
For some, the heat of summer nears its end. . . And for others, the blooms of spring appear.

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Started by Ferdy, April 01, 2014, 06:11:58 AM

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Lissen up, everybeast! Us dibbuns 'ave taken over the Abbey, and that means we can chuck around as much food as we like! BUT, I reckon we should have a food fight with a difference. You're only allowed ta use food starting with the last letter of the previous item that was chucked. Is everybeast with me?

I'll give an example for those of you who are too old to understand. If I throw pudding at Matthias, then the next person can only use food starting with a G.


First, I pick... COLD SOUP! *rigs a pot of soup over the door so that whoever walks in next gets a nice shower*

Silent Sam

*Smiles mischievously*

*Picks up peas in a bowl*

*Throws them at Rainshadow*

*Sucks thumb*
*Suck suck suck*


*pelts Ferdy with blackberries from the Kitchens*
Dab! Dab! Dab!


Pretty sure peas ends with an s, Ruggum, goodness grashus. *crash tackles Ruggum and tries to stuff a strawberry in his ear*


*squishes strawberry on floor*

Oi b'aint inna need ee words oudvice frum ye, Ferdy

*runs to grab a bowl of meadowcream*
Dab! Dab! Dab!


I ain't the one who talks all funny, Ruggum. *loads mashed potatoes into a spoon and flicks some at Ruggum and Sam*


Oi'm jus a likkle molechoild. Oi talk 'ighti prowd.

*flicks spoon of meadowcream at Ferdy and Sam*

Sumthin' vurry sweet 'ere, furr ee, zurr!
Dab! Dab! Dab!


*pelts Macadamia nuts at anyone in range*
"I be bettin' ye can't catsch me"


*grabs soup and pours it over Ruggum's head*
I beated that crow wif my big stick!


No you don't, little dibbuns! ;D
*tosses a bowl of meadowcream onto Ferdy's head*


  *Cries*  Saaaam!  Why you t'row peas at me?  Dat not nice!  Not nice t'all!

  *Charges at Silent Sam and dumps mint and comfrey tea on his head*  Ha!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Tam and Martin

*Throws Animal Crackers at Dumble* HAH!

If you wanna chat, PM me :) I'd love to talk with any of you!

Instagram: aaron.stott2000
SC: ayayron2000


*shoves Dumble into bowl of meadowcream and blackberries*
Dab! Dab! Dab!


  Sumfin' tewws me dat Wuggum don' know 'ow ta speww.

  *Throws sliced strawberries at Ruggum*
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Russa Nodrey

*Throws Ruggum and Tam into giant pie* Take that!