Leverets and Leverage

Started by Faiyloe, December 06, 2013, 01:57:57 AM

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This RP was based off of a Duel me and KiterallStreamrippler did called Sanguine Shores. Both me and KtierallStreamrippler will be GMs so if you have any questions ask one of us.   

Some corsairs have kidnapped some leverets from Salamandastron. Tarragon (the captain of the sea skipper) along with Max (her first mate) offer to chase after them in her ship to get them back (taking along some hares and maybe even the Badger Lord/Lady) .

Start with two characters then if you think you can handle more you can make another. 

Fill out this character sheet.

Physical Description:


Sea Skipper's Captain
Tarragon (Faiyloe)

Sea Skipper's First mate
"Max" (short for Maxine Lettie Cullen)(KiterallStreamrippler)

Sea Skipper's crew (mostly otters I might except one or two non otter crew members)
Ani (rachle25)
Raggo (The Shade)
Flip (Star Stripe)
Bryony (Cornflower MM) 

Badger Lord/Lady
Lady Nerena (redwallgurl)

Salamandastron hare
Creas (Skipper)
Twalla Bandetta (BrookSimmer)
Colonel Oliver Buckwood (Faiyloe)
Bethina (Cornflower MM)

Leverets (They are the ones that get captured)(Does not count as one of your two characters)
Victoria (Osu)(Cornflower)
Wisteria (Wist for short) (BrookSkimmer)
Ruby (Faiyloe)
Ghalo (Blaggut)
Scarlet (Amrith Waterspring)
Corsair captain
Tobias "Toby" del Mar (Rainshadow)

Corsair first mate
Mattina (Leatho Shellhound)

Corsair crew
Poppy (Osu)
Shaegar Deathblade (shadefur nightblade)
Skallagrim (shadefur nightblade)
Cisza (rachel25)
Akala (The Shade)
Grimetooth (Blaggut)
Flinkclo (HanNorwood)
Riptail (Amrith Waterspring)

My Characters

Name: Tarragon 
Species: Otter
Gender: Female
Age: Approx. 17-18   
Weapon(s): Basket hilted rapier, relies more on skill and agility than physical strength.
Physical Description: Dark chocolate brown fur fading in to a white under belly, sparkling black eyes, roguish grin, wears a belt a white renaissance sailing shirt, brown pants, black boots.
Personality: Free, rebellious, friendly, biased against all vermin even if they are good, Carefree. (Max being the exception)     
Other: Is a sailor by choice never really adapted to the rough sailor language. Captain of The Sea Skipper.

Name: Ruby   
Species: Hare 
Gender: Female
Age: 6
Weapon(s): Her paws and her piercing scream. Trust me that is enough. Grin
Physical Description: Sand colored fur,and bright blue eyes. wares her mothers necklace which she borrowed without permission. A white smock       
Personality: A born fighter taking after her father. She was never the type to cry or whimper more to yell scream and kick (her father says she’ll be a boxing hare when she grows up).  She will sooner bite your fingers off than do what you say but at home (Salamandastron) with her parents or friends she is a perfect jewel. She is smart for her age and is fond of stating the obvious.   
Other: N/A

Name: Colonel Oliver Buckwood
Species: Hare
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Weapon(s): long stout spear
Physical Description: tall and fit. He wares a red Salimandastron uniform. His fur is sand colored and his eyes are blue.
Personality: commander type, orderly, loyal, friendly.
Other: Ruby's Father.

temporary PPed Characters
Name: Lady Nerena
Species: Badger
Gender: Female
Age:  26 Seasons
Weapon(s): Bow and Arrow, Sword
Physical Description: Slender black badger with spots of rust brown on her coat. Warm brown eyes.
Personality: She is usually a carefree badger and loves to work with the little ones. But she can be very orderly when it comes to running the mountain. She likes to know every single piece of information and dislikes it when information is kept from her.
Other: Her father died a couple of seasons ago by this same corsair, after a huge battle. 

KiterallStreamripplers Character

Name- "Max" (short for Maxine Lettie Cullen)
Species- Wildcat
Gender- Female
Age- approx. 18-19
Weapon(s)- Paws, cutlass (prefers paw-to-paw, and is not as good at sword fighting)
Physical Description- Tall and wiry, with light grey fur, white-tipped ears and tail, and blue-grey eyes. Wears comfortable, somewhat shabby, non-restrictive clothing (navy blue pantaloons, faded grayish shirt, and dark red bandana covering scalp).
Personality- Cheerful and optimistic, though serious if the situation calls for it. Sanguine, in more than one sense.
Other- Is currently employed on the Sea Skipper, captained by Tarragon (Faiyloe).
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Leatho Shellhound

I'll join, :D

Name: Mattina

Species: Ermine

Gender: Female

Age:  21

Weapon(s): Glaive, Scimitar and buckler

Physical Description: Reddish fur, but it turns white in the winter, black tip tail. She has blue eyes. She wears a white tuinc and turban with a blue shash. Black boots and several stud earrings.

Personality: She is very deceptive, she smiles and laughs merrily while doing evil. Her voice is almost sweet, while giving a death sentence.

Other: Among all her bad qualitys, there is a good one. She it trustworthy and loyal to her mateys and the rest of the crew. An excellent sailor and is First Mate.

So, did the Corsair take the Leverts to sell as slaves? Can Mattina be Corsair First Mate?
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Ooh, I'll apply! This sounds like an awesome idea!

[kidnapped Salamandastron leveret]
Name: Victoria
Species: Hare
Gender: Female
Age: Around seven seasons?
Weapon(s): sling (which she's not very good at using.)
Physical Description: Light brown smock with white apron, wears a big green bow around her neck. Blue eyes. Fur is light brown with a white belly and a white spot on her forehead. Her paws and the tips of her ears are black.
Personality: Vivacious, garrulous, and not too bright. Food is her top priority in life, everything else is a distant second.
Other: Can she be the child of one (or two?) of the hares that are sailing after the corsairs? Somebody else's character(s) maybe?

[Corsair crew]
Name: Poppy
Species: Weasel
Gender: Female
Age: Mid-thirties
Weapon(s): whips, a long knife
Physical Description: Very grungy, scruffy looking; wears an off-white poet's shirt, red sash, and kilt, as well as garish jewelry around her neck and wrists.
Personality: Something of a sociopath, Poppy has zero sense of compassion for others and enjoys spending her time whipping innocent creatures. Also likes to scare random animals by threatening to eat them alive, which she would if she thought she could get away with it. She's kind of a wackjob. Very impulsive, but also intelligent when she bothers to stop and think. She rarely does so.
Other: Is one of the corsairs put in charge of the kidnapped leverets?
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


Wonderful everyone! you are both accepted.
@ Leatho sorry I should have explained that. They were most likely going to use them as hostages to get at Salamandastron but slaves is fine. It is up to the person who plays captain of the corsair ship.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


I'd like to join!

Name: Wisteria (Wist for short)
Species: Hare
Gender: Female
Age: About ten seasons
Weapon(s): Small knife, sling
Physical Description: She is a very small hare for her age. She also has lop ears, giving her quite the timid appearance. Her fur is soft and light grey. Her eyes are dark green. She wears a simple smock of green with a cord belt around it.
Personality: Her personality matches her looks for the most part. Quite timid and shy. She is easily bullied and/or pushed around. However, if something is standing in the way of her friends or morals she will stand up.
Other: Friends with Osu's character Victoria if Osu is ok with that?


Terrific Accepted ;D.

I decided to make a levert character.

Name: Ruby   
Species: Hare 
Gender: Female
Age: 6
Weapon(s): Her paws and her piercing scream. Trust me that is enough. ;D
Physical Description: Sand colored fur,and bright blue eyes. wares her mothers necklace which she borrowed without permission. A white smock       
Personality: A born fighter taking after her father. She was never the type to cry or whimper more to yell scream and kick (her father says she’ll be a boxing hare when she grows up).  She will sooner bite your fingers off than do what you say but at home (Salamandastron) with her parents or friends she is a perfect jewel. She is smart for her age and is fond of stating the obvious.   
Other: N/A
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


I've looked at this, and decided I'd be an utter idiot not to join. I'm in!

Name: Ani
Species: sea otter
Gender: male
Age: 20
Weapon(s): daggers, sling, twin swords.
Physical Description: of middle height, has plenty of scares, and has dark brown eyes. Would not be described as handsome, but isn't ugly either.  
Personality: Doesn't trust anyone easily, but when he does trust you, he is loyal to the death. Keeps his personal feelings to himself, and loves a good fight.
Other: is a sailor on the Sea Skipper. And plays the fiddle/violin.


Sounds good, I want to join.
Name: Rigg
Species: Otter
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Weapon(s): Oak club
Physical Description: Though he is slimmer than one might expect for a strong male otter, he is no less leaner then any warrior. Rigg has dark brown fur with a slightly paler stomach. He wears a dark blue sleeveless shirt with a broad leather belt were he keeps his club, among other items.
Personality: Stubborn, kind and friendly, Rigg is a true gentleman and is always speaking from his heart. He tends to avoid violence but doesn't mind bashing a head or two with his club for a good reason.
Other: He is part of the Sea Skipper's crew


Great I was hoping you would join Rachel. Accepted. and Skipper you didn't put a Physical Description but as soon as you do your accepted too.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


  Mind if I'm the corsair captain?  If not, I can just be one of the crew.  :)

Tobias del Mar
Name:  Tobias "Toby" del Mar

Species:  Rusty-spotted genet (or panther genet)

Gender:  Male

Age:  Not young, but not old.  Many guess that Toby's in his thirties, but no one knows his true age.

Weapon(s):  Toby's main weapon is a long cutlass which is kept over his right shoulder, but he also has several knives kept on his person, out of sight.  And, of course, he uses his natural defenses, including the teeth and the claws.

Physical Description:  Many mistake Toby for a large wildcat, but he is in fact a muscular genet; very tall and very strong.  His eyes are brown and his fur rusty, with a speckled back and striped tail.
  Clothing-wise, Tobias looks like your average pirate:  A puffy white shirt, brown trousers, darker brown boots, a wide belt, and a blue vest.  He wears a leather trench coat that is almost never buttoned, and it often gets in the way, flowing behind him and getting tangled in things.  A brown belt goes from his right shoulder to his left hip, holding his cutlass.
  And lastly, the genet wears a blue and brown striped bandana around his head.

Personality:  Toby is a silent captain, letting his actions speak much louder than his words.  He runs his ship with utmost authority, and is very strict.  However, this does not mean the genet doesn't know how to have fun.  He is known to gamble below deck with his crew on occasion, but is rather violent when he loses.
  Tobias is also known to love a good drink, and can be rather friendly after having a flagon of seaweed grog.

Other:  He's the captain of the Furia del Agua.


If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

The Shade

May I make a non-otter crew member?
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I

Dannflower Reguba

Pretty sure it's spelled leveret. Might join.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


I'd love to be the Badger Lady!
Name: Lady Nerena
Species: Badger
Gender: Female
Age:  26 Seasons
Weapon(s): Bow and Arrow, Sword
Physical Description: Slender black badger with spots of rust brown on her coat. Warm brown eyes.
Personality: She is usually a carefree badger and loves to work with the little ones. But she can be very orderly when it comes to running the mountain. She likes to know every single piece of information and dislikes it when information is kept from her.
Other: Her father died a couple of seasons ago by this same corsair, after a huge battle.  
Fun. is a fantastic band.


Eh, sorry for missing that out, I will attend to that now.