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Started by Norham Waterpaw, April 30, 2014, 01:40:49 AM

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Norham Waterpaw

So, I've been meaning to write this for a while. And now I have. It's a short narrative (not done yet) about how a single journal makes it to various owners in a dystopian future of the world.

So, here goes nothing.  ;D

The First Great Cataclysm:

The Human race never saw it coming. When the sky ripped in two, monsters flooded the known world, sending millions to their graves. Those who survived had to face the nightmares left behind. The monsters, the destruction, the loss.
This short narrative is about what I saw, what I faced, and what I will face.

I suppose you could call this my journal, and you would be right. I hope anyone that finds this may find it useful.

Day 1:

The sky was hazy, and a thick mist hung over the ground. It was about noon when I awoke, only to find myself chained to a wall. Apparently, some renegade survivors liked my supplies. I saw my once neat back-pack ripped apart, food strewn across the floor. The next sight that flooded my eyes was not a pleasant one. I saw the survivors, who weren't surviving.

One's chest was completely gone. But there was no blood, in fact, it looked like he had no internal structure at all. The others were the same. The same shape of wound, the same symptoms, everything. Of course, I discovered this after I had freed my self from the chains. How did I do that? Well, I didn't, the monster did.

I've come to calling them Walkers. They would easily fall under the category of what we would probably call "zombies". But no horror film could have prepared me for the reality that walked in the door.

It was Tall, thin, and was basically comprised of bone, tendon, muscle, and an oily grime which fumed from it in various places. It lunged at me with a blood chilling scream, and missed, shattering the chain that held me.

I was astounded at its strength, but didn't admire it for long. I picked up a metal pipe from the floor and beat it soundly across the head. I was amazed at its stamina, for after I toppled a steel door on it, it still had enough in itself to grab hold of my foot. I kicked it away and sat for a while, recovering, physically and mentally.

Day 2:

Today, I was not so fortunate. There were dozens of Walkers in the street. They seem to be blind, but work on a system of smell and sound. They use their tongue, like snakes, to sniff out their food. It was a disgusting and horrifying sight to see their tongues dangling from their mouth as they foamed and screeched at me as I ran.

I must end this narrative for the day. They're at my door. I have a crowbar and a salvaged flare gun. I'm not sure how much longer I can last.

Day 3:

I don't know who this used to belong to, but I believe it was the man at the door. He didn't last long against those "walker" things. Thankfully, I had invested some of my money in a good gun and ammunition. I had great timing. I was walking past his lifeless form when I noticed a bright yellow journal in his left hand. I had "READ ME" in bold black letters on the front cover, now stained with blood.

I picked it up and began reading. I knew I had to contribute to this survival manual any way I could. If you ever read this, whoever you are, please account for the following:

- Walkers are faster than you. Kill them on sight, or find a place to barricade yourself in.

- There are large gorilla-like beasts with scaly limbs. Do your best not to draw their attention, because they too are faster than you, and barricading won't work against them. I've seen them level houses on their own.

- Avoid touching flying jellyfish. Avoid the urge to touch flying jellyfish. And no matter how cute the infant flying jellyfish are, DO NOT CUDDLE.
  Side affects of touching/cuddling may include: Permanent disability, memory loss, paralysis, blacking out, and death.

This is all the information so far. I will conclude for the day.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

Norham Waterpaw

You can post here, you know.  :P

It's nice to get feedback.  ;D (Even if it's criticism)
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?

mariel of redwall

i love it its great its wonderful
where's the point in fighting and slaying if you can make a friend out of every beast instead of a foe

Brian Jacques the taggerung


Not all those who wander are lost.
J.R.R Tolkien

Norham Waterpaw

Update's posted.  ;D Somewhat of a comical turn, but that may or may not last.
Hey you! What? Expecting a great quote or some heart-warming poem? Too bad, my signature is just boring. Stop reading it. Stop it. Why are you still reading it?