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A Winter to Freeze Your Heart RP

Started by Unimaginative, October 20, 2013, 12:31:24 AM

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Do you wish to join the Purple Unicorn Army of Brazil, led by me?



OOC: *Face paw* You would think you guys would have learned by now that Vatra can handle herself. It is always when someone tries to interfere when things go wrong.

BIC: Vatra ran around the side of the abbey keeping close to the wall She puled up the hood of the cloak up it covered her dark fur pretty well. She had white rags tied around her paws and partway up her arms and legs.  She peeked around the corner and looked at the horde.      
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Brokentooth was aiming. He was standing near the back of the Horde, with his bow drawn. He could see the creatures scrambling around the wall-tops. Near the center of the wall stood three creatures. One seemed to be giving orders, and that was the one he aimed for. When he was almost certain the arrow would hit it's mark, he fired, the arrow heading straight towards the three creatures on the wall-top.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Dannflower Reguba

Ervoyce had just gotten up the stairs when his sharp ears picked up the whistle of an arrow. He instinctively knew the target, as the person talking was always the first to go. He quickly whipped his cloak off, and swung it in front of Arya. The arrow was diverted, and Ervoyce calmly looked at the arrow in his clothing, "Well, we can't have that now can we." He looked up to the designated leaders, "We need to get everybeast that doesn't need to be here off the walltops, and the ones that do need to be alert. We are dealing with vermin after all." Having made his statement, he turned and headed back down the stairs, realizizing that not everybeast was present, and he was pretty sure just what the missing one was planning, "Arya! Zhu! Don't let anybeast follow me!"
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Vatra took five arrow and stuck them point first into the snow next to her she then took another and notched it to the bow her arm still hurt but she ignored the pain as she drew back the bow and zoned in on the vermin who had just fired an arrow at the wall top. She used to be a really good shot but she was a little out of practice. Although the wind was still and her target was pretty close so it would be hard to miss even for an ammeter which she definitely was not. She paused waiting for the right moment to send death sing threw the air.     
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Grund saw her pull back her bow just in time. He pulled a vermin from the horde and held it I. From t of him. The arrow ended buried deep in the poor ermine's stomach. The screams were short, but more in the middle of the horde sad sobs sounded. Most likely the ermine's wife. Grund walked up to his brother, and whispered in his ear "Looks like your dpfriend save you, will they?" Then he yelled to the wall tops: "Looks like you best give up your abbey!" He pulled back the knife, and stuck it shallowly in Hail's shoulder preparing to skin him alive...

Ooc: why do I feel so horrible? :'( poor Hail...
~Just a soft space boi~

The Shade

Yatar had just got back from Redwall's armoury, and was surprised to hear wild shouting. He peeked over the rampards, and immediately started running. Arriving at the crowd of bewildered redwallers, he passed out bows and quivers as fast as he could, before dumping the short range weapons in a pile so the most able beasts could help themselves. For himself he snatched a longsword nearly the same height as himself, and a short crossbow.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Brokentooth watched unhappily as his arrow was blocked. Not wanting to lose the targets, he continued to fire arrows, scattering them around the wall rather then just aiming at the leader.
Hail winced as the knife entered his shoulder. "Save me? Why would they?" Hail said. "I've brought them chaos, and that's it.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Vatra saw Grund go in after Hail and instead of firing at Brokentooth she fired all 5 arrows in quick succession one at the knife one at Grund and the others at the rope binding Hail to the post. She did it in such a way that if she missed she would miss and the arrow would pass by behind Hail leaving him unhurt.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Jantar had watched it all, she saw what the squirrel was trying to do, and quickly loaded her blowpipe. She didn't need to aim, she simply pointed it at Hail, and shouted, "If you fire one more arrow squirrel. Then Hail will die a most horrible death! Poison can sometimes be slower than being skinned!"
Zanga had called everyone, and was busily trying to organise them. He was up on the ramparts, sending creatures who didn't need to be here, down into the grounds to collect anything that could be used to pack the space behind the Maingate. And he sent others, to do the same for the wall gates, and he sent six creatures to guard the wall gates. "Archers, arm yourselfs, and be ready to fire!" He yelled. He also found some shields, and was running up, and down the ramparts handing them out to creatures standing in front.

Dannflower Reguba

     Ervoyce had left behind his cloak, and switched to his completely white garb, "Hmph, and those moles said I looked ridiculous when I chose white." As foolish as the fox had been, he didn't deserve to die, especially not like this. As he passed Vatra, he tossed a very small clump of snow at her neck to get her attention. Anticipating a turn around he whispered, "Keep them busy, but don't get caught. I've snuck through horde's of vermin before, and these ones aren't nearly the brightest." With that he was gone, invisible to all except briefly to Vatra.

     It was but a few moments later he was behind the intruding vermin, "Hail, just hang in there." His features hardened, "I'm coming!" With this last mental affirmation, he slowly wound his way through the distracted horde, he had but one chance, probably Hail's last. There was no room for messing up!
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


post deleted

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: Rachel, Ervoyce lives and breaths by stealth, on top of this, you are in a giant blob of cantankerous vermin. There is no logical OR magical way in which you could possibly pick out a stealthy adversary midst the snow. That's purely Godmoding.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


OOC: Yes on the other hand it is very difficult to ignore this.

BIC: Vatra turned and saw Ervoyce for a second. She grind time for some action! She thought. She threw down the bow and taking the javelin she ran in to plain sight and yelled "Who want's a taste of Death Stinger!" Which was what she had named her javelin.  
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

OOC: Whoah! You guys are going too fast!

BIC: Arya had called her thanks to Ervoyce when he started going down the steps. To Zhu, "Alright...I don't think we have enough, but I've learned to shoot two arrows at once. It'll have to do. Kogane, isn't it? Do you mind if I order you around? There goes another hordebeast.....Find some moles, and tell them to firmly shore up ALL the gates. Thanks for the shield Zanga. Give it to someone else, I don't do shields. DUCK ZHU!!! Hang on....Got him!! I wonder if I can get that beast with the blowpipe...Those things are dangerous." Arya said, all the time shooting arrows. She pulled one of them back, and sighted on the fox. She shot the arrow.

OOC: It could miss horribly, although she was aiming for Jantar's head.


Jantar watched as an arrow came flying towards her. She leapt behind, Hail, but not in time. The arrow hit her in the tail. She screamed, in pain, and anger.
"Fire one more arrow! Just one! And he dies!" Jantar growled. She aimed her blowpipe up at the walls, and fired. She wasn't really aiming for somebeast in particular, but the walltops were crowded, it would hit someone.
"LOOK OUT!" Zanga shouted as a dart came flying toward a mole near him. He threw the shield Arya, had given back to him, the dart thudded into the edge of it.