead of stopping for her aegis. Thank goodness she always carried her sword!

Now she sat next to Spera in the locker listening to Tim speak. On the faces of her fellow Swords she saw everything from fear to determination to eagerness. This is what they prepared for. Were they ready now that it had come?

"What suggestions do you bring, friends?"

Liv looked to her leader and asked, "Do we know the full extent of what we are to face? Is it just the one ship? Obviously, we must have the ballista ready, but what else must we be prepared for?"

Just then, Vannøyne strode in. "Bad news, friends of this council, ballista #3 is out of order."

Liv bit back a groan. Vermin on the doorstep and now weapon troubles! Liv didn't want to know what else would go wrong.
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!


*Nevfae flinched more than necessary at Liv's touch.
"Vermin threat outside. Calm as possible make for the locker. It's time for a council of war."
While Nevfae wasn't that thrilled that Liv had known before her, she turned and headed for the edge of the cave, away from the main body of beasts. She slunk around the creatures, hoping none would recognize her and ask her where she and Liv were going. Nevfae felt at her empty belt and cursed under her breath. No weapons. Her bow and quiver were in her cave, and she had no idea where she had left her staff. The back of a large mouse was facing her as she neared the exit. She wouldn't be able to go around him easily. She flattened herself to the wall and allowed herself a small smile. Even though there was vermin about, she had to admit, sneaking around was fun.
The mouse suddenly gasped sharply and turned around, "What was that for?"
Nevfae shook her head, "It was an accident, hedgehog, spiky, and all."
The mouse nodded in understanding, "Sorry for reacting so. Where are you going, Nevfae?"
"Um, it's fine, don't worry."  Nevfae said, stalling.
The mouse tilted his head slightly, not realizing her discomfort, "And my question?"
Nevfae faked a cough, "Just going out for air, it get's stuffy in here, with so many beasts."
"Ah," The mouse raised his head slightly, "Mind if I join you? Now that you point it out, it does get stuffy."
Things were getting worse and worse. Maybe she might have to tell the truth, "Yes, I do mind. After I'm getting air, I'm going to the locker. The Swords are planning something special for all you." Nevfae tapped the side of her nose, pleased with her lie, "Don't tell anyone else, it's a surprise."
The mouse nodded and tapped the side of his nose in understanding, "Well, don't let me get in your way." He edged away from the wall to let her past.

Nevfae gratefully squeezed past the mouse and walked quickly toward the exit. Since she would (probably) definitely be the last Sword to gather, she ran toward her cave, which was in the opposite direction of the locker. She was cursing the sky for the rain as she jogged to her cave. She hated being wet on dry land.

She entered her cave, already very damp. The cave had a few creature comforts, a sandy floor, a makeshift oven at the back, a ledge along one side covered with bedding(she shared with another hedgehog and two mice), and a slab of rock for a table on the other side. Her bow was lying against the ledge, with her quiver on the ledge above it. She ran to the ledge, swung her quiver across her back, and grabbed her bow. Her staff could wait to be found, probably. If the vermin didn't kill them all first.

That done, she ran out into the rain. Her footpaws sunk into the wet sand slightly, but at the very least it was easier to run on wet than dry. Her bowtip scraped a little furrow in the sand from being dragged alongside her and an old feather was shaken loose from an arrow. It landed in the wet sand next to her pawprints and was soon blown away into the sea. She arrived at the locker and burst in, breathing heavily, "Sorry, I took so, long." She gasped, halting in places to regain her breath, "Was held back." She staggered over to a seat and collapsed in it. She undid her cloak clasp and threw it to the side almost carelessly, "Sooo, what's the situation?" She paused and frowned slightly in thought, "Situation." She said again in a lower voice, "Situation." She said in a higher-than-normal voice, "Nice word. Situation. Situation!"

Leatho Shellhound

*Vannøyne walked in and took a seat next to Liv. He leaned over and said in a quiet voice "the ropes are wet through any way, I think I have an idea of how we could pull this off. Meet me after the council to help me with a little surprise I have in store for the vermin". He leaned into his normal position, then went back because he had some thing further to say to her. "On second thoughts I have a better idea, I will say it to the others." He cleared his throat to get attention, and waited till every beast got quiet, and then began his speech. "I was thinking", he paused, and stood up from his seat. "I was thinking we would have a hard time lighting any fire in this rain, our bows would also be useless. This is my plan," he said while taking out his sword. "We would need a fighting party on the shore and another group on the cliff. Then when the sea barbarians come from there ship, or how ever, they will go to meet are shore party, who will fall back to the cave entrance." He paused once more to wake up one of the members of the council by booting him, the unfortunate fellow who happened to be a hog, fell off his seat and landed on his back. "Because", he said in a loud voice to wake up any potential sleepers. "They, meaning us, would be out of the weather, the corsairs could only fight our beasts at the entrance, and shooting arrows and such would be possible for us." He was drawing this all in the sand, "The cliff party here" pointing to the cliff in the drawing "will come down and circle around them cutting them off from there ship and killing them from behind. We might go as far as to send some beast in the ship to sink it. I would be glad to volunteer." And with that he put up his sword, which he was using to draw with, and sat back down.
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A Few minuets before Frost was outside but went inside for The council "will come down and circle around them cutting them off from there ship and killing them from behind. We might go as far as to send some beast in the ship to sink it. I would be glad to volunteer.'' Frost heard Vannøyne say. She said in a loud voice ''I will volunteer to.'' She waited for a reply and looked at the drawing it would be easy enough with her short sword.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Dannflower Reguba

Xbalantie had stayed at the spot where Timballisto had left her for a few moments more, making some judgements about the ship.... The crew number had to be fairly large, the ship was sailing somewhat well considering the storm. The squirrel left the sands to join the council.

Being the quite type, she didn't think that interjecting on the things being said was of any importance... until Vannøyne spoke. For which she had to speak up, "What you say certainly holds merit, but the situation lacks potential. The number of the crew is far higher than the number of us, we are few in there eyes, and splitting our force would be a grave mistake. Besides that, their ship is reeling in the seas, not controlled on an open expanse... They might not even know we are here!" She waited a moment to think the happenings over more. Raising her eyes from the center of the room to gaze at the different beasts that made up the swords of Freedom, she had always felt confined, and she knew she needed to be more willing to share the things she knew. So she decided to finished her verbal view, "Up north, we had a special way to make fire in the midst of terrible storms, we needed it for survival, and if you're game, then I think I could get some of the projectiles burning, and capable of traversing this stormy landscape. It's a risk, but one far less than splitting our force." Her voice range clear and true against the walls of the cave with a frosty tone, but not quite frozen.

(OOC: Leatho)
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Nevfae scratched her nose nervously, she didn't much like the idea of a large ship of vermin, but she knew that fighting was inetivable. She raised her hand to speak, and dropped it to her thinking pose. Her paws on either side of her nose, squeezing lightly, "Xbalantie, ud yur braind." She lessened the pressure to speak. That was one thing bad about the thinking pose, you couldn't speak well in it. She continued in a clearer voice, "If you were a vermin at a stormy sea, you would want to get to shore no matter what, I believe. So, even though they probably don't know we're here, they probably will be coming to shore anyway." She stood up from her seat and removed her paws from her snout, "I really doubt that this idea will be taken into consideration, but here goes." She scratched her muzzle again nervously, "We get all the beasts into a large cave, near the back. Maybe a few clubs and knives among the stronger so if we die, they stand a small chance. Some Swords lay low in a trench, ready to jump out. It will take a while for them to reach shore?"
Though she had started slowly, Nevfae's voice slowly picked up speed, warming to her ideas, "Maybe we can bury fishing nets just underneath the sand. When the vermin walk over the nets, we pull them taught." She frowned, "No, that won't work, not with sand-mud. Forget that. Is that what it's called, sand-mud?" Nevfae waved a paw dismissively, she would look into that later, if there was a later, "Anyway, trenchy thingy, maybe put the displaced sand in a shield around the entrance of the cave?" She folded her paws over her nose again in thought, "Other than that, I can't think of anything else other than to ask Tim what they did the time Luke left."


As she listened to the conversation going on around her, Liv leaned back, arms crossed and head down. So many different ideas and so little time! She could feel the tension rising in the room.

After Nevfae spoke, she looked up at the faces around her. Before an argument could begin, Liv calmly said, "You have many good ideas friends, but we must consider our time and resources."

She stood and took a deep breath before continuing, "I believe Nevfae's right. The vermin will probably try to make for the shore. Who would want to be at sea now? However, I don't think we should even let them get to land before making a move against them. Perhaps they don't know we are here, but we can't wait to find out. I say we use the ballista. If Xbalantie can light a fire in this weather, we can use fiery missiles, but even so, we can do a lot of damage simply with small boulders! I also think we should have those fighters not needed to work or repair the ballista down on the shore to take care of any vermin who might survive and somehow make it to shore."

She turned to Nevfae and said, "Your suggestions are good, but I don't think we have time to set up such traps. Perhaps we can set up traps like that later in preparation for the next time we are under attack."

"Also, may I suggest that we practice in all types of weather so that we are better prepared for next time? With as much rain as we get here, I can't believe none of us saw the need to try to use the ballista to see how they worked in the rain!" She added with a grimace.
Living in peace, aye many a season,
Calm in life and sound in reason,,
'Til evil arrives, a wicked horde,
Driving a warrior to pick up his sword,
The challenger rings then, straight and fair,
Justice is with us, beware. Beware!

Leatho Shellhound

Vannøyne got up from his seat once more. "Wise word my friend, but we can't keep the vermin ship from landing. There crew will most likely be numerous and we most be ready to meet them and defeat them. The fire would be a great help to us, I would wish you to under take that." He said to the squirrel. "We must work the ballista as best we can. Some of us should, as Liv said, get some larg rocks, small boulders, any think that would do some damage. As to the whole trench idea, we don't have the time or strength to dig and they would fill up with water and we would all drown. I do, how ever think the net idea isn't a bad one. If we could cover the net with oil we might be able to set it on fire. We could also but up some stakes, old spears and what not near the water line. Any thoughts? I would also say that we should keep the old and young in are thoughts, were they should hid even if we fail. We could maybe hid them in one of the back caves and block it up." With that said he returned to his seat. Leaning over to Liv he said "I hope we come to some agreement soon."

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