Survival OOC RP!

Started by Dannflor, April 03, 2014, 02:11:55 AM

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Already accepted but I really need to know weapons

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Sparks of Southsward

Name:Red Rage Mcintyre
Species:Red Squirrel
Age:31 seasons
Personality:Quick to fight and ready to battle, this squirrel hails from the frozen north. He was at the abbey for resting before heading further south, his reasons for going on this quest were...well perhaps he'd like to explain himself
Red: "AHEM...Tha reason Ah'm goin' on this bloodah quest is that one of 'em ankle-bitin babies ran off with a dirk belonging to mah father, and Ah want it back!"
Weapons:A large claymore, a buckler shield, and a missing dirk dagger.


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


Name: Dropear
Species: Cave bat
Gender: Female
Age: ~17 seasons
Personality: Cautious and wary when venturing into new situations and surroundings, but patient and level-headed as a whole. A gentle creature, preferring to steer away from conflict but still willing to help a friendly beast however she can.
Weapons: Wing foreclaws, to a limited degree; her physique otherwise restricts her combative or arms-bearing capability.
Our spirit flies with you. May you find what you quest for, what you quest for.


Great another winged animal Accepted!!!
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Cornflower MM

Not done yet! Didn't I say I'd finish it later....?

Appearance:Nut browqn all over, with pitch,
Age:21 seasons/years, whichever.
Personality: Sweet, kind, fierce, feisty, and sassy.
Weapons:  A bow and arrows, a dagger tucked into her left boot, as she's right-pawed, and a hand and a half sword.

Species:Amaricona Chicken (You DID say any type of bird....)
Appearance: Her feathers are: Gray on her back, with dots of darker gray on those feathers. Her head's got white feathers, with black centers. Her underbelly's bot feathers with colors ranging to white to tan with other colors on the tan. Her tail's that greeny-black color that's kinda shiny. She's also got the adorable little ear tufties. Does that make any sense? :P I'm basing her off of one of my chickens IRL.
Age: About 18 seasons
Personality: She's sweet, but sassy. She's a little on the blonde side, but she's also quite smart. Speckles is also quite feisty. And I'm thinking she's a spy for the good side. Please?
Weapons:  Beak, claws.




A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


I apologize for double posting!

Name: Strivius
Species: Otter
Gender: male
Appearance: Pitch Black like a night shadow!
Age: 23 seasons
Personality: Very talkative but if danger is nigh Silent and deadly
Weapons: a large broadsword

RP coming up
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Cornflower MM

'Kay the...Are they accepted, or not?


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Cornflower MM

Okay. How about I advertise this RP in my siggie?


Sure if you want!!!! Actually that would be great once I get on a bigger computer I will do the same!!!!
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Cornflower MM

Okay....But don't we want more people to join first? Before we start the RP?


Name: Valent Esperit (Which is Brave Spirit in Catalan.) 

Age: 21

Species: Mouse

Gender: Male

Weapons: Long sword and golden buckler shield.

Physical Description: Quite large for his age. Light golden brown fur with deep olive green eyes.

Personality: Brave, loyal, and kindhearted.

Clothing Description: Brown pants, and a blue shirt that shows his arms and part of his chest.

History Description: A traveler who had heard of Redwall Abbey, and wishes to live there. Valent doesn't want to constantly fight robbers anymore and just wants to live in peace.
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Sparks of Southsward

So, when is this RP going to get started? I am quite ready to adventure