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Started by Faiyloe, May 15, 2014, 04:03:07 PM

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Ok so I was thinking that we could try and do a RP based on the board game Clue. The culprit will be picked randomly and debriefed by me threw PM. The point  is to find out who did it. We only need 7 characters 2 of which I will play and one of which will die at the beginning of the RP (The host). It is very likely that your character will die some time during the RP.


During a thunder storm in a big dark mansion in country. The mansion it self had been turned into a hotel but at the moment the 6 of you are the only gusts. Now all of you know the host (Mr. Black) in some way or another though most of you are reluctant to admit it or let it be known (After the murder that is though some of you didn't want to let on even before that).     

Host Mr. Black: (Played by me)
Name: Mr. Black
Species: Otter
Age: 35
Appearance: He has an average build, walked with long sure strides, holds himself straight and tall and is quite sure of himself. His fur is a dull black and his eyes are sapphire blue and are one of his most notable featuers. 
Clothes: He wears a well ironed black suit and trousers with a White dress shirt, a black belt and silver belt buckle and a pair of well polished black shoes.

Miss Scarlet: (Played by me)
Name: Miss Scarlet
Species: Ferret
Age: 27
Appearance: Her fur is white tipped with pale gold brown and black around her eyes, back of her neck, Tip of her tale and her paws. Her eyes are a gold brown. She walks with a bit of a sway. She is Confident with a self centered dimenor.
Cloths: A slim fitting Scarlet red dress that shows off her curves a black clutch purse with a gold latch and a pair of long white gloves.

Mrs. Peacock: (Played by Cornflower MM)
Name:Miss Arya Peacock, but will only answer to Miss Peacock.
Species: Squirrel
Appearance: She has very pretty brown fur on her back, with lighter brown fur on her neck. Her tail is long, and slightly darker then the rest of her. Her head is peacock blue. (Through some genetic quirk) Her eyes are jade green. She walks very gracefully, but with a bit of a strut. Miss Peacock is very graceful, and has excellent balance.
Clothes: She wears a long, slim blue dress during the RP, but at night, she changes into a tunic. Better for escaping, don't you think?

Mrs. White: (Played by Bluerose)
Name: Mrs. Cordelia White (I think she needs a first name)
Species: Badger
Age: 54
Appearance: An old badger with silvering fur and blue eyes. Personality-wise, think Mrs.Potts from Beauty and The Beast.
Cloths: A lacy lavender gown with a matching mob-cap.

Colonel Mustard: (Played by Wylder Treejumper)
Name: Colonel Fortwin Grandion Hortfil Linkworthy Mustard
Species: Hare
Age: 49 seasons
Appearance: A proper old regimental hare, tall, slightly bent, with a nick out of one of his  ears and numerous other scars. He has dusky brown fur, green eyes, and walks with a barely perceptible limp.
Clothes: A yellow regimental dress tunic spattered with many medals and ribbons from numerous campaigns (Which if asked about, he will recount in glorious, and often boring detail), wears a very nice sabre, which is decorative, but functional. Walks with a swagger stick which doubles as a cane.

Professor Plum: (Played By Amarith Waterspring)
Name: Professor Plum
Species: Fox
Age: 43
Appearance:Red fur, green eyes, tall, very strict and walks straight and shoulders back
Clothes:Plum colored jacket and tie, black pants

Mr. Green: (Played by Rachel 25)
Name: Mr. Sebastian Green 
Species: otter
Age: 30
Appearance: Tall, and muscular, with one green eye, and one blue eye. His fur is dark, dark brown, almost black, and he walks very confidently. As an air of arrogance to him.
Cloths: White shirt, black velvet jacket, with gold buttons, black trousers, and black shiny shoes. Has a gold fob watch, and a little diamond set in one of his front teeth. Also carries a cane, made from beech, with a silver snake twisting all the way up it, and the handle of the cane is the head of the snake. He uses the cane as more of a weapon than anything.

Character sheet

(Delete everything in parentheses)

Species: (this is a Redwall based RP)
Appearance: (Not just fur color or eye color but how do they carry them selves)

DO NOT Post this part of the sheet here PM it to me instead.

Alibi: (You don't have to fill this bit in till after the murder.)
How they know Mr. Black:


- Keep it clean.
- Don't get to graphic.
- Keep things realistic. If you don't have a motive to do something then don't do it. 
- You may know some of the other players from some where else but again keep it realistic.
- If some one says something happened and it was not the character talking then it is true unless I say otherwise. No contradicting out side of character speech.

Ok so that's it.

Oh and just as a reminder

Dinning room
Billiard room

Secret passageways
Kitchen to Study
Conservatory to Lounge

Game map

Candle stick
Lead pipe
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Oooh, that sounds interesting! Can I play Miss Peacock? I'm not going to do my sheet yet, by the way.


Sure.  :D you would make a good Peacock.  ;D
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Oh and Another ting you don't have to stick with the stereo type you could get creative and make Colonel Mustered a swashbuckling rouge.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Could I be Mrs. White?

Name: Mrs. Cordelia White (I think she needs a first name)
Species: Badger
Age: 54
Appearance: An old badger with silvering fur and blue eyes. Personality-wise, think Mrs.Potts from Beauty and The Beast.
Cloths: A lacy lavender gown with a matching mob-cap.
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.

Cornflower MM

Ooh, okay! ;D ;D This is gonna be one interesting peacock!

Name:Miss Arya Peacock, but will only answer to Miss Peacock.
Species: Squirrel
Appearance: She has very pretty brown fur on her back, with lighter brown fur on her neck. Her tail is long, and slightly darker then the rest of her. Her head is peacock blue. (Through some genetic quirk) Her eyes are jade green. She walks very gracefully, but with a bit of a strut. Miss Peacock is very graceful, and has excellent balance.
Clothes: She wears a long, slim blue dress during the RP, but at night, she changes into a tunic. Better for escaping, don't you think?


I'll be Colonel Mustard

Is it really just Mr. Black and Mr. Green in America? I thought Dr. Black had a nice ring to it
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Oh yeah, before I forget, I've never actually played the real version of Clue. I've played Clue Jr., though... Are the similar? (Well, obviously, but I suppose the difference is a murder and a weapon to a cake-eating and a beverage...)
Was anyone else on the old DAB forum, circa 2009? I was recently reminded of it, lol.

Bitterly jittery, and not very glittery.


@ Blue: Accepted.

@ Corn: Can you pick something other that a peacock besides that you are good.  

@ Jet: Ok but I know you have an affinity for doping out you need to be able to keep this going. And about black I just made that up I didn't know that he had a name...  :-\  he is just the host so he will be dead soon anyway.

@ Blue again: It is just a murder mystery and because it is in RP form the actual rules of the game are unimportant.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Okay, Faiy! Heh heh, it rhymes. Sort of. Anyways, back on topic!
@Jet, yeah, it's Mr. Black and Mr. Green in America.
@BlueRose: Cake eating? Beverages? What kind of game is Clue Jr.?


Your good to go Corn.  ;D
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

Thank you! I did have to keep the head fur color, though. Hey, her sur name's Peacock! So, in some odd logic, she ought to have some resemblance to one.....Did I not say the logic was odd? :D


Yup and that is fine, I would just like to stick with animals that had four paws...  ;D 
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

 :D Yeah, I do suppose having wings and two paws would be a disadvantage. ;D


I'd be mad to miss out on this. Can I play Mr. Green, since the other characters I would have liked are gone.  ::)

Name: Mr. Sebastian Green 
Species: otter
Age: 30
Appearance: Tall, and muscular, with one green eye, and one blue eye. His fur is dark, dark brown, almost black, and he walks very confidently. As an air of arrogance to him.
Cloths: White shirt, black velvet jacket, with gold buttons, black trousers, and black shiny shoes. Has a gold fob watch, and a little diamond set in one of his front teeth. Also carries a cane, made from beech, with a silver snake twisting all the way up it, and the handle of the cane is the head of the snake. He uses the cane as more of a weapon than anything.

Should a fill in the other piece of the sheet now, or later?