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The Fight Pits

Started by Jetthebinturong, August 16, 2013, 05:21:03 PM

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What do you think the first arena should be?

Rocky terrain
Grassy plains
Snowy plains
Islands on water
Islands on lava
River banks


This idea came about when someone on another thread mentioned group dueling. The basic premise of this RP is that a band of fighting enthusiasts has gone out and captured a random group of people and placed them in an arena to fight for their freedom. This RP should probably start off with 5-10 people. Once the previous arena has been won another group may apply and it begins again, this is supposed to be a continuous thing so that it wouldn't end too quickly. The arena would vary every group. So, who wants to join?

Signup sheet:
Physical description:


If this gets support I'll post my character sheet later. Also if you have any other ideas for the arena please post them
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Zoundz like fun. Ah'll join!

Name: Aldar Kreshal
Species: Pine Marten
Gender: Male
Age: A few seasons older than middle seasons
Physical description: Deep black eyes, the usual pine marten fur, a wee bit bigger than your average pine marten
Weapon(s): Two knives and a shortsword
Clothing: Green hooded cloak
Capture: He was betrayed by a so-called "friend" and then ambushed and overpowered

Ah'll try viz Aldar again. 'e'z alvayz been vone o' me favourite characterz tae fight viz!
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.

Shadowed One

I will join, if you want me too.

Name: Aster Tuyo
Species: Otter
Age: Unknown, somewhere in his 20s
Physical description: Brown fur, scar across his right eye, and dark green eyes
Weapon(s): Hand and a half sword, round wooden shield, and a dirk
Clothing: Dark green tunic, black pants, boots, and a black overcoat
Capture: He was tracking a group of vermin, but was lured into a trap and captured.

For the arena, I had an idea. We could use several of them. In each round, they change the arena, so first we fight in ruins, then on islands, then underground, etc.
Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc


You forgot tell us your species.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


is this just starting or is it to late to join

The Shade

Im in.

Name; Sandfire

Species; Desert cat

Gender; Male

Age; About early twenties

Physical desciption; Average head for his kind, heayily muscled. Firey, shaggy fur.

Clothing; A tight orange jekin, underneth a short traveling cloak.

Weapons; Two hard leather guntlets, that have three heavy retracting blades. He also has a copper headed trident.

Capture; Shot by an arrow by vermin, in his shoulder, and then covered and beaten senseless under a net.

They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Great all accepted

@Rachel it's only just starting so if you want to, join
@Shadowed One, it's not a rounds thing, it's a free for all

Well seeing as this got support I'll post my character

Signup sheet:
Name: Twigtooth
Species: Beaver
Gender: Male
*Age: Mid twenties
Physical description: Rather muscly, quite large for a beaver
Weapon(s): Dual black katanas
Clothing: Black eyepatch over left eye, dark blue tunic with brown, gold-buckled belt
*Capture: His ship, the Waterlog was wrecked on the coast near the arena, they found him unconscious on the floor with his sword through a ferret and carried him back to fight in the arena
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Dag Downyfur

I wanna join!!

Name: Scarab Renegade
Species: unknown, possibly squirrel(she's a master of disguise)
Gender: female
Age: 14
Physical Description: No one knows of Scarab's true appearance. She looks like a squirrel, although she has markings like that of a ferret.
Weapons: a thin dagger, a sling, and if desperate, teeth and claws.
Clothing: She wears a simple tunic, a snakeskin belt, and a bandana on her head.
Capture: She was trapped and brought to the arena place after attacking the beasts that were creating these arena battles.
Doctor Who is epic, so is Sherlock. And many other fandoms, but there's not enough room to list them all in my signature!
"I am and always will be the optimist, the hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams." -Matt Smith


I think I'll join but I'm not that great at RP
Name; Jukmin

Species; Sea Otter

Gender; female

Age; nineteen seasons

Physical desciption; tall, well built, has black fur and green eyes, and has tattoos on her rudder and back.

Clothing; dark blue tunic with desert grass belt and eye patch.

Weapons; sling, small javelin, dagger, and sabre. 

Capture; She is from the western sea and lived on an island until it was attacked and she has been used by the searats who captured her as a gladiator and has been brought here to fight for her freedom   


Rachel accepted

Dag I'd rather if there was a definitive species because if someone attacked you, you wouldn't know because they wouldn't be able to go "He saw an otter in front of him and launched himself at them" instead it would be like "He saw someone in front of him and launched himself at them" which could mean anyone
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Dag Downyfur

Alright then could she still be disguised but look just like squirrel but with ferret markings on her face, so you could call her a squirrel that way? It's ok if I can't but I was just wondering..
Doctor Who is epic, so is Sherlock. And many other fandoms, but there's not enough room to list them all in my signature!
"I am and always will be the optimist, the hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams." -Matt Smith


Okay I guess

We now have enough people to start, should we or do you want to wait for more gladiators?
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Shadowed One

Martin the Warrior is way more epic than Mickey Mouse. Anyone who says otherwise is insane, or just wrong.

"I'm languishing in heroic obscurity!"-Doc

The Shade

They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I