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The Nomads and the Pirate OOC and sign-up

Started by Rusvul, June 20, 2013, 01:13:31 PM

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'Allo! This is an RP (One that will be novelized) about what happens after Captain Rusvul appears, badly injured, on the ground. I cannot say more, as it would be spoilers for The Airship Endeavor, a story I am writing. This will be a steampunk story, set in a neovictorian world. The land is dangerous, filled with savage beasts. The skies are patrolled by vicious clockwork automatons. The only safe places are the giant pillars of rock, oft with cities on their top. These are airship ports. Rusvul is familiar with quite a few of these, but the nomads who find him and care for him know only the ground, and the hardships associated with it.

I need three types of players:

Nomads: The nomads are a tribal people, none too clean, but doing everything in their power to survive. They do have a sort of tribal code, with vicious punishments if it is broken. They have mostly stone weapons and tools, and dress in furs or rags. Always on the move, lest the beasts catch up with them.

Explorers: Your typical, neovictorian explorer. Well dressed, well armed, fancy talking, goggles, small steam-powered vehicles. Might fight with a sabre, a rapier, or a pistol (Might even go all Indiana Jones with a whip). Usually has rope, and a variety of other necessities.

Townsfolk: These are the townspeople of Wrendnaught, an industrial town fraught with danger. Mostly corrupt police, and the gangs that pay the police for not getting caught. Crime goes unnoticed, with the right price. Nearly anything does. Townsfolk will play a minor role.

EDIT: Four types. The last group is the Alchemysts.

Alchemysts: The Alchemysts are in and of themselves not evil, but there is a large guild of them, called "The Forum of Advanced Alkahestry" that is not nice. They are crosses betwixt scientists/engineers and magicians, and their practices are the closest to true magic that exist. Those involved in the Forum of Alkahestry are willing to go to any lengths to get what they want. Whether it be experimenting on living creatures with new weapons or solvents, or theft and murder, or simply science, they are diligent, intelligent, and ruthless.

You may make a fourth character if you want to have one of each group. All Alchemysts in this RP are evil, as most Alchemysts tend to join the Forum of Alkahestry.

The form is:

Clothing/Other Equipement:

So, mine is as follows.

Name: Rusvul
Personality: Kind, but wary of any and all threats. Does not want to fall into a trap, under any circumstances. Has absolutely no sense of direction, unless he has been somewhere many, many, many times.
Age: 17
Weapons: Rapier, pistol with electric bayonet. Pistol has three triggers: First one turns on the electric bayonet, second one shoots a bullet (Which, if the electricity is on, will become charged and zap whatever it hits), third one shoots a blunderbuss shot.
Clothing/Other Equipement: White shirt, brown vest.
Other: Nothing as of right now, I have to go.

You may make up to three characters, once I feel we have enough players I will start the RP.


  Mind if I be the nomad tribe leader?  If not, I'll just be a random nomad.  :)

Name:  Stam-Leier (pronounced 'Stom Lay-yer') (traditional name for the leader of the tribe.  His actual name is Wys (pronounced 'Vise'))
Age:  53
Gender:  Male
Species:  Mouse
Weapons:  The Stam-Leier carries only the staff of the chiefs, which is an ancient, oak shepherd staff.  (Image below)  This staff is the symbol of leadership; anybeast who carries this is to be obeyed.
Physical Appearance:  Wys has light brown fur sprinkled with grey.  His eyes have heavy bags under them, due to both his age and the burden of leadership he carries.  He is rather lean, not muscular, but tall.  This doesn't mean he doesn't do physical labour, his muscles just don't show.
Clothing/Other Equipment:  The chief wears a simple, brown robe with no decorations.  The only jewelry he wears is a beaded necklace given to him by his late daughter when she was young.  He wears spectacles due to poor eyesight.
Personality:  Quiet and kind, the leader of the nomads rules his people fairly, making sure that everybeast has what they need.  He is a wise leader, and if faced with the choice of fight or flight, he will always choose flight.  He sees no need to fight, preferring to stay as peaceful as possible.
Other:  The Stam-Leier used to have a wife and child, but they were killed in cold blood by rats he had taken in and cared for.  His daughter, Binti, tried to fight back, but with nothing but a rolling pin, she stood no chance.  Ever since then, the chief has hated violence and did whatever he could to avoid it.

The Stam-Leier's staff

 Also, I see that you have a bright, young, and handsome fox.  Now, I haven't read your fanfic yet (ugh, I never have the time to read any!  :(), so I don't know if you already have a character filling the part of a significant other, and I don't know if you WANT Rus to have one, but, if you do, I'd be willing to make one.  Not saying that you NEED one, it's just that I thought it might add a bit more.  If not, that's totally fine with me.  Just an idea.  :)
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Name: Jack
Species: Bat
Appearance: Jack is rather small and meek-looking. His bumbling form always hunched and scared-looking. His frail body is always trembling with an ever-present shock and jumpiness. His wings are usually held limp at his sides as he runs after the other, braver beasts. He would rather walk than fly, as a result, his feet are stronger than most bats. His brow is permanently creased after seasons of worry.
Jack's fur is a black, so black, that an 'a' has to be added in front of it. It is velvety and luxurious from years of soft living. His stomach is rather considerable as well, and he's definitely one of the better-offs. His wings are a slightly lighter black, but still considerably dark.
Always perched precariously on his head is a velvety green top hat. Although it is rather faded, it is well-loved, and in nearly perfect condition, of course, barring the faded colours. Wrapped around the base of the hat is a reddish-brown band of fur from his late friend. Tucked into the band are several feathers, one a vibrant, dyed blue, another a canary yellow, and still another a rather pretty grey. He sometimes wears bronze goggles while working. The goggles have small bolts ringing the edges and are tinted green.
Personality: Jack is a coward, simple as that. He's always running from one thing or another, and is very jumpy. Despite this, he is one of the best at his trade, a doctor. Some of you may of heard of him. He has no training as a warrior and is rather useless in battle.
Despite being a coward, Jack is a rock, someone you can always depend on. He will always try to tell the truth if it doesn't end in his death. He secretly isn't very sure of himself, and sometimes doesn't want to be the rock. When does he get to break down?
Jack has above-average intelligence, though he is by no means a genius. He is no good at social interactions, and is the sort to stand awkwardly to the side, not knowing what to say. He just doesn't get other creatures. He is excellent at memorisation and on-the-spot thinking, but not so much problem-solving and logic.
Age: 34
Weapons: N/A
Clothing/other equipment: A belt with doctor's tools and medicines on it.
Other: A townsperson he is.

Name: Zippy
Species: Hummingbird
Gender: Male
Age: 7 or 8
Appearance: Dark green back, purple forehead, green throat, black chest. He often wears a little newsboy hat that's been damaged so many times it's held together by spit and threads.
Personality: Zippy is all the things his name and species suggest: impatient, energetic, hasty, often in a rude way. However, he does have his moments when he quiets down and can be very sweet in a classic dibbun way. Zippy can be rather brash, and gets into trouble quite often. He's quite foolish, always blundering into trouble. He absolutely detests getting yelled at, and he always tells himself that he won't get caught the next time. That is never true, and he's almost always caught. He's a good fast flyer, though he only recently learned. He's hailed as a natural in aerodynamics. He's a very 'hakuna matata' sort, living in the moment, not giving a thought about tomorrow or yesterday.
Weapons: Natural defences
Clothing/other equipment: Newsboy hat
Other: His mum and dad died, so he joined up with the nomads.

Name: Amelia
Species: Hare
Appearance: Amelia is tall and of average weight. Her thin eyebrows are nearly always arched in suspicion and in a mocking way. Her fur is often ratty and tangled and her clothes worn, with holes and grease stains in them. She doesn't always take the time to put on clothes, groom, or eat, so she often looks terrible.
Amelia's fur is a light brown, nearly always ratty, as mentioned before. It is peppered with lighter spots, with a tan splotch along one side of her face.
Her main garb is a long dress, dark brown, plain, rather drab and boring, with a bonnet upon her head. However, when posing as a male, she wears brown pants, a button-up white shirt, a brown leather vest, and a newsboy hat.
Personality: Amelia is a rather insecure hare, she doesn't think it's good to be who she is, so she often dresses up as a male to escape judgement against who she really is when she does something stupid. And she does those things a lot. When she's posing as a male, she goes under the moniker Amer. Since her voice is rather deep, this hare can pass as a male in a pretty believable fashion.
As well as being insecure, Amelia has OCD. Everything has to be a pattern. Everything. If she doesn't tap the doorknob three times before she opens a door, all hell will break loose.
Despite these mental shortcomings, Amelia is a real genius, the sort of genius you rarely see. She is an inventor, a mechanic, a blacksmith, any job of that vein, Amelia's your number one gal. She's designed airships, weapons, loads of stuff, but she has never shared it. She doesn't for fear of rejection.
Weapons: BIIIG hammer, revolver
Clothing/Other Equipement: N/A


Something I forgot to mention, there are a few differences to normal Redwall (Aside from, you know, the fact that it's steampunk) There are different animals. Anything that's in Redwall, plus hummingbirds, raccoons, and cardinals. Most american woodland creatures, as well as european. And the steriotypes are blurred or nonexistent. Like, Rainshadow, your band of meanypants rats, that could very well exist. But, his family could have been murdered by a hedgehog or a mouse just as easily. And perhaps, earlier, a ferret gave them a hot meal and shelter. There are, however, some steriotypes:

Cats, and ferrets tend to be rich and high-class, even if not legitimately. Often snooty, look down on everyone.
Foxes and weasels are seen as disreputable gang-dudes, though often are not so.
Rats, Mice, Songbirds tend to be working-class citizens
Raccoons and sometimes weasels are associated with catburglary and subtle crime.
Birds of prey are the Sky-Patrol of some cities (Like an air force)
Mice, coyotes, and cats are the usual guards and fighters

These are not hard-and-fast rules, but say, a raccoon might not be accepted into a navy because of their species being associated with crime.

And, Rusvul doesn't have a significant other, and I'm not sure if he needs to have one or not. For now, I'll say no :).


  Okay, fine by me.  :)

 And I would like to also have an explorer.  She'll probably come into the scene as a character who's stumbled upon the nomads about the same time as Rus.

Name:  Jamie
Age:  21
Gender:  Female
Species:  Wildcat
Weapons:  Jamie mainly relies on a simple rapier that's sheathed over her shoulder, but she also has a pistol holstered on her left hip and a knife hidden in her boot.  If she's ever separated from her weapons, she will fight with her claws.
Physical Appearance:  Lean and strong, Jamie was built for fighting.  She's tall as well, just a bit shorter than a full grown otter.  Her face is narrow and she has sharp cheekbones.  As for her colouring, Jamie has dark ginger fur and pale blue/grey eyes.
Clothing/Other Equipment:  Jamie wears a green uniform over top of a lighter khaki dress shirt.  The shirt collar is tied with a green tie matching the colour of the uniform.  She has a brown belt around her waist with another running diagonally from her left hip to her right shoulder (her rapier is sheathed to that one).  Her trousers are a greyish-khaki colour, and they're tucked into brown leather boots.  Her paws are covered by brown leather gloves (they match her boots and belt), and she wears a green military cap.  And lastly, Jamie has a brown leather satchel (yes, it matches her other brown leather stuff ;)) in which she carries her supplies, a compass, and a set of binoculars.  (I have an image of the uniform below)
Personality:  Jamie is a smart young beast, quite the leader.  When she's on her own, she calls herself 'Major' Jamie, but she would be embarrassed if anybeast heard her call herself that.  She prefers to travel alone, exploring the world with no beast but herself for company.  But, when confronted by others, she doesn't shy away at all.
 When faced with trouble, Jamie immediately takes charge of the situation and helps find the best solution to the problem.  She's not afraid to fight anybeast, even if that beast is a badger.  That, to her, is a blessing, yet it's also a curse.  She knows that if she dies, she'll most likely die in a petty fight, due to her stubbornness.
Other:  Jamie is often called an 'old-fashioned girl', though she doesn't really know why.  She tries to refrain from using or wearing anything too modern, so she guesses that that's what beasts mean.

Jamie's uniform
 Her uniform:  (Ignore the floating arm and the blurry face ;))

 And her cap:  (Ignore the creepy eyebrow and ear ;))

 As you can see, I cropped the pics myself.  :P  (And I blurred out the face of the first pic 'cause it was the uniform I was showing, not the soldier.  ;))

 And, a warning, Jamie will probably clash with Rus a lot of the time, since both of them seem to be leaders.  ;)

  Are mine accepted?
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Uh, yeah. Accepted. *State of disorder* Well, I'm a bit disorganized, having never run an RP before. But, all current character forms are accepted.


Okay, my characters are done. By looking at them, I'd say that Zippy will have the most interaction in the story. Sorry if I sound impatient, but when is this gonna start?


Erm, I'm not sure. I'm waiting for more peoples to join, as three isn't quite enough :P. And, what group is Amelia in? Townsperson, Nomad, or Explorer? Just to clarify, the nomads have no firearms and very little metal. They are pretty darn primitive and tribal, but extremely physical. Their society is fraught with sadness, but there is little or no greed. Nearly all of their hardships are caused by external forces, as each band is a
close-knit family, whether related by blood or not.


This sounds awesome! I would like to have an explorer-sort character (she's actually living in Wrendnaught right now, but that's only because she accidentally crashed her airship).

Name: Ellen Cooper
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Species: Raccoon
Personality: Reckless and impulsive. Stubborn, doesn't like to conform. Rarely takes advice or backs down from a fight- even when it might be wise to do so. Quick to make friends, but also enemies. Doesn't like to admit weaknesses. Likes helping others, especially to strengthen themselves. Will sometimes cross lines drawn by the law, if need be, but isn't dishonorable.
Weapons: Dueling rapier, a pair of flintlock pistols.
Appearance: Dark brown fur with black "mask" and "glove" markings, ringed tail, hazel eyes. Short and slim. Wears white shirt, navy blue vest, aviator goggles, and a black fisherman's cap. Wears a black peacoat in cold/stormy weather. Also has small locket hidden underneath her shirt- never lets anyone see it. Often disorderly and rumpled-looking.
Other: She was actually born into a well-to-do family, but hated all the social restrictions. So she changed her name and ran away to become a pilot, and later a captain. As mentioned above, she crashed her ship. Now she's currently in Wrendnaugt, looking for a decent job and trying to survive without breaking too many laws.  
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!


Jack is townsperson, Zippy is nomad, and Amelia is explorer, though she's usually an inventor. Just going out to see the world now.


Accepted, Kitrall! Ideally I'd like three more join-ees, but if it takes forever, I might start the RP before then.
And Ellen Cooper sounds awesome.

EDIT: Edited first post, added a new faction. I forgot to have a bad guy. Not much of an RP without baddies.


Could I play the leader of the Alchemists? Unless you want to.

Name: Suli
Species: Rabbit
Gender: Female
Appearance: Suli is a frail-looking rabbit who looks older and more vulnerable than she actually is. Her brown fur has reddish traces around her nose and ears and black dots all over her back. Her belly is a soft creme colour. In short, she's quite a pretty-looking rabbit fur-wise, though scrawny with some grey whiskers here and there. She wears a pretty red-purple dress with blue lining, along with a slightly lighter coloured corset-like piece. It looks a bit like a corset, but it isn't. She wears a top hat and goggles 'cause those are epic.
Personality: Suli is actually very fragile, and leads/joined the Alchemists so she feels safe in the world. She's a bit of a coward, though very clever. She's often patronizing and rude, and really doesn't care that she is. She puts on a tough front so she's less approachable and seen as a higher leader than she actually is. She quite enjoys barking out commands, and has taught the Alchemists her first language(to be revealed in RP) as a code-thingy, as not so many creatures around here are fluent.(in progress)
Age: 45
Clothing/other equipment:

Her dress


Sure, she can be the visible leader of the Alchemysts, however the leader is a mysteriously shrouded beast, calls himself the Skydwindle Lich.



Quote from: rusvulthesaber on June 22, 2013, 11:00:59 PM
Accepted, Kitrall! Ideally I'd like three more join-ees, but if it takes forever, I might start the RP before then.
And Ellen Cooper sounds awesome.

EDIT: Edited first post, added a new faction. I forgot to have a bad guy. Not much of an RP without baddies.

Thank you. :) And the Alchemysts sound like they'll be causing some fun and interesting complications.
Oh, by the way- this isn't perfect, but...

Ellen Cooper
A day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of woes and shattered shields, when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight!