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Forbidden Truce ~ Chapter One Bloodied Families

Started by Faiyloe, March 11, 2014, 11:53:13 PM

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The Skarzs

A crazed voice sounded. "Reason is just a word to Zuzucath, yesss. Want to play some more?" He blew another dart, then ran off cackling. "Play, play, lots of fun! Do not fall or you are done! Little tasties, tasty littles, start a fire for my vittles!" He crouched down in the dry leaves and moss, striking flint to steel until he ignited the tinder. "Have more fun! Yesss. . ."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Garvina started to climb down but her grasp kept slipping She stopped half way down and knew she wouldn't make it she sat on a branch and with shaky paws she tied a secure knot to around her and the branch so that she would not fall and then blacked out. Two of the guards on the ground fallowed Voxx and the creature and Harv started running threw the tree to help Garvina.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Donavin was bored, he wandered around the grounds of the castle for a while, but that didn't occupy his attention for long. Nothing did, he lost interest quickly, and then went onto do something else for a while, then got bored again.
Donavin found himself on the walltop, firing arrows out onto the grassy plain outside the gates. A young otter lad, of about fifteen was outside also, he was one of Donavin's aids. He fetched the arrows, and placed little green flags as markers where the arrows had been so Donavin could tell how far his arrows were going.
Donavin had been doing this for about fifteen minutes, and was already getting bored. He wanted to compete against someone, like actually compete, not beat them hands down. 
Donavin loosed off another arrow, this one went further than the others, much further. Donavin looked out to where it went, it almost reached the woods, but fell a bit short. His aid, Zeffa, ran to fetch it.   


Voxx saw a flash of white, and then heard the sound as a smoothly carved bone dart slid within inches of his arm. He leapt to the side, drew his bow, and fired three shots in to the bushes, in rapid succession. Having hit nothing, he fished around in his quiver, and drew another arrow. He aimed it directly up, and let it fire. When it hit the apex of its flight, it let off a screeching like steel on steel, and burst into a puff of wood sawdust, which promptly caught fire and burnt to a crisp. His second vertical arrow let off a clear note, like the sound a flute would make, and puffed into a cloud of silvery, fine tin dust, which blew away on the breeze. The message would be clear to any of his specialized force.
Come quickly, in force. Stealth and/or diplomacy is required, come quietly and do not attack.

He turned to the two Lonel guards behind him. "I've called for reinforcements- I think we have found the source of our screams. Surely you heard them as well? We lost a good squirrel today, and If I'm correct, that cannibalistic madbeast has caused losses on both sides. Did you hear him? 'Play, play, fun, little tasties.' I believe murder is a crime in both of our Houses, despite the things we've both been forced to do."

The Skarzs

OOC: The poison shouldn't kill her, just put her in a fever for a bit. Make sure she keeps hydrated.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


The two guards looked a little uncomfortable with the situation but agreed to help. although the younger of the two said "How do we now that it was not one of your men that shot the dart? We did not see this creature only you," But the other gave him a look which made him keep his mouth shut. When Harv reached Garvina she was lying limp against the trunk. He took the rope an carefully lowered her down to the ground. He cut the rope and leaned her against the base of the trunk.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Voxx raised an eyebrow. "How do you know, eh? Well, I suppose you don't. But even if my word isn't good enough for you, you've got nothing else to go on. Believe me or not, as you will."
Striding over to Garvina, Voxx shouldered his bow- Though he kept it unstrung. Tilting his head, he regarded Harv. "Do you think she'll be alright?"

The Skarzs

Zuzucath watched the fire he made grow, smiling with insane pleasure. "Burn them all, yesss."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


"She seems pretty hot," He said and Garvina started to come round. She blinked her eyes open and placed a paw on her head it was throbbing.  "Why do I smell smoke?" she asked coughing.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


"Smoke...?" His eyes widened. "Smoke. That insane creature... I hope he doesn't intend what I think he does."

The Skarzs

The weasel streaked his way through the trees, cackling and talking aloud to himself. "Fire, fire, burn! Great sillybeasts be all cooked up! Great fun, time to run!"
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Voxx turned his head sharply. "I could have sworn I heard somebeast talking. And that pillar of smoke..." He was cut off by the call of a jay. He looked up at a tree, with a quizzical expression on his face, and then nodded and grinned. "Get down 'ere, Lyrion, and don't attack. It would seem that we have a common enemy, and he's stoking a fire."
Lyrion and the rest of the force- Five creatures in all- dropped out of the trees. Their bows were strung, but not drawn. They stood stock still, apparently uncomfortable with the situation.

The Skarzs

OOC: Zuzucath has already run away. :P
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


OOC: Like, pretty darn far away, or within loud earshot?


Garvina stood up and placed a paw on the trunk of the tree to steady herself. Her head was still throbbing and she was braking into a cold sweat. What was in that stuff? She thought. She looked at the new comers and gave them a curt node. She looked at the smoke it was rising and getting bigger by the second. it had been dry for the past few days. If they didn't put it out there would be a forest fire! The smoke was already beginning to make her eyes water or was that the dart.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?