
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Steampunk RP!

Started by The Shade, February 10, 2014, 07:31:14 PM

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The Shade

Yeah, that sounds good. Gonna be updating the OP.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


EDIT:Finished! And in response to Shade's comment "A shrew with a mohawk". Actually, it's in the same order as Aardvarks and Elephants, and is closely related to Golden Moles.
Name:Mihail Vali


Species:Alpine Marmot

Age: 20 Seasons/Years

Side: Empire

Appearance: He wears a Top Hat, with goggles on them, and is a skilled Airship pilot. His yellowish spikes poke out of the bottom of his Top Hat. He wears a velvet tail-coat of a dark purple over a white silk shirt with ruffles around the neck. His pants are black, though still velvet, and his shoes are boots that reach up to about the middle of his Shin. Despite not needing it, he uses an ornate walking stick, with a ravens head carved in gold on the top.

Weapons: As well as having a dagger in his belt, his walking stick can be used as a mace. However, he prefers to twist off the top, which he can then pull out into a long saber. The pommel is the raven, and the blade itself is made of cobalt. His final weapon is a gun that looks something like a Blunderbuss Pistol, but can fire small explosives or bolts of electricity.

Personality:He is a cheerful fellow, who enjoys being the center of attention. He does not often like to fight, but will if pressed. He is very odd in the respect that he is both scientific and mildly philosophical. He enjoys debates.

Other:He is a skilled Airship pilot.

Name:Vladimer Thorsten
Nickname*: Vlad
Age:18 seasons
Appearance: Because of a birth defect, he has to wear a respirator. The respirator he wears is black, and lays almost flat across his snout. It purifies the air when he breaths in. He wears a long-sleeved brown shirt, and a black vest over it. In the many pockets of the vest, he keeps a gold pocket watch, two grenades, and a pair of goggles.
Weapons: A pistol and a knife. The pistol is fancy in design, but generic in power. Many cogs that are for decoration are located on it, and it is a beautiful Bronze color. The knifes handle is the same color, bit the knife blade is very different. It is dark grey, and when activated, has scalding heat on it.
Personality: Vlad is extremely pessimistic. with a dark outlook on life. He is irritable, often at the center of fights. He is a skilled thief, and is used to staying in shadows.

Shade, I was thinking that maybe Severin (Mihail) ends up betraying the Empire at some point.

EDIT: Really all I changed was name and species.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

The Shade

Awesome, a shrew with a mohawk.  ;D And soon to be accepted. 

I've also posted my own characters on the OP, if anyone can be bothered to look.  :P
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Name: Valerian 'Shaderun'
Species: Mouse, although only those who know him well would know that.
Gender: Male, same deal as above.
Side: Rebel
Appearance: Wears black tight fitting leather clothing, with bits of brass and purple shroudy fabric all over it. A hood and dark purple-tinted goggles obscure his face.
Personality:Nobody really knows, except some of his good friends. He's loyal to those he chooses to be loyal to, but that's not many. He's usually not very kind, but he can be extremely helpful, and he enjoys that
Weapons:  A basic knife, and on his left hand, a Voidrealm Deviation Orb-Matrix- A device that straps to his arm like an armband, but when he flicks his wrist, three hinged spiky bits shoot out and form an orb just in front of his hand. After a moment of charging, it activates, and in a flash of purple and black light, he vanishes. In his place is an intangible, almost entirely invisible purple silhouette (In darkness, it's almost entirely impossible to notice it) takes his place. He is transported to a Voidrealm, a shadowy world where almost all manmade structures are almost gelatinous, and you can pass through at will. However, staying in a voidrealm is draining, and staying in one for too long will surely drive him insane. Any longer than two minutes is considered extremely dangerous, although he has been known to stay in a Voidrealm for over five- However, after doing so, he was almost dead, and he wasn't really the same ever again.
Other: Second-in-commmand of the rebels, if that's okay- Otherwise, I guess, the leader of some elite run-up-and-take-things-with-absolutely-no-regard-for-fairness-or-honor squad. Maybe both. Not a public speaker in any way, but a good strategist- Although he doesn't understand anything to do with honor. He's the sort of person who will do absolutely anything to accomplish his goal, short of genocide or hurting his own people- Unless his own people have agreed to a suicide mission, or something of the like, that is.


I'm trying to uncover some of my old designs from a Steampunk story I was working on to post on here. It's got airships, landships, and more!

Also, is Redwall Abbey going to exist in anyway in this? Because I was thinking it could be a rebel base, and has maybe grown to a small town. Which leads me to my next question: What's the world like? Polluted? Crowded?

Finally, I'm gonna name Severin's airship Talyn. Anyone guess the reference?
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

The Shade


@Han: Yes, Redwall will probably exist, but it will most probably be the central base for the empire.  And yes, it will be pretty smoky and crowded. Brockhall (or the remains of it anyway) and the ruins of Saint Ninian's are potential hideouts for the rebels.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Sorry I haven't been round to talk about this. I'm out of town. But yes, that is a good plot, and I have a character in mind. I'll be working on him soon. And I'll be making a character that is a double agent, for the resistance. I'm already building him/her in my head(too low battery to do much more than that). Is that fine? It'll be fun, definitely.

We can have traitors, a group of mercs, anything really. I think we should have towns and cities in Mossflower, to flesh out the world a little bit more. Maybe the resistance could be based in one of those towns? Or maybe no base at all, but rather live in an airship? Ooh, we could have a son of the warlord be a character, maybe headed on a path to redemption, and help with the resistance?(plot shamelessly copied from my most recent fanfic)

Norham Waterpaw

Name: Frinlen Ferrith
Species: Pine Marten
Gender: Male
Side: Rebels
Weapons: Home-made Rockets and bombs, most anything that goes "boom".
Appearance: Short and thin, with deep brown fur, mottled with lighter brown. He has a pair of olive green breaches, and a waist pack and shoulder straps to hold all his ballistic "toys".
Personality: Pyromaniac. He is very energetic when it comes to his job, he makes things disappear in a ball of fire for a living. Generally his first answer to any problem is blow it up.
Other: He knows how to make just about every kind of explosive out there: Powder, liquid, plastic, incendiary, and much more. He gets good pay, and generally sells all the rubble to some big-name construction company.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?


Unfortunately, I could not find my old designs.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

The Shade

Hmm, pity.  :(

I've looked through all the sheets,  all accepted!
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I

The Shade

Ok, I'm gonna make to RP thread tomorrow! Look out for it.  ;)
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Aah! Don't have my characters! Okay, I'll dig up an old one. Yes, that'll work, maybe.

Name: Tailli
Species: Squirrel
Gender: Female
Age: Not a dibbun, but not quite yet an adult.
Appearance: White fur and large pink eyes, albino. She has a small tail compared to the majority of squirrels. She wears a brown dress with a dirty white apron. Her belt is wrapped loosely about her waist, a large part of it is hanging free in a loop. She has a rather frail appearance.
Personality: She's reckless and daring, in an almost foolhardy sort. She's a compulsive liar, meaning that she feels the need to lie even when the circumstances don't call for it. She doesn't care of other's opinions of her, and is a sociopath. To be blunt. She is nearly unable of feeling emotions of love or caring, but tries. She doesn't understand why other creatures would risk their lives for someone else, but she tries her best. Outwardly, she is cool and indifferent, and rather rude. She rarely feels fear, though when she does, it's all-consuming. When she feels hate, it is not without good reason. She struggles to understand sentiment, love, and many other things normal beasts feel. Her favourite line, though she doesn't get to use it often is 'Shut up, I'm having an emotion.'
Other: She is homeless, and knows to keep her ear to the ground. She has a pretty good picture of the goings-on.

Yeah, Tailli was always fun.

Cornflower MM

Sorry, I think I'm gonna have to sit this one out. I'm too many already, and I'm taking one that I started and making a Part Two, which means lots of extra work! The next one, I promise.


Quote from: The Shade on February 21, 2014, 07:40:41 PM
Ok, I'm gonna make to RP thread tomorrow! Look out for it.  ;)
*Pokes* Thread? Thread? Impatience. IMPATIENCE.