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Across the Sea: Plotting and Discussion (the slow RP)

Started by Osu, April 16, 2013, 02:27:52 AM

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Title for the RP thread?

Riddles From the Abbey
1 (10%)
Across the Sea
3 (30%)
In Search of Treasure
0 (0%)
Treasure Seekers
0 (0%)
Treasure Hunt
1 (10%)
The Pondering
2 (20%)
Riddles on the Sea
3 (30%)
Seas and Riddles
0 (0%)
Riddles and Sailing
0 (0%)
Treasure on the Sea
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Voting closed: July 16, 2013, 01:47:08 AM


Quote from: Redwaller on June 28, 2013, 09:07:20 PM
What about Riddles on the Sea?
I like that one, too! And Sailing by Riddle. If nobody has a preference for titles I think I'll nab one of those tomorrow. Great character as well!

Quote from: W0NWILL on June 28, 2013, 09:50:01 PM
Are we using my riddle? Who's gonna find the riddle? Where's it gonna be hidden? Who's gonna play a pirate?(other than me)
We're using your riddle, definitely. Make sense it would be found at Redwall, but who finds it is still up in the air. Anyway, I won't touch on it in the OP -- y'all can decide amongst yourself who finds it, perhaps one of the wanderers who aren't a formal part of Redwall? Or a Redwaller -- seeing as it's from Redwall? -- or perhaps Martin hands it out. Hrmm...

And a most fabulous character! We can bump the character limit up to three if you guys want to play pirates as well, otherwise the baddies and other assorted characters can just be NPC's we all control together. As for 'the one dressed in kelp,' do you have any other concrete ideas on that character, or still up in the air?

Rainshadow-- I don't have any preferences on the rankings onboard the pirate ship, but since W0NWILL controls the captain, Tom's rank is up to her. Great character all the same!
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


Well, when I wrote that, I was thinking of an old mouse hermit on the same island as the one with the treasure, but other than that, I have nothing.

And Tom would be a good first mate, Rain.


Quote from: Osu on June 27, 2013, 04:36:50 AM
Blazemane, great character!

Thank you very much!

Quote from: Osu on June 27, 2013, 04:36:50 AMIf there are no objections, I think we'll begin at the Abbey and then work our way to the sea and beyond. I'm going to do my best to leave the initial post as open-ended as possible so you guys can decide on how to best introduce your characters, why you're at Redwall, and so on; or we can work everybody in however you'd like it, if your idea doesn't fit in with the OP. I won't introduce the riddle right off the bat, either, for the same reasons.

Starting at the Abbey sounds great to me, although I'm biased since my character lives there.

Wonwill, I like the multi-faceted nature of Captain Perrit. He's going to be an interesting villain to go up against.

Redwaller, I think with your character Lauria, you and I have hit on a couple of ideas that we might be able to put together into one cohesive history.

1.) Lauria's parents disappeared fighting vermin, and I have Morro's sister dying in a confrontation with vermin in Mossflower. Maybe those characters died in the same war or even the same battle? There's no reason it has to be that way, of course--after you all, you did write that Lauria's parents went on a quest, which means you might have wanted for them to have died far away from the Abbey. You've also written that they "never came back," which for one thing means you might have wanted Lauria to not even know how they died, and for another thing means you might not even want to have Lauria's parents dead. (Maybe they're still far away, fighting some really long war, or maybe they're stranded on an island, etc.)

2.) For some reason, in my mind, when I thought of giving Morro a character to look up to in the Abbey, it was a badger mother, although I didn't write that in my profile. I did mention the former Friar of Redwall being that sort of confidante for him. So... maybe the badger mother of Redwall took up the position of Friar for a while? You mentioned the badger in Lauria's profile before I ever brought her up, so you have the right for her to be whatever and to have done whatever in her past that you want. So if you don't want her to be a former Friar, that's totally up to you. I'm just putting the idea out there.

Rainshadow, I had no idea there was such a thing as a black fox. But having seen your picture and then having looked black foxes up online, I've got to say that they look awesome. Tom seems like a great foil to Perrit, too. Perrit is totally up-front about how cruel and murderous he is, but he's got a side of himself that he keeps hidden from others, and a small desire for peace and stability that he himself has mostly forgotten about. Tom seems kind and understanding on first appearances, but he is totally prepared to surprise his enemies with his own murderous nature, and the very thing he ran away from was peace and stability.

Quote from: Osu on June 30, 2013, 02:26:36 AMWe can bump the character limit up to three if you guys want to play pirates as well, otherwise the baddies and other assorted characters can just be NPC's we all control together.

The only forum role play I've ever been in is one where the two opposing camps are so small that every single character is played by someone (except for the rare occasion where a third party of aliens ventures into the game, in which case we just sort of roll with it and sometimes have the same third party characters played by multiple people, but... I'm not even sure I understand that sentence), so this might be a question with an obvious answer, but--

Is it possible to have both regularly-played villains and NPCs we all control together?

By the way, what does NPC stand for?


NPC stands for Non-Player Character, just a character that isn't controlled by one of us. Or to be more precise, not one of our main characters from whose points of view we'll each be writing. They're largely insignificant characters that may or may not have any kind of impact on the plot. That sort of thing.

It would be possible to play as, say, a pirate and control pirate NPC's jointly or otherwise. For example, W0NWILL might write Cap'n Francis interacting with his sailors; she'd be singularly controlling those NPC's. Let's say that later on Rainshadow writes Tom stepping out on deck and then interacting with the same set of sailors. The sailors are jointly controlled then. Ahh it's late, I'm not sure if I'm making sense. >.< I'll edit this post tomorrow if need-be!

Quote from: W0NWILL on June 30, 2013, 03:49:50 AM
Well, when I wrote that, I was thinking of an old mouse hermit on the same island as the one with the treasure, but other than that, I have nothing.
Sounds good to me!
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


Quote from: Osu on June 30, 2013, 02:26:36 AM
Rainshadow-- I don't have any preferences on the rankings onboard the pirate ship, but since W0NWILL controls the captain, Tom's rank is up to her. Great character all the same!

Quote from: W0NWILL on June 30, 2013, 03:49:50 AM
And Tom would be a good first mate, Rain.


Quote from: Blazemane on June 30, 2013, 04:23:53 AM
Rainshadow, I had no idea there was such a thing as a black fox. But having seen your picture and then having looked black foxes up online, I've got to say that they look awesome. Tom seems like a great foil to Perrit, too. Perrit is totally up-front about how cruel and murderous he is, but he's got a side of himself that he keeps hidden from others, and a small desire for peace and stability that he himself has mostly forgotten about. Tom seems kind and understanding on first appearances, but he is totally prepared to surprise his enemies with his own murderous nature, and the very thing he ran away from was peace and stability.

 Yeah, I'd never even HEARD of a black fox before I made Tom, but I Googled 'black fox' and was happily surprised.  And as for Tom being almost the complete opposite, I actually wasn't planning to do that, and I just now realized that I DID make him completely opposite from the captain!  Lol, I based Tom off of a character from a movie (no, I won't tell who.  It's a secret!  ;D), so I definitely wasn't planning to make him... oh, I dunno, complete the captain?  (Does any of this make sense?  It's 6 AM, so I have no clue.  :P)

  Oh, and as for the title, maybe we could stick a poll for which title we want?  I don't really care about it, but it's a thought.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Quote from: Rainshadow on June 30, 2013, 02:51:11 PMOh, and as for the title, maybe we could stick a poll for which title we want?  I don't really care about it, but it's a thought.
Oh, good idea! I'll do that now and leave it up for a week or two.

RP thread has been posted.

I made it rain. |D
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


Quote from: Blazemane on June 30, 2013, 04:23:53 AM
Redwaller, I think with your character Lauria, you and I have hit on a couple of ideas that we might be able to put together into one cohesive history.

1.) Lauria's parents disappeared fighting vermin, and I have Morro's sister dying in a confrontation with vermin in Mossflower. Maybe those characters died in the same war or even the same battle? There's no reason it has to be that way, of course--after you all, you did write that Lauria's parents went on a quest, which means you might have wanted for them to have died far away from the Abbey. You've also written that they "never came back," which for one thing means you might have wanted Lauria to not even know how they died, and for another thing means you might not even want to have Lauria's parents dead. (Maybe they're still far away, fighting some really long war, or maybe they're stranded on an island, etc.)

2.) For some reason, in my mind, when I thought of giving Morro a character to look up to in the Abbey, it was a badger mother, although I didn't write that in my profile. I did mention the former Friar of Redwall being that sort of confidante for him. So... maybe the badger mother of Redwall took up the position of Friar for a while? You mentioned the badger in Lauria's profile before I ever brought her up, so you have the right for her to be whatever and to have done whatever in her past that you want. So if you don't want her to be a former Friar, that's totally up to you. I'm just putting the idea out there.
I like it! When I said they never returned, I probably ment they were dead. And on a quest, I had no particular idea on where they went, so battling vermin with Morro's sister is good.

If nobody minds, I've went ahead and discovered the riddle. If you think it was too quick, I can edit my post.


Well, a scrap of parchment would probably of crumbled to dust in those rafters unless we add that some creature was told by Martin to write it down and put it there.

@Rain: Tom can be the one that knocked.


Quote from: W0NWILL on July 01, 2013, 03:22:42 PM
@Rain: Tom can be the one that knocked.

  That's what I was planning.  :)  So, the ship's called The Bay's Leaf, right?
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Quote from: W0NWILL on July 01, 2013, 03:22:42 PM
Well, a scrap of parchment would probably of crumbled to dust in those rafters unless we add that some creature was told by Martin to write it down and put it there.
I changed it to a stone tablet.


  I made a few changes to Ash's profile, in case y'all wanted to know.

Ash Wildfire
Name:  Ash Wildfire

Gender:  Female

Age:  26

Species:  Wildcat

Weapons:  Ash uses a hand and a half sword, usually held in her right paw, (though she mainly uses both paws to swing it).  Also, she has a small dagger, which she holds in her left paw.  It's used on rare occasions, but when it is used, beware!

Appearance:  The wildcat has dark brown fur, with a light brown muzzle, neck, and chest.  Her fur is sleek, not poofy, so she looks rather slim and malnourished.  Her tail is especially thin, and some creatures mistake her as an odd-looking mouse.  They don't do it often.  She has grey-blue eyes, which some say to be the exact same eyes as her father does.  She begs to differ.
 Ash wears a tan tunic and a black belt, with a long, black hooded cloak on top.  On her ears there are two small blue earrings (like studs, with one in each ear), and she has a white, translucent stone necklace.

Personality:  Ash is a quiet creature at times, preferring to work on her own or with a small group of beasts.  But once you get to know her, she's a great beast to hang around.  She has a good sense of humour and enjoys thinking about things.  She is a pretty good fighter, but she doesn't enjoy fighting.  She'll only do it if absolutely necessary.
 On an off note, Ash is very good at fishing.

History:  Ash is the daughter of Talon Wildfire, son of Jag and Shadow Wildfire, but she doesn't enjoy the fact that her family is so well known.  She would have run away seasons ago, not wanting to stay under the eyes of those who knew of her lineage and expected great things of her, but she didn't want to be on her own.
 Still, when Ash turned twenty, she left Redwall in search of adventure, as well as someone who'd enjoy her company for reasons other than that she comes from a well-known family.

Other:  Ash hopes that one day she'll find a good wildcat capable of taking care of her, but she's slightly tired of looking for one.  Still, she won't quit looking until she's dead!  Don't worry, though, she won't toss herself at every male wildcat she comes across.  ;)

 Her sword looks like this, only the pommel is adorned with a single blood-red garnet:

 Her dagger looks like this, only with a black hilt:

 Her necklace is like this, only a white stone:
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!



Quote from: Blazemane on July 02, 2013, 07:35:47 AM
Great beginning, everybody!

  I agree!  And thanks for having some interaction with Ash.  I was hoping that someone would!  I mean, a wildcat walks into Redwall and the only beast who notices is a shrew?  Not too likely.  ;)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Wow, I just have to say you guys have got some epic first posts up!
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


Is it to late for me to join? If not, can I have an otter who is going on the quest? This sounds like a cool RP!
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.--Billy Sunday