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Two Lords, One Mountain

Started by Jewel Thief, June 11, 2014, 09:06:58 PM

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Jewel Thief

From over the great Northern Mountains he came,
To put Lady Marrow Whitepaw t' shame!
He pulled out a sword an' said "Let's go! The last one to follow I'll leave dead on the road!"
And from the cold of the North they marched!
Major Flann was the first to see him from afar,
Marching beneath the Southsward stars!
The badger he came, and with his sword in his paw,
He raised it to the sky with a mighty roar!
But Lady Marrow was as fearless as they did come,
"Ha!" she cried "I can hold this mountain 'till the end of the Sun!"

From over the great Northern Mountains he came, his steel armor gleaming in the sunlight, the great sword he wielded swinging in one massive paw, the Song of the Highlands humming on his lips, the blood of Legends coursing in his veins!
He was Uthrawn Ironjaw of the Northlands, come to take back his father's home!
With five hundred beasts at his back, gathered from the North to the South, he marched upon Salamandastron, besieging it and cutting off all connections it has to the outside world, and vowing that it shall stay that way until its current Badger ruler, Lady Marrow Whitefur, steps down and delivers him his birthright- Salamandastron.
She could either give it up willingly, Urthrawn warned, or she could die keeping it.

So there you have it, my first roleplay. ^^ Rules are that you may have up to two characters each, while being either one of Urthrawn Ironjaw's mercenary army, or one one of Lady Marrow's hares, defending Salamandastron. There are two locations: The Camp surrounding Salamandastron, or the Mountain itself. Urthrawn's Army consists of vermin forced into service, Highlander hare and squirrel mercenaries, Southsward hedgehog and squirrel mercenaries, and mice from surrounding villages press-ganged into his army, while Lady Marrow's consists of your everyday Long Patrol of perilous, well-trained hares.
To join, fill this out and post it:
Age (In seasons):
Faction (Urthrawn or Marrow):
Physical Description:
Clothing Description:
Character's Background (optional):
Hey Jewel thief where do you get, all those silver pistols?
Hey Jewel thief where do you get, all those arrowheads?

Cornflower MM

Ooh, this looks fabulous! Say, can my squirrely be a spy? (She doesn't have to be.)

Name:Arya Brushtail
Age (In seasons):25
Weapons:Bow and arrows, hand-and-a-half sword, and a dagger.
Faction (Urthrawn or Marrow):Spy for Marrow
Personality (Hope you don't mind me adding this): Sweet, kind, and considerate. A little shy, but a good leader (But she prefers not to be the leader) a feirce and well trained fighter, but will give mercy.
Physical Description:Nut brown fur everywhere, except her paws, nose, and ears: Those are jet black. Her blue eyes change shade with her mood.
Clothing Description:A blue tunic, with a tan plaited belt that matches her sword scabbard. A hat, with a Sparra feather in it, and sand-coloured boots (She keep her dagger in the left one)
Character's Background (optional):

Jewel Thief

A spy as in a soldier of Urthrawn's Army working for Marrow?
If so, certainly!
Hey Jewel thief where do you get, all those silver pistols?
Hey Jewel thief where do you get, all those arrowheads?

Cornflower MM

Thomas Barkshield

Name: Captain Dillsburry (His friends call him dilly.)
Age (In seasons): 24 (About 6 years, Which I think is about half of a hares life. Correct me if I'm wrong)
Species: Hare
Gender: Male
Weapons: Battleaxe
Faction (Urthrawn or Marrow): Marrow
Physical Description: Lean and fit, A fast runner, Excellent with a a battleaxe.
Clothing Description: Regular long patrol uniform, with extra adornment on the epaulets.
Character's Background (optional): His family has been serving with the long patrol for generations, and he simply wants to prove himself worthy of the family name.


Corny, I think this is the first time our primary characters are actual enemies.  :D

Name: Savis Kiraladi
Age (In seasons): 32 seasons.
Species: Hedgehog. (Though, if it's alright can he be an Indian Porcupine?)
Gender: Male
Weapons: Six of his Quills worn in his belt as stabbing weapons, and a Kilij.  He has two quills of each color (see below), and a different poison on each one. Red for torture, Blue for Medical use (Painkillers)and Purple for instant death. He saves Purple for enemies who have battled well and are severely wounded.
Faction (Urthrawn or Marrow): Urthrawn
Physical Description: Sturdy, and of average height. He has unusually long arms, which he uses to hold foes at bay when sword fighting. His snout is also larger than usual. Savis' fur is brown-grey, with a few streaks of silver. He dies the tips of his quills different colors. The center of his back is Purple, next layer blue, and the last layer red.
Clothing Description:, and these robes: Just ignore the hood and turban.
Character's Background (optional): Originally hailing from a distant country, Savis settled in Southsward when he was 20 seasons, finding he liked the beasts there. As Urthrawn came through, looking for mercenaries, Savis joined the Badger, finding he liked and respected Urthrawn.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Oh my, this sounds like a fascinating idea for a roleplay! I'll definitely be following along with you guys!
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.

Wylder Treejumper

Har har! This be lookin' great!

Name: Colonel Mortram Illiad Portman Desrim
Age (In seasons): 47
Species: Hare
Gender: Male
Weapons: Longbow, saber, dirk
Faction (Urthrawn or Marrow): Lady Marrow
Physical Description: Tall and lanky, Colonel Desrim (or "Morty") is a seasoned old campaigner. He carries himself erect, like a drill sergeant (He used to be one), and has a scar down his cheek. He is well muscled. He has sandy brown fur and piercing blue eyes.
Clothing Description: His clothing is an impeccable Long Patrol uniform, unornamented but kept in the best condition. He wears a dirk at all times and usually wears his dueling saber. A cap is set on his head at an angle with the feather of an eagle he saved sticking out the back.
Character's Background:
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.

Cornflower MM

I do believe you're right, Han....Although, I did have fun typing Arya screaming at Tauten, in TQFTBT.