Across the Sea: Plotting and Discussion (the slow RP)

Started by Osu, April 16, 2013, 02:27:52 AM

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Title for the RP thread?

Riddles From the Abbey
1 (10%)
Across the Sea
3 (30%)
In Search of Treasure
0 (0%)
Treasure Seekers
0 (0%)
Treasure Hunt
1 (10%)
The Pondering
2 (20%)
Riddles on the Sea
3 (30%)
Seas and Riddles
0 (0%)
Riddles and Sailing
0 (0%)
Treasure on the Sea
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Voting closed: July 16, 2013, 01:47:08 AM


  I think I'd rather we do it whenever someone's needed, instead of having a definite order.  That seems to me like it'd be a bit... I dunno, hard.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I was going to do another character, but the schizophrenic ferret was terrifying. I think I'll stick with Zoa instead.


Okay, I've updated the first post with everything we've got so far. Please let me know if anything needs to be changed or updated!

Another thing I've been thinking about is word count. I don't want to say anything like "each post must have exactly 74.4443 words" but I do want to ensure each RP post (a) engages other characters, and (b) expands or forwards the plot in some way. It's entirely possible to do just that with only a few words, but even so, would you lot be alright with some kind of base requirement? Something like a minimum of four sentences, not ridiculous, but enough to keep things moving along.

Even if they are moving along slowly. ;D

Also, does anybody know if danflorreguba and Daniel are still interested?
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


  Hmm, I think 4 sounds like a good minimum.  Probably my posts would be above 4 already, but still.  ;)
  As for where Dan and Daniel stand in their interest, I'm not sure.  :-\
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I suppose I'll let a few more of you others weigh in on four sentences before I make it official. In other news, here're my characters; I decided to go with two, even if I just end up playing one. XD

Name: Buckley Midland-Woodscut
Species: Hare
Age: Mid-twenties
Gender: Male
Description: Fur colors are varying shades of browns and black common to the species; for example. Tall, dashing, a runner's physique; waxed whiskers, blue eyes, always impeccably groomed. Missing a small chunk in his left ear, wears a red Patrol tunic with all of his medals polished and on display, a thin sword belt worn sash fashion; in possession of a short, straight sabre, a pretty thing that belonged to his father. Also tends to wear gloves, monocle, and enjoys strutting around in embroidered tunics and cloaks and generally dressing up for no apparent reason at all.

Personality: Both stern and meticulous, no hare is more loyal to the Patrol than Buckley. He is confident almost to a fault but typically knows where to draw the line. Whatever he does Buckley is entirely focused on it; he has a reputation for being somewhat narrow-minded in this manner, especially as regards regimental rules and regulations. He rarely jokes for the sake of it but enjoys the odd sarcastic remark targeted at the vermin foebeast. He can be very critical of others and has a hard time taking criticism from other animals, especially those of his rank and below. Despite all this, Buckley is a very chivalrous, polite hare and considers himself a perfect gentlebeast. He strives to represent Salamandastron -- and officers in general -- in the best possible light when on Patrol, and seeks to set a flawless example for younger hares in the mountain. On the subject of young 'uns, Buckley isn't entirely fond of them. He avoids babies and is awkward around children. He prefers to interact with those of his rank or above. He also enjoys regimental balls and banquets -- really any occasion to dress up or show off is a favorite. Also spends a lot of time training; enjoys fencing and swordfighting. Typically described by others as reliable, old-fashioned to the rigid backbone, respectable, perilous, overbearing.

Backstory: Salamandastron born and bred, Buckley's parents were both officers of high rank and people of class. He takes great pride in his family heritage; Buckley is an only child with exception to one older half-brother (see below). Both parents were killed in action at different points in his life history. Because he was rather young when he entered the official status of "orphan," he spent a little over a season under the care of his half-brother Otto before he was fully able to look after himself. Buckley has always been a relentless, talented creature, and rose swiftly through the ranks of the Long Patrol with the best of them. He currently holds the rank of Captain; perilous with a blade and an excellent strategist, Buckley is looking forward to his promotion to Major within the next few seasons.

Name: Donovan "Stonefist" Woodscut. Generally goes by childhood nickname "Otto."
Species: Hare
Age: Late forties
Gender: Male
Description: Fur is a mostly drab, uniform gray, darker down his back and lightening to an off-white on his stomach. Short, stocky, not really fat but certainly a solid lump of a hare. Broken nose, scars on his arms and fists, as well as his ears. Brown eyes, has an all around scruffy, dangerous feeling to his appearance despite always being dressed in regimental uniform; a short, dark green tunic, belted, carries a sling that he rarely finds use for. All four paws are wrapped (in the style of boxers for his hands, in the style of horses for his footpaws).

Personality: Otto is very much the stereotypical sergeant. Gruff, battle-scarred, and largely taciturn, he can be intimidating at first sight. Otto is largely a kind-hearted creature, for all the fearsome yelling he does as a sergeant, and genuinely cares for the young hares under his command. He's just as likely to offer a hug as a punch to the snout depending on the situation and creatures involved, and never gives any less than his absolute all. Other hares know him to be reliable, approachable, trustworthy, and generous. His hobbies are almost exclusively boxing (he's an excellent pugilist, one of the best the Patrol has to offer) and training and exercising, although the majority of his time is spent training and generally looking after young hares new to the Patrol, and keeping the younger or more outspoken Patrollers well in line.

Backstory: His mother was an officer of the Long Patrol, his father an expert boxer that relocated to the mountain during his late adult life but never formally joined the Patrol. His father died from an unknown health issue when Otto was in his latter seasons as a leveret; his mother remarried soon after and had another son several seasons later. When she was killed in action, Otto cared for his young half-brother (see above) for a season or so. Otto learned to box from his father when he was young, and he stuck with the skill as he grew older; he never had any aspirations to be an officer or grow in the Patrol, as it were, but he always enjoyed working with the younger set and eventually settled in to a more or less permanent position as drill sergeant.

We can start off at Salamandastron if you guys like -- perhaps the riddle is found at Redwall, discovered to be linked in some way with Salamandastron, and a small group of Redwallers arrive at the mountain to try and solve it; everybody could group up and sail off from there.

Starting at Redwall would be easily done as well, I think. Perhaps a hare patrol is visiting the abbey to keep up good relations when the riddle is discovered (or maybe it is the Patrollers who discover the riddle and then bring it to the Abbey) and the adventurers could start out from there. It works for me either way.
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


Quote from: Rainshadow on May 02, 2013, 02:48:49 PM
  Hmm, I think 4 sounds like a good minimum.  Probably my posts would be above 4 already, but still.  ;)
  As for where Dan and Daniel stand in their interest, I'm not sure.  :-\
With exceptions in case the person cannot post more since he waits for a reply or something.


Quote from: Redwaller on May 04, 2013, 08:13:37 PM
Quote from: Rainshadow on May 02, 2013, 02:48:49 PM
 Hmm, I think 4 sounds like a good minimum.  Probably my posts would be above 4 already, but still.  ;)
 As for where Dan and Daniel stand in their interest, I'm not sure.  :-\
With exceptions in case the person cannot post more since he waits for a reply or something.
Noted! Four complete sentences within reason. No need to sacrifice the RP for the sake of writing requirements.

Edit: I'd also like to put something of a time requirement on posts as well. It might sound funny considering the whole point of this RP is to move slowly, but I don't want anybody to downright forget about it. So something like one post every 3 - 4 weeks might be a good idea; I can do one post at least every two weeks depending on the situation in the RP, myself. How about you guys? Thoughts?
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


Sorry, yes I am still definitely interested.
Received mostly negative reviews.


Hi Daniel! :D I'd almost forgotten about this, haha. S'pose it's about time we got this show on the road, one way or another. Anybody else still up for it?
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


  I'm still in!  Apparently our slow RP minds forgot about the slow RP.  ;)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Me, o' course! I didn't make what may be my longest character sheet I have made to have the roleplay it's in die!


Fabulous~ haha it's only fitting the slow RP gets a slow start, I suppose! :D Okay, how about everybody who needs to post a character does so and y'all can weigh in on any posting rules that interest you, then I say we go ahead and start the thing!
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


I am one of the slowest writers in the world. This sounds like something I'm cut out for.

May I join you all?

Also, while I'm thinking of characters...

QuoteThis RP is attempted canon; if it isn't in the books, it's best left out here.

Does that mean that this role play necessarily takes place in/near the time of one of the books? So would I be able to use an original character who is assigned to a traditional abbey role? Say, for example, that I wanted to design an infirmary keeper. The only canon characters who were infirmary keepers were the ones Brian Jacques wrote, of course, so in a way, writing an original infirmary keeper would not be canon.

And in case it matters for questions I would otherwise have down the road, what do you mean in general by saying that the role play is attempted canon? I'm thinking I might just be confused about the entire concept.


Hullo, Blazemane, certainly you may join in~

Hmm, I didn't word that "attempted canon" thing very well, did I? ^^; I don't mean that concepts and characters have to be from any specific book - although if you wanted to play one of BJ's characters, I don't think that would be a problem! - but for this particular RP I won't allow any giraffes, machine guns, diet pepsi, one-eyed one-horned flying purple dibbun eaters, any and all that sort of thing.

I want it to be an adventure we might plausibly find in the book series, not entirely lacking in the Redwall flavor - but of course, let's keep in mind variety is the spice of wotsit and all that, which is where I got the "attempted" from. Hee.

Does that explain it a bit better? :)
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.