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becoming a redwall nerd.....

Started by phoenixfoden, June 03, 2013, 12:45:50 AM

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Well yes um so im in my local second hand bookstore and looking at their redwall books,i see mariel of redwall and say to myself "ive already got that one"but then i notice the art is a little different...i look closely and omg gabool looks awesome! It also has mariel and dandin looking eaqaly as awesome as well,any way i just bought a redwall book i already own just because the covers different ;D
any of you guys done somthing like that?

Tam and Martin

YES! It was so cool but we own one cover of The Taggerung tht isn't the usaul we got it for a discoumt. It looks amazing!

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


The book i have it shows gabool standing in one of bladegirts windows waving his sword with mariel and dandin down below.marieil is holding her gullwacker and dandin is holding a sword and a tourch. In the distance you can see creatures with sheilds charging though a broken gate while arrows are being shot at them from the walls above them.i got it for $4

Leatho Shellhound

Is this the one you got?

It's awesome!

I got lots of hardback Redwall books, when I already had the same books in paper back.  :D

I am a Redwall nerd all the way!
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Quote from: Leatho Shellhound on June 03, 2013, 02:55:14 AM
Is this the one you got?

It's awesome!

I got lots of hardback Redwall books, when I already had the same books in paper back.  :D

I am a Redwall nerd all the way!
yes thats it!
When i saw this i had to have it!
I myself have mattimeo and loamhedge in hardback


I've got all the series in paperback (except Rogue Crew, which I've got in hardback and waiting for the UK paperback), but they're all different sizes and styles from being bought over the years. I wish publishers would stick to ONE style rather than keep changing it almost every time a new book comes along. It's the same with some of the other long-running book and DVD series I've got. :(

I do like the latest versions though with the embossed, copper-plate style "Redwall" name.


I got this paperback of the first book:

And then I found the 20th anniversary box for $5, so I got that:

I also saw the 10th anniversary paperback at a secondhand store once.  I was really tempted to get it, and I probably should have.  It's the same size as most of my other Redwall books, unlike the two editions of Redwall I currently have, and it's my favorite cover, I think.  It was on the copy I had from the library when I read it for the first time.


The art on the redwall books are always beutiful


My copy of the Redwall book is this one with a picture of a horse drawn cart on the front (but not that "Red Fox" publisher logo).  :)

It also has a quote at the bottom by William Horwood, the author of the Duncton books.

Shadowed One

My copy of Redwall is the tenth anniversary edition. A friend of mine gave it to me, and so even though it is beat up, I still like it.
Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc


Quote from: Buzz_Bumble on June 03, 2013, 07:05:13 AM
My copy of the Redwall book is this one with a picture of a horse drawn cart on the front (but not that "Red Fox" publisher logo).  :)

It also has a quote at the bottom by William Horwood, the author of the Duncton books.
i have this cover too


Quote from: phoenixfoden on June 03, 2013, 12:09:26 PM
Quote from: Buzz_Bumble on June 03, 2013, 07:05:13 AM
My copy of the Redwall book is this one with a picture of a horse drawn cart on the front (but not that "Red Fox" publisher logo).  :)

It also has a quote at the bottom by William Horwood, the author of the Duncton books.
i have this cover too
me too I love that cover of Redwall  ;)


I managed to get my hands on an uncorrected proof of The Long Patrol. I'll post some pictures if I can figure out how to upload them to the forum.


I've got an uncorrected proof of Triss, but it's only a plain pink cover - no images on it.

To upload pictures, I usually first upload them to a free image hosting website (to save using up space on the forum server). There's a few websites like,, and others.

Once you've followed the instructions to upload the picture, they give you the code to use in froum posts which you can just copy-paste. The code for this forum should look something like:


Yeah, my copy of TLP is just a plain red.

I thought that might end up being the only way, thanks for the help!