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RP: The Iron Horde discussion

Started by Morgazath, April 29, 2014, 08:54:54 PM

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 Okay, before we start my first RP The Iron Horde, we will need to discuss who will play as who and what events will happen. You can ask any questions about this RP if you don't understand.

Here's the story: The mountain fortress of Salamandastran currently has no ruler, now that it's former badger ruler, Ofret the Just has now passed away. A hare has taken the position of temporary ruler until a new badger ruler rises once more.

But, far, far north, across the Great Sea, lies a grand land ruled by the tyrant, Zeerkra the Conquerer. Zeerkra has decided to expand his territories by taking more land for himself.

So he gathers a huge fighting force of his Iron Horde-His massive army of foxes and rats covered with silver unusually strong armor-and takes his fleet of ships to new lands.

Having landed on the shores of Salamandastran, Zeerkra begins a siege on Salamandastran. Meanwhile, back at Redwall Abbey, Martin the Warrior comes to a young badger to go liberate Salamandastran.

So, leaving Redwall with the Champion warrior, they set off to free Salamandastra from Zeerkra's clawed clutches. The adventure begins!

I will play as Zeerkra. The rest of the characters are as follows.
The badger who is destined to be the next badger ruler.Taken
The hare who is temporary ruler until a new badger lord comes alongTaken
Redwall's champion. For this one, you will have to choose his or her species too.Taken
I think that wraps up the characters. Okay, let me know what character you want to play as. Now, since I'm new, I probably have missed some things, so I will be thankful if you point them out to me.

Also, the character sheet.
Physical Apearance:

Here are some extra characters:

Long Patroll: There can be as many hares as you want in this RP, since the Long Patrol plays a major part in this story.

Abbey Dwellers: Same with the Long Patrol, except you choose what species it is.

Zeerkra's army leaders: Same as the Abbey Dwellers and the Long Patrol. Meaning there can be as many as you want, and you choose between either a fox, or a rat.

Here are the characters that are in the RP so far.

Name:Jingleson Von Furrootel the Third
Species: Hare
Age: 20 Seasons
Physical Appearance: He has light brown fur, and a black spot on his right ear. He has a dark blue tunic and a ruffled white shirt beneath it. His pants are made of cloth, and have no pockets. He also has a dark brown belt, with a golden buckle. His eyes are the color of copper.
Personality: Jolly and Optimistic, often too much. He considers most good creatures friends, though they might not call him one. As many Hares are, he is a glutton.
Weapons: A dirk and a bow. The Dirk's hilt is made of a smooth bit Maple wood, and the blade silver. The Bow is made of the same Maple, with a dark red scarf wrapped around both the hilt of the sword and where he holds the bow.
History: He was raised in Salamandrastron, and joined the Long Patrol. Jingleson has followed the current Badger Lord into as many battles as he was allowed.

Name:Arya Brushtail
Age:About 24-ish. Seasons or years, take ya pick.
Physical Appearance:Arya's nut brown all over, with black ears and nose. Her eyes are a startling blue, the shade of which changes depending on mood. Right, easy part done! Clothing: She wears a dark blue tunic, belted with a plaited rope she dyed a green color. She wears fawn brown boots, and a jaunty little brown hat.
Personality:Arya's sweet, kind, and caring, all the Abbeyt Warrior should be. But she's also feisty, sassy, and as stubborn as a mule. No, that's an insult to the mule. A good leader, but she doesn't like to lead unless it's absolutely necessary, and then she will get the job done, and done well.
Weapons: A bow and arrows, Martin's Sword, and a dagger tucked into her left boot.
History: Is this optional?
Other: Abbey Warrior, perhaps?

Name: Rourke Widepaw
Race: Badger
Age: 34
Physical Appearance: Reddish-brown fur with a gold stripe running down from the top of his head to his nose. Wears a large green Habit and huge sandals (Compared to the other beasts at Redwall.)
Personality: Kind but firm.
Weapons: Sling.
History: Rourke had lived at Redwall as long as he could remember, since he was a small dibbun the Skipper of Otters had trained him with his sling. And had lived in peace throughout his life so far.

Name: Holly Redpaw
Race: Mountain Hare
Age: 30 (Seasons = years)
Physical Appearance: Holly has dark blue eyes and light brown fur with a light red left paw. (Birth defect) He wears a suit of chainmail underneath a light blue tunic with brass buttons. He also wears brown battle gloves and a kettle helm with two openings made into it for his ears.
Personality: Kind.
Weapons: Saber and Dirk.
History: Grew up in the Mountain of Salamandastron and trained with the Long Patrol all his life and had ruled as a Lieutenant for the previous badger lord.
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Wylder Treejumper

What about minor characters? An RP with just four characters would not be much. You should probably open up horde captains and beasts, abbey dwellers, Long Patrol hares, travelling companions, etc.

Also, have a character sheet. The average one looks like this:

Physical Apearance:
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.


"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)


It might help if you'd posted what the rp was about, all I can glean from it at the moment is "The badger lord is dead, we must find a replacement"
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


I'd just copy that amazing backstory you wrote on the first board. I'll be signing up in a bit, also.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth

Captain Snowfire

I do have a question, how long is my history allowed to be?
Prom! Here I come!!!


 It can be as long as you want. As long as it's not like a full fledged story.
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)


I've wanted to try a hare, wot wot.

Name:Jingleson Von Furrootel the Third
Species: Hare
Age: 20 Seasons
Physical Appearance: He has light brown fur, and a black spot on his right ear. He has a dark blue tunic and a ruffled white shirt beneath it. His pants are made of cloth, and have no pockets. He also has a dark brown belt, with a golden buckle. His eyes are the color of copper.
Personality: Jolly and Optimistic, often too much. He considers most good creatures friends, though they might not call him one. As many Hares are, he is a glutton.
Weapons: A dirk and a bow. The Dirk's hilt is made of a smooth bit Maple wood, and the blade silver. The Bow is made of the same Maple, with a dark red scarf wrapped around both the hilt of the sword and where he holds the bow.
History: He was raised in Salamandrastron, and joined the Long Patrol. Jingleson has followed the current Badger Lord into as many battles as he was allowed.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


 Cool character. So, is Jingleson going to be the hare who is temporary ruler of Salamandastron? Or is he just in the Long Patrol?
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Captain Snowfire

*Raises hand eagerly* Oooh! I have another question! Are good vermin allowed?
Prom! Here I come!!!


 It depends. Altough no good vermin in Veerkra's Iron Horde, because they are 100% loyal to Veerkra. But out in the woodlands or already living in Redwall, and Salamandastron is perfectly okay.
"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)

Captain Snowfire

Yes! Yahoooo! Sorry, I just Love playing a good vermin. Cats in particular! ;D
Prom! Here I come!!!

Captain Snowfire

Name: Serinida Coldblood.
Species: Wildcat
Gender: Male
Age: 22 (Seasons = Years)
Physical Appearance: With Silver fur and eye's of green, suit of mail and clothes of linen.
Personality: Strict and humorless.
Weapons: lance and Rapier
History: Born and raised in the Eastland's, Serinida lived a life of justice under the kind care of an old shrew named Stobba. He never smiled at Serinida, nor gave him praise. Just raised him from a babe to an adult, and trained him to use the Lance and Rapier. And of course how to row a longboat and track vermin. Serinida adopted Stobba's personality of never showing emotion. He only showed emotion when he returned one day from gathering vittles for that evening, and found Stobba lying dead amid the wreckage of their home. The only emotion that he showed was pure rage. He packed up the food that he had gathered and lifted up a large stone slab from the ground a retrieved the lance and rapier that he had trained with for so many years. And tracked down the four vermin that had slain Stobba, and slew three of them. But the fourth got away and fled to the west. Where Serinida followed him into Mossflower woods where he ran into the slain body of his foe, and a party of GOUSIM shrews. Where he merely defended himself until he parleyed with the shrews and explained his position. They stopped and listened to his story and grudgingly let him pass  through their territory to find the Fabled Redwall Abbey that Stobba had told countless stories of to Serinida.

Note: I added the Gender part to the Character sheet to let everyone know if they are addressing a male of female of the species.

By the way HanNorwood, I give you full marks on your Hare's name! Top-ho! and all that Wot wot! ;D
Prom! Here I come!!!

Captain Snowfire

I hope that my cat's story is not too long.
Prom! Here I come!!!


"The power of darkness is mine. At last I am free to reign destruction as I please. This world will be consumed, and you will be crushed. I am Mozaru, Lord of Night and Shadow." -Excerpt from The Chronicles of Light and Darkness. (A book I'm writing.)