
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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Briar's Rehabilitation Home for Vermin

Started by WoodenSpoon, April 03, 2013, 10:09:50 PM

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    Briar straightened her apron and tucked her small club into its strings, pausing at the mirror only long enough to make sure everything was in perfect order. It would hardly be a good example for the rest of the workers, much less the inmates, to see the matron in anything less. Satisfied with her appearance, she started towards the kitchen. It was nearly breakfast time, and for such an important event she felt her personal supervision was needed. As she walked down the tapestry covered hallway, she noticed with a scowl a large cobweb in a corner. That would have to be dealt with. She continued her march with the air of an inspecting brigadier, her sharp eyes taking in every detail.

   Ferus sat outside his cottage, idly letting dust fall through his claws. Judging by the smell, it was nearly breakfast time. Then began the tedious routine of the goody-goody woodlander walking the poor crippled martin through the tasks an infant could manage on its own. Snarling, he through the dust down, then teared up as a sudden wind blew it in his eyes. This was not going to be a good day.

 Osmund leaned on his spear casually as he watched the kitchen workers busy about preparing breakfast. Considering the sharp cooking utensils, it was vital that an armed guard be on duty as the inmates assisted in the culinary arts. It also was an opportunity to pilfer the occasional sample. The young otter had an appetite like a fasting hare, though he was more subtle about it. Confident no one was watching, he slid up to a freshly baked plate of scones, and reached to grab one.

OOC: Quickpaw, if you're willing, I'd like Janar to be one of the vermin working in the kitchens. I realize that there is little physical description of Corvale itself. If this is a problem, please tell me.


OOC: perfect idea, I was actually going to have him helping in the kitchen and I was about to ask if it was ok!

BIC: Janar was happily doing his duties in the kitchen, a goofy smile on his face. "Beutiful mornin', ain't it?" he said to no beast in particular.
I LOVE 80's music.


  Annemarie, the pretty head cook in Corvale, nodded her head, smiling at Janar.  "It's a very beautiful morning!  Such a good morning to make a cake on, wouldn't you agree, Janar?"  She winked at him, taking out a bowl and grabbing the flour from its respective place.
  Going through her mental cookbook, the squirrelmaid muttered to herself.  "Mmm, strawberry or cherry?  Or should it be blueberry?"

  Shade sat on the cot in her room, or cell, as she called it.  She was incredibly bored, and had taken to drawing on the walls.  Unfortunately, she had her small rock taken away from her, so no longer could she doodle on the wooden walls of her cell.
  It wasn't bad in there, it had a cot, wardrobe, a desk and a small piano in the corner.  Some strange beast must've gotten the idea that she could play the piano.  She wasn't sure who had that idea, but she wanted to smack them.
  The young wildcat enjoyed drawing, seeing as there wasn't much else to do but stare out the barred window, but unfortunately, after trying to stab the last guard who came in with a sharpened piece of charcoal, she had her drawing utensils taken away.  Strange.
  So, there sat Shade the wildcat, tossing a small cloth ball at the wall, walking over to it, picking it up, sitting down on the cot, tossing it at the wall, walking over to it, picking it up, sitting back down, tossing it at the wall...

  OOC:  It's called Corvale, right?  The home?
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"Oh, Blueberry! Definitely blueberry!" Janar said quickly as soon as she suggested it. Janar had always loved anything that Annemarie made with blue berries. He like anything Annemarie made, but blueberries especially.
I LOVE 80's music.

Thomas Barkshield

William was doing his rounds. Everything was in order except for the fact that Rasgul was in a bad mood. They had taken everything out of his cottage after his last fit where he nearly killed himself!

Tiria Wildlough

Ruelle leaned against a tree, watching the few inmates who were outside today. The ottermaid took her guard responsibilities very seriously.
She narrowed her eyes, scanning everything she could see. These vermin couldn't be trusted, even if some of them had been here for a long time.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


  "Blueberry?"  Annemarie asked, mentally calculating if she had the ingredients.  "Yes, I think blueberry would be good!"  She opened up a cabinet, intending to take the freshly-picked blueberries out.  She had picked them herself earlier in the morning.
  As she opened the cabinet, Annemarie saw the familiar bowl that was stained slightly blue.  She had used that for blueberries for quite some time!  She then noticed that she didn't see a mound of berries sticking out of the top.  Reaching up, she pulled the bowl out and set it on one of the preparation tables.  The blueberries were gone!
  "Huh, that's funny, I coulda sworn I just picked some!"
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"Wha- where're all the berries?!" Janar questioned, hearing Annemarie and seeing that there were no blueberries.
I LOVE 80's music.

Ungatt Trunn

Grodlle stept into the kichen just as Janar made his last remark. "Has there been something stolen here, Janar?" the tall Otter questioned.

Life is too short to rush through it.


"Stolen', eaten, I duh know, buh the bloody blueberries are gone!" He said to Grodlle, dissapointment in he voice.
I LOVE 80's music.

Ungatt Trunn

"When do you think it was stolen?" Grodlle asked. "Last night, prehaps?"

Life is too short to rush through it.


"I dun know, ask miss Annemarie, she picks 'em." Janar said, stepping aside.
I LOVE 80's music.

Ungatt Trunn

Grodlle turned to Annemarie. "Do you have any idea who took the berries?"

Life is too short to rush through it.


  Annemarie threw her paws in the air.  "I don't know what happened to them!  I picked them just before dawn, today!"

  Meanwhile, Shade was busy trying to get purple stains off of her paws and a small portion of her face.  She had tried to eat the berries quickly, after a miserable dinner the night before, so obviously she was a bit sloppy.  Her stomach also hurt horribly, but she tried to hide it.
  Chuckling quietly, Shade thought of how easy it was to get out of her cell.  She had taken a piece of wire that had previously been one of the guards' and stuck it through the bars at the top of the door, reaching down into the lock and fiddling with it until the door was unlocked.  Luckily, the guards weren't there; their rounds took them beside her door, but they never stayed there, seeing as she was locked in.
  After unlocking the door, Shade had crept out, sticking to the shadows, where her black fur and clothing had kept her hidden.  She had snuck into the kitchen and taken the berries, intending to eat a few and go back to her cell.  No use risking her life further than that.
  Unfortunately, the wildcat didn't realize how much she'd missed blueberries.  They were so delicious!  Next thing she knew, she had eaten all of the berries and heard the cook walking in.  She quickly put the bowl back and went back to her cell, locking herself back in and hiding the wire.
  Now she wished she had just stayed in her cell.  Her stomach ached horribly, and she was stained purple.  If they noticed the berries missing, she was dead meat!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Ungatt Trunn

"Hmmmm..." Grodlle thought to himself. "Here, you two stay here and make us some breckfast. I'll go report this insadent to Briar".

It was a nice and warm day, one to be enjoyed by any beast. The sun showed down on Grodlle as he passed through the lawns to find Briar. Grodlle was tall for his species, and an expert with his light rapier which he always cept by his side. He was taught by a wise and old otter who had rescued him from death as a child. Grodlle's family was killed in a vermin attack, him the only surviver. But he had suffered a wound on his left leg, which left him with a small but perminate limp. He was saved by the old otter, Theris, who took Grodlle under his wing and raised him as if he was his own child. Grodlle learned much from the old otter, and was sad when he left him to see the world beyond. That's when he came to Briars Rehabilitation Hom for Vermin. Proving himself quickly, he made his way into the posision of Taskmaster over the vermin at the place.

Grodlle came over to a Pine Martin, Ferus by name. "Hoy there, Ferus", Grodlle called out, "Have you seen Briar anywere? I need to talk with her"

Life is too short to rush through it.