
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Started by Thomas Barkshield, May 04, 2013, 04:06:17 PM

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Thomas Barkshield

Víkingar is icelandic for vikings. Guess what the intended theme for this RP is ;). Anyways, this is an RP about vikings in Redwall, and they are not going to be vermin. The story is that a very small fleet of viking ships barely escaped the lands of snow an ice, with many others being slaughtered by wolverines an such vermin. They gather the aid of Redwall and set out towards the lands of snow and ice to take it back! You can be either a viking or a Redwaller, for vikings it would be fun if you could try a viking name. BTW, have as many characters as you like.

Here are my characters:

Species: Mouse
Gender: Male
Name: Svein
Position: Chief
Weapons: Sword
Armour: Chainmail and shield
Description: Tall and well built, respected by his tribe.

Species: Squirrel
Gender: Male
Name: Olaf
Position: Ordinary viking
Weapons: Bow
Armour: Heavy fur jacket
Description: very good archer, family was slaughtered by vermin.

Species: Mouse
Gender: Male
Name: Erlend
Position: Berserker (crazed warrior, said to have the strength and ferocity of ten)
Weapons: Sword and axe
Armour: Scale mail and shield
Description: In battle he is crazed, but out of battle he is a scholar at heart. He is a firm friend of svein.


I just remembered that I have a couple of characters I could use for this (with a few adjustments). Here they are:

Species: Mouse
Gender: Female
Name: Tyv
Position: Entertainer and scout/lookout
Weapons: Battleaxe, dagger (hidden)
Armor: Leather armor
Description: Cheerful sort, and can't be sad for very long. Very impulsive. Carries a lute everywhere except into battle.
Other: Orphaned as a baby. An otter family who had just had a child of their own found and adopted Tyv, so she grew up as Nama's sister.

Species: Otter
Gender: Female
Name: Nama
Position: Regular old Viking
Weapons: Sling, spear
Armor: Leather armor
Description: Serious, though appreciative of a good joke. Pretty much Tyv's opposite. Always keeps her gear in excellent condition. Missing her right eye- has an eyepatch and a scar running down her face.
Other: Grew up with Tyv. Lost her eye in a vermin raid when she was young. The vermin who did it was immediately slain by Nama's older brother.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

Thomas Barkshield

Accepted! Thanks for joining. (They are both vikings right?)


Yup. ;D Thanks for accepting.
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!

Tam and Martin

Is your Chief in this the chief of the vikings?

I'll be a character:

Name: Milo

Species: Squirrel

Gender: Female

Position: Viking (not super important but not on a low rank if you know what I'm saying).

Weapons: Scimitar and 3 daggars.

Clothing: A brown tunic with a belt to tie it off. She wears a black bandana and a leather, brown band on each of her wrists. She also has a metal plating that she puts on in times of war that covers her arms and chest.

Description: She is thin and agile. She has dark orange fur and a white underbelly. She does have a scar that runs down her neck.

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000

Thomas Barkshield

Yes, Svein is the viking chief.  Accepted! (If nobody wants to be a viking than I'll take that out of the first post. vikings ARE cooler:).)

Dannflower Reguba

I'm totally in, as far as position, how about assassin for the vikings?  :o
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


  I'd like to join!  Hmm, do y'all need a cook?  I like being the cook.  ;D  Or I could be second in command, if you need that.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Thomas Barkshield

@Danflorrereguba: Vikings didn't have assassins, I'm trying to be mostly accurate, but you could just be a woodlander assassin who joins the Vikings.

@Rainshadow: You could be either, or you could be both. ;)


  I might do a cook and if no one wants to be a second in command before we start, I'll do that too.  But for now, I'll just stick with a cook.  ;)

Name:  Elda (EL-duh) Logi (LOY-yay)

Species:  Otter

Gender:  Female

Age:  23

Position:  Head cook

Weapons:  Elda carries her trusty ladle, which is made of a strong steel.  She herself forged it for fighting as well as cooking, and she has lovingly named it Traustar (Turr-EYE-stir), which means Sturdy.  She even engraved its name on the handle, so she'd never forget it.
 Elda also carries a round wooden shield, made from an old oak tree.  Her shield is painted to look like it was on fire.  She made it under the careful eye of her father when she was a mere child.  Ever since, she's been adding small changes to its design, taking out jars of red, orange and yellow dye each night and painting another flame onto it.  She has named her shield Björt (Bee-YURT), which means bright.  She carved the name into the back of the shield, near the centre, so that its name would not be forgotten, either.
 And lastly, Elda carries a dagger which, unlike her other weapons, has no name.  It is a plain, steel dagger with no real value, and its hilt is wrapped in black leather.  Its sheath is of the same black leather.

Physical appearance:  Elda is an albino otter, having pure white fur.  Her eyes are very pink, almost red.  Her nose is of the same colour.  Elda has dyed her muzzle a bright red, fading into orange and then yellow before returning to its natural white.  She did this to mirror the pattern on her shield.
 Elda is a rather lean otter, with not much muscle showing.  She does, however, have quite strong and large muscles, but they don't show.  She's a bit taller than a river otter's average height, due to the fact that she's half sea otter.

Armour/clothing:  Elda wears a deep red tunic, which, like her shield and muzzle, fades to orange and yellow near the hems (neckline, sleeves and the base ;)).  She wears chainmail underneath her tunic, and has a black belt which holds both her dagger (tied to the left side) and her ladle (tucked into the left side of her belt, close to the dagger).  Her shield, which she holds with her left hand, is slung over her back, held secure by a black belt, much like her other belt.  Elda also has a black cloak, to keep her from getting cold on the long winter nights.

Personality:  Elda is a quiet, kind otter who mostly keeps to herself.  She's rather shy among other beasts, being still quite young.  In battle, however, she is bold and fierce, like the fire she so much adores.
 Elda is quite the cook, having been taught since a little pup by her mum.  She enjoys making all sorts of pastries, but usually she doesn't get to do that, seeing as she's cooped up in a ship most of the time.  She also enjoys cooking fish, which is what a viking's meal is mainly composed of.  The albino can fish quite well in the cold north, having fur that blends in with her surroundings.  The fish never notice her until they're already out of the water.

History:  Elda was born in the far north, where the snow never leaves the ground and the sun rarely sets.  Her mother was a river otter who came from a faraway forest called Mossflower, but her father was a sea otter from the north, who had met her mother when he was travelling.  Her father, a warrior of great skill, took her mother back with him to live in the land of snow and ice, telling of the great beauty by the sea.  She more than willingly came, bringing the two great joy.
 Elda's mother was a cook from Redwall, a very good cook.  Elda gained her mother's talents in that, learning all the recipes the older otter knew in the first few seasons of her life.  Her father would teach her battle skills in the early morning, when her mother was still asleep, so that the albino would be prepared, if ever something happened to her parents.
 Unfortunately, something did happen to her parents.  When Elda was sixteen seasons old, their small igloo was attacked by northern raiders.  She was spared from slaughter due to her pure white fur, plus the fact that her father shoved her into the deep snow soon after he learned of the vermin.  She remained there, not knowing what was going on until it was too late.  The hole she had been hiding in was far enough out of the way of her home that the vermin hadn't noticed her.  They had, however, noticed her parents.  When Elda returned to the igloo several hours later, both of her parents were lying on the bloody, bright red floor, dead.  There were holes in the igloo, where she guessed that several raiders had crashed through the roof.  She spent many days lying by their bodies, crying until she could cry no more.  After about three days of this, she finally stood up and bathed, washing her parents' blood off and returning her fur to its normal white colour.  She then buried her parents in the deep snow, feeling quite numb from grief.
 After that experience, Elda picked up her trusty shield, which was red from blood.  She noticed that the blood made it look like the shield was in flames, so she decided that this would be her name.  Logi.  Flame.  She cleaned the shield of blood and swore that she would avenge her parents' death someday, before tucking her ladle into her belt and strapping her dagger onto that same belt.  She left that same day, running across the vikings about a week later.  She asked to join them, telling them nothing about her past, trying to keep it a secret from all others.  She was accepted into their tribe, starting low in the kitchen's ranks and working her way up.  After seven seasons of this, she was finally made head cook.  She now travels with the vikings, keeping mostly to herself, rarely speaking to anybeast other than the chief, and she only speaks to him when needed.

 ...I just wrote a short book, didn't I?  Wow, I just got swept away by the story and got so interested in it that I couldn't stop!  :P  Um, so, is that story okay?  And is it alright if the raiders that slaughtered Elda's parents are the same raiders that attacked the vikings?  Then they could have at least one thing in common.  ;)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Dannflower Reguba

Quote from: Thomas Barkshield on May 06, 2013, 11:40:07 PM
@Danflorrereguba: Vikings didn't have assassins, I'm trying to be mostly accurate, but you could just be a woodlander assassin who joins the Vikings.

@Rainshadow: You could be either, or you could be both. ;)

That's kinda what I was wondering, because if you think about it, every culture has its' own version of basics such as rulers, assassin's etc.

Hmmmmm... I have to think about this one.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

Thomas Barkshield

@ Rainshadow: Sure, the raiders that killed Eldas parents could be the same as the ones that attacked the vikings (except now they have larger numbers). BTW I like the fact that you were able to create an intricate backstory for your character. And just to conform, Accepted!

@ everybody: Today I had a good idea that perhaps we could turn this RP into a fanfic, with fairly long posts, in a kind of story style. It would still be an RP because you get to control your character, but it would progress in a manner similar to chapters of a book. This is just an idea, tell me if you approve or disapprove.

Shadowed One

Can I join please?

Name: Roald Amderson

Species: Otter

Age: 20 (seasons equal years)

Appearance: Brown fur, scars on back, gray eyes

Clothes: Leather shirt, green pants, boots, Viking helmet (without horns)

Weapons: Sword, round wooden shield, longbow

Occupation: Viking raider/warrior

History: His village was destroyed when he was young, and his parents fled with him to another village. Eventually his father was killed in battle, and his mother died of a disease. He joined up with Svein's tribe, and has become a respected warrior and seafarer.
Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc

Thomas Barkshield


  Thanks, Thom!  Um, I added a bit more to Elda's description, telling height, size and such.  I also changed her knife do a dagger.  I had meant to put dagger yesterday, but I was being rushed to go, so that kinda confused me.  Lol, it's a good thing I had to go, though, or I woulda gone another chapter with her history!  ::)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!