
Cheers to an Auspicious Autumn, Ev'rybeast! Enjoy a hot cider and the cool breezes, as the year dwindles to its end. . .

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OOC: Anywhere Is: An Anything Goes RP

Started by Tiny Jackalope, November 20, 2013, 12:45:17 AM

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Anywhere Is
12 (70.6%)
Going to the Mounain
5 (29.4%)

Total Members Voted: 17


  I think I'll join this one!

Adeline Greenborough
Name & Affiliation:  Adeline (Addy) Greenborough (Minstrel)

Species:  Hare

Age:  Late 30s, early 40s... somewhere around there.

Gender:  Female

Appearance:  Addy is a light ginger hare with floppy ears and dark green eyes.  She's quite fond of food, as most hares are, so she's not the most thin.  Actually, she's rather large, and she wears a bright green, baggy dress with a very flamboyant pattern on it.  Over that dress the minstrel wears a flashy yellow cape with similar decorations, making her look the part of a fool.  Which she is.
  When traveling, Addy is known to wear a yellow bonnet that matches her cape, and she's often found carrying her flute and lute.  The lute is most often slung over her shoulder, while she has a special pouch in her cape for the wooden flute.

Personality:  Adeline is your typical minstrel: boisterous and merry, with a side of joy.  She loves children and has a thing for food (as most hares do), as well as her instruments.  She believes that she sings horribly, making her stick more to her flute than lute, but in reality, her singing is quite the treat.

Weapon:  The only weapon the hare owns is a knife tucked into her dress.  Well, and her instruments, but she would never hit a beast with them!

Strengths:  Addy is quite heavy and strong, as well as very adept with many instruments, including her personal favourites, the flute and the lute.  What's very amazing about the gal is that she can (usually) get Dibbuns to obey her.  This is mostly because she promises them a song if they do what she tells them to do.  Or a candied chestnut.  That works pretty well too.

Weaknesses:  As previously mentioned, Adeline is quite heavy, making it hard for her to move around quickly, and when trying to swim, she sinks.  She's not fond of bees or any type of insect, and will go to great lengths to exterminate them.

History:  *To be added*

Passive Skills:  (This is pretty obvious, but...)  Addy can play a large variety of instruments, but she prefers to stick to the lute and the wooden flute.  She can eat her weight in a single sitting, making her a formidable foe to Redwall Abbey's friar.

Rank/Position:  Um... she's a minstrel.  Are there ranks for minstrels?  :P

  I will finish this, but right now...  DC UNIVERSE!!!  :D  :D
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Tiria Wildlough


Name & Affiliation: Maddy Sheenwick, mercenary/loner
Species: Squirrel
Age: Twenties
Gender: Female
Appearance: She looks like this:
Red squirrel
Except skinnier.

She wears a gray blouse, laced up vest, and trousers with large pockets. Her weapons are attached to her belt, and she carries a satchel with food and her other stuff in it.
Personality: Maddy is extremely laid-back, so lazy that it's not even funny. The only time when she perks up is when there's something in it for her (i.e. money, food, etc.).
Weapon: Bow and arrow and dagger
Strengths: She is good with her weapons, and is a fast runner.
Weaknesses: Laziness, and can't seem to keep solid friends.
History: Even as a child, Maddy would seek the easy way out of everything, rather than work hard. Her parents were down-to-earth farmers, and they tried very hard to get their daughter to follow in their footsteps, but Maddy would have none of it. She went traveling at the young age of 18 and never went back to visit her family. She feels guilty about this, but not enough to do anything about it.
Passive Skills: She is good at wheedling things out of people.
Rank/Position: Lol, I don't know what 'rank' she is.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


Name & Affiliation: Kogane, loner
Species: Japanese Marten
Age: if he was human he'd be about 34
Gender: Male
Appearance: His fur looks like this
He wears a red samurai chestplate and shoulder plates. He has a scar over his left eye.
Personality: Inquisitive and curious but distrusting of all others due to a time in his life when he trusted nearly everyone but his trust was betrayed. He is rather intelligent and is relatively good under pressure.
Weapon: A katana and a wakizashi. He also carries a broken dao sword but he does not use it as a weapon.
Strengths: He was trained by some of the most proficient blademasters in his home country of Hakaan and as such can use a sword better than most. He is also reasonable in paw to paw combat.
Weaknesses: He is agile and swift rather than strong so he tends to try and avoid his opponents strikes and attack with speed, this is difficult in an enclosed space. If he is unarmed and his opponent is armed then there is a fair chance his opponent will come out on top. His mistrust of others means he does not have any allies to call upon when he gets into trouble
History: This shall be the subject of an upcoming fanfic so I'd rather not say
Passive Skills: He's a decent cook
Rank/Position: Wandering warrior

I am hoping to have at least one more character but just to be sure, how many characters are we allowed?
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Tiny Jackalope

Quote from: Jetthebinturong on November 20, 2013, 06:26:51 PM
I am hoping to have at least one more character but just to be sure, how many characters are we allowed?
For now we can only have one character each, but I will probably change that rule later.

Thanks for joining everyone!
a mere rebel... as mere as this dot -> .

Cornflower MM

Fur color:nut brown, tan on tummy
Eye Color:Deep, yet light blue
Clothing:Light green travelers cloak, baggy blue tunic
Weapon:bow and arrows, long thin rapier, dagger
Other:(Am copying TJ, Hope you don't mind!!!) Classified!!!


Ahoy there, me hearty rum-buddies. I be estar222, or Mauve, if you please. I am the friend of JetTheBinturong, and I have come here to aid him in the RPing of this RP.

Name & Affiliation: Ashiga Marutsu the Exiled, an exiled Kurai-Hana master-at-arms.

Species: Weasel, as are all members of the Kurai-Hana tribe.

Age: 34, roughly, although the Kurai-Hana are nomads, and therefore do not keep any real permanent records, so the age might be inaccurate for up to a year either way.

Gender: Male

Appearance: Ashiga the Exiled, is a tall, lean, athletic weasel. He has a sly look about him, and does not usually carry himself fully upright as he walks, which is a remnant from his martial arts training, and usually has his knees slightly bent so as to prevent surprise-kneecapping. His fur is a ginger-red/orange colour, deepening to dark brown around his nose, but maintaining its shading throughout the rest of his body, as in the picture I shall provide.

This is his clothing/armour. Note that the shirt is leather, not cotton, and that the main torso section is padded and made of scoured leather, not soft leather.

Personality: He is a dark and mysterious character that very few know about. He is often cold, and somewhat arrogant, though not overly so, as he does accept that he is not the best- yet. His personality does not tend towards disorders like anxiety and narcissism, but instead psychopathy and sociopathy in that he is mostly unable to show remorse, and has serious trouble with empathy. Note that he is not actually labeled as either of these, however, as he still does on occasion- regret far more than empathy.

Weapon: A pair of Burmese Dhas.

Two of those babies, ooooh yesssss. He wields them in a variety of ways, most of which use his extreme agility as a weasel to his advantage.

Strengths: 1. He is an extremely agile person. As a weasel, his spine curves and bends in a remarkably unsettling fashion. He uses this to his advantage in combat by continuously oppressing an opponent with seemingly impossible blows, and by attacking in ways that would not occur to most martial artists.

2. Mastery of several forms of martial arts, most of which are Kung-fu related, and make fantastic use of his swords. He is also an expert at unarmed combat, although he is somewhat out of practice as he rarely uses that, favouring his swords instead.

3. Natural cunning, guile, and stealth. Although he is a weasel and therefore immediately distrusted by most, he is a great liar, and a very persuasive person. He is a machiavellian master of intelligence, and possesses a great deal of it himself.

4. Lack of empathy and remorse. This can often also come under weaknesses, as it hampers his social skills greatly and makes it hard for him to integrate himself when working as a spy, but makes his other job as a hired murderer a lot easier.

Weaknesses: 1. Physical lack of endurance. He does not lack strength, and he does not lack agility, but in order to have decent amounts of both of these, his small frame carries a great physical burden already, and will take most forms of damage much worse than another creature might. This is true for most weasels. Note that it doesn't affect his tolerance for falling from a height.

2. Choice of weapon. Swords are hard to acquire, especially if you want them made to this excellent standard of craft, and are expensive even when you do know where to get them. If they should break for any reason, he'll have to resort to unarmed, which he's not nearly as good with as he is with his blades.

3. Lack of empathy and remorse. This could be seen as a strength, but also greatly affects how he can integrate himself into different circles. He is a convincing actor, but an act can only be taken so far without some real feelings.


Most of this will be left out, in order for Jet to write the fanfic pertaining to his origins. All I shall say is that he is an exiled Kurai-Hana assassin. The Kurai-hana, are, of course, nomads. Most of them have a great sense of honour and almost all are adept fighters, but even then there will always be some backstabbing assassins just looking for gold pieces. Normally, these murderers-for-coin are not shunned for their trade, and they are welcomed as any other brother of the Kurai-Hana, but there are limits to what any tribesman can do without reprimand, and Ashiga crossed that line by a million miles. In truth, he should have been killed for his crimes, but the Kurai-hana do not kill their own, so they exiled him, giving him the final warning that should he ever cross the path of one of their kind again, he would no longer be considered a tribesman, and that in that eventuality, he'd be fair game for killing.

The reasons for his exile and revilement are major contributing factors to the loneliness and distrustfulness of Kogane.

Passive Skills: Natural guile and charm. He's sneaky and rarely makes any noise he does not actively want to make. He has more access than is normal to the '6th sense' that all living creatures possess and know as instinct, which he gained through years of training. This allows his reaction times to be much faster than an untrained person's, and for him to sometimes get an early warning of an impending sneak-attack on his life.

Rank/Position: He has no rank anymore. He was once the most revered and feared of all the Kurai-hana assassins, and his name was known and respected through nearly all of Hakaan's criminal circles, and guard's meetings. His presence would command silence, unless he was asking you a question, and his signature on an assassination contract warranted a lot of pay. He was a proud member of the Kurai-hana, and they were proud of him too.

Now he is Waerlogo; Warlock; Oathbreaker. He is an exile, and he is reviled by all those who once would have yearned for the opportunity to learn from him.

They would sooner kill him than speak his name.
You want to know my name? My name? My name is not a word that I use anymore; you will never learn it. Instead, you can call me the colour that humans seem to think belongs to magic; you can call me the colour a monarch wears under his cape; you can call me Mauve.


Quote from: estar222 on November 20, 2013, 11:58:25 PM
Appearance: Ashiga the Exiled, is a tall, lean, athletic weasel. He has a sly look about him, and does not usually carry himself fully upright as he walks, which is a remnant from his martial arts training, and usually has his knees slightly bent so as to prevent surprise-kneecapping. His fur is a ginger-red/orange colour, deepening to dark brown around his nose, but maintaining its shading throughout the rest of his body, as in the picture I shall provide.

WEASEL PICTURE!!!!!!!!!!!!
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


You want to know my name? My name? My name is not a word that I use anymore; you will never learn it. Instead, you can call me the colour that humans seem to think belongs to magic; you can call me the colour a monarch wears under his cape; you can call me Mauve.


  Head is a huge fan of weasels, so he freaks out whenever he sees one.  ;)  Welcome to the family, Star!  (Star?  Hmm, gonna hafta think of a better nickname...)  Great to see another roleplayer on here, and your character looks awesome!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Call me estar, or Mauve. It's good to be here, and I can understand an excitement about ferrets; I like ferrets myself. Where's the IC?
You want to know my name? My name? My name is not a word that I use anymore; you will never learn it. Instead, you can call me the colour that humans seem to think belongs to magic; you can call me the colour a monarch wears under his cape; you can call me Mauve.


Weasels, HiaG likes Weasels.
I'm not sure if I should join or not. I'm in so many Rps. But did you say this would happen over Thanksgiving? I will think about joining this, but for now I'm not certain. Oh, and what does Affiliation. It may be that I'm saying it to myself wrong, and therefore can't understand what it means, but could someone explain what it means for me.  ;D

Dannflower Reguba

Just don't call him Stary.  :P :P (Longstanding and incredibly mean joke that Rainshadow likes to play)   ::)
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Quote from: danflorreguba on November 21, 2013, 04:41:12 PM
Just don't call him Stary.  :P :P (Longstanding and incredibly mean joke that Rainshadow likes to play)   ::)

  Yes!  Starry!  Great choice, Danny!  ;D  Lol, nah, Mauve'll be fine.  ;)

  @Rach:  Affiliation is what team you're on.  Good, bad, etc.  Probably also you could include your job in that title, seeing as it could help.  Like, in my sheet, Addy's affiliation is a minstrel, so she's more of a neutral character.  Leaning towards good, but if needed, she could go and entertain vermin and be just fine.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


You want to know my name? My name? My name is not a word that I use anymore; you will never learn it. Instead, you can call me the colour that humans seem to think belongs to magic; you can call me the colour a monarch wears under his cape; you can call me Mauve.


No we do not, you're pretty impatient aren't you. This isn't like the MC forums, usually this many players isn't enough to start an rp, besides you haven't even been accepted. Wait patiently mein freund, it will happen soon enough.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan