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Started by WoodenSpoon, March 31, 2013, 11:10:19 PM

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Ungatt Trunn

Quote from: WoodenSpoon on April 01, 2013, 12:34:08 AM
Okay, Ungatt! That looks good. I like him. One question, what do you mean by taskmaster?

Don't worry about being new to RPing. This is going to be a fairly mellow group.

A Taskmaster is somewon who oversee's all work and actvity of (in this case) the vermin. Oh, and thanks for the encoragment :)!

Life is too short to rush through it.


Okay, I think I get your drift. Would you put that under staff or guard?

Your welcome. If you have any questions about roleplaying, feel free to ask!

Ungatt Trunn

Quote from: WoodenSpoon on April 01, 2013, 12:44:08 AM
Okay, I think I get your drift. Would you put that under staff or guard?
Staff...the vermin staff, that is...

Life is too short to rush through it.


Name: Janar Whiptail
Species: Rat
Age: (Human equilivant, to keep it simple) 21
Appearance: a rat with grey fur and crooked whiskers. He has a tail that is slightly longer than that of other rats, and his eyes are black. He wears a black cloth tied at the waist by a brown rope and his old horde helmet. The helmet is a simple one, that can be turned over and used as a bowl. He also has a couple scars here and there. Many of his teeth stick out of his mouth, and he seems to always have a smile.
Personality: When he first arrived at the age of 16, he was very difficult and aggressive, but now he's a happy and helpful beast.
Weapons: none
I LOVE 80's music.

Ungatt Trunn

I forgit! My character, Grodlle, is 28 years old.

Life is too short to rush through it.


Here's my first one:

Name: Arella
Species: Badger
Age: 27
Rank: Beekeeper
Personality: quiet and passive. She stays out of everyone's way unless they seek her out. You can go and talk to her and she'll listen and reply if you want.
Weapon: Spear

(I'll just fill this out and add other things as the roleplay progresses. )

Ungatt Trunn

Life is too short to rush through it.


Looks good Krowdon. I'll add her to the staff list.

I think we'll start tommorow. I'll pm you all a link to it.

Ungatt Trunn

Quote from: WoodenSpoon on April 02, 2013, 01:12:56 AM
Looks good Krowdon. I'll add her to the staff list.

I think we'll start tommorow. I'll pm you all a link to it.
Sounds good!

Life is too short to rush through it.

Tiria Wildlough

My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.



Name:  Shade
Gender:  Female
Species:  Wildcat
Age:  19
Weapon:  She has a black bow and arrows, several throwing knives, and a dagger, but they were confiscated.
Personality:  Shade is a rather annoying creature, very suspicious of others, rather cranky, and doesn't like speaking to others.  She enjoys being by herself, not hanging out with others.  She doesn't follow the rules well.
Appearance:  Shade has dark grey fur with black stripes and amber eyes.  Her fur is rather short, not shaggy like some of her siblings (she doesn't like to talk about them).  She has a small white stripe on her nose, which she says is an inherited trait.  Shade wears a black tunic with a black belt and black hooded cloak.
Other:  She's one of the inmates.  Not a very cooperative inmate.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I added her. Thanks for joining!

Name: Ferus
Species: Pine Martin
Age: 41
Appearance: Once a handsome creature, Ferus' current appearance is a dim reflection of his former self. His fur is dull, often matted, and his back bends at an awkward angle. This is hidden by a plain dull cloak.
Personality: A proud, arrogant, charismatic creature, Ferus rarely found himself lacking in loyal followers. He treated his horde fairly, despite his intolerance for insubordination, and always managed to convince any who were dissatisfied that good times where just around the next bend. Despite his almost flippant nature, he was a brilliant strategist and had stunning people skills. He never made a move without having a reason for it, and rarely let his own emotions cloud his judgment.
  His pride, however, proved to be his downfall. He had heard legends about the fame Redwall Abbey, and was determined to be the one to conquer it, more for the glory then the fabled riches. He was defeated, blinded, and crippled. Briar decided to take the Warlord in.
  Since coming to the Corvale Ferus has been bad-tempered, sullen, and quiet. He loathes his current weakness, and his ego has been crushed by his defeat. Nonetheless, his cunning mind is still at work, and he still intends to get some glory and gain. He has a fair share of freedom, as his condition makes him seem less threatening.  
Weapons: Ferus favored the throwing axe.

Name: Osmund
Species: Otter
Age: 21
Appearance: A roguish fellow with a ready grin, a bright blue tunic, and a hat he wears at what he believes to be a jaunty tilt.
Personality: Osmund is a rather careless guard. Playful, prone to laughing loud, and tends to tease the inmates a bit too much. For the young otter, life is a game. He isn't one to strictly enforce the rules. If everyone's getting along, then why worry about it? He has a vain streak, and would spend hours on his appearance if he was given the chance. Due to an incident with a pike that nearly left him minus one rudder, he has an acute fear of deep water.
Weapons: A long spear.

It looks as if I won't have time to post the roleplay today. Sorry guys.

Tiria Wildlough

Name: Ruelle Vetchwhisker
Species: Otter
Age: 20
Appearance: Ruelle has dark brown fur and blue eyes. Her whiskers are long and straggly, and she has a habit of combing them with her claws. She wears a brown tunic and a dark blue cloak.
Personality: She is generally not very talkative, especially to the inmates. Shows them contempt as often as she can.
Weapons: Two thin daggers which she uses for pretty much everything.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Here's my second character.

Name: Asgroth
Species: Ferret
Gender: Male
Rank: Inmate
Personality: slow to anger, but when he does snap he snaps hard. He likes games, specifically checkers. He's a follower, but one of the most dedicated you will ever come across. He isn't all that intelligent but has the muscle to make up for it. Asgroth will do anything to make a few bucks or earn respect.
Weapon: Short sword.


If I want to later may I add in a third character?