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The Mortal Instruments

Started by Jetthebinturong, June 12, 2014, 10:53:13 PM

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Aka: The topic where Jet fanboys over Magnus Bane, as opposed to the Homestuck topic which is The topic where Jet fanboys over Dave Strider and Karkat Vantas and posts music videos which annoy the heck out of Bluerose

Joking aside, The Mortal Instruments is tied with two other series for my favourite book series of all time. After Clary Fray sees a young boy with claws get killed by three people in dark clothing with odd weapons, she begins to see the world in a new light, along with one of the people who killed the boy, he appears to be stalking her and the strange part? Nobody else can see him.

Anywaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, I'm going to just post loads of Magnus Bane pictures now

Warning! Shirtless Magnus

Warning! Almost shirtless Magnus

"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

The Skarzs

I could only see one, and I suppose I should be glad I only saw one.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Most of them were fine, which one could you see?
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Ah, I see. That one's cool, not my favourite but still cool
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Weird, that's the one I can't see. What do you even like about this guy?

I think he's gross and creepy. He reminds me of this guy from Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword:



From the quotes I read on another topic, he seems like a pretty neat character. He's... What, an immortal teenager who happens to be part cat and bisexual? Err... Definitely an original character :P

The Skarzs

Quote from: Romsca on June 12, 2014, 11:16:16 PM
Weird, that's the one I can't see. What do you even like about this guy?

I think he's gross and creepy. He reminds me of this guy from Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword:

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.



Quote from: Romsca on June 12, 2014, 11:16:16 PM
Weird, that's the one I can't see. What do you even like about this guy?

I think he's gross and creepy. He reminds me of this guy from Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword:


Girahim? Okay first, Magnus is a good guy and he doesn't creep up on people and do creepy things with his tongue. Second I like Magnus because he's sassy, clever, powerful, charismatic and just generally awesome. He makes a truck drive on the water with his magic then risks his life to keep it going while he disables the wards around the bad guy ship which could completely drain him of energy and, still being in the truck, he would drown. Third, his quotes:

"No." Magnus strode toward him. "I didn't call you because I'm tired of you only wanting me around when you need something. I'm tired of watching you be in love with someone else - someone, incidentally, who will never love you back. Not the way I do."
"You love me?"
"You stupid Nephilim," Magnus said patiently. "Why else am I here? Why else would I have spent the past few weeks patching up all your moronic friends every time they got hurt? And getting you out of every ridiculous situation you found yourself in? Not to mention helping you win a battle against Valentine. And all completely free of charge!"

"Isabelle." Magnus' hands loosened; he looked a little wide-eyed, as if his outburst had startled even him. "I am sorry. I forget, sometimes . . . that with all your self-control and strength, you possess the same vulnerability that Alec does."
"There is nothing weak about Alec," said Isabelle.
"No," said Magnus. "To love as you choose, that takes strength. The thing is, I wanted you here for him. There are things I can't do for him, can't give him . . ." For a moment Magnus looked oddly vulnerable. "You have known Jace as long as he has. You can give him understanding I can't. And he loves you."
"Of course he loves me. I'm his sister."
"Blood isn't love," said Magnus, and his voice was bitter. "Just ask Clary."

"Sure," said Magnus. "And Madonna wants me as a backup dancer on her next world tour."

"We came to see Jace. Is he alright?"
"I don't know," Magnus said. "Does he normally just lie on the floor like that without moving?"

"Malachi scowled. "I don't remember the Clave inviting you into the Glass City, Magnus Bane." "They didn't," Magnus said. "Your wards are down."
"Really?" the Consul's voice dripped sarcasm. "I hadn't noticed."
Magnus looked concerned. "That's terrible. Someone should have told you." He glanced at Luke. "Tell him the wards are down."

"Magnus, standing by the door, snapped his fingers impatiently. "Move it along, teenagers. The only person who gets to canoodle in my bedroom is my magnificent self."

"There's no need to clarify my finger snap," said Magnus. "The implication was clear in the snap itself."

"Even the Inquisitor's eyebrows shot up when Magnus strode through the gate. The High Warlock was wearing black leather pants, a belt with a buckle in the shape of a jeweled M, and a cobalt-blue Prussian military jacket open over a white lace shirt. He shimmered with layers of glitter. His gaze rested for a moment on Alec's face with amusement and a hint of something else before moving on to Jace, prone on the ground. "Is he dead?" he inquired. "He looks dead."
"No," snapped Maryse. "He's not dead."
"Have you checked? I could kick him if you want." Magnus moved toward Jace.
"Stop that!" the Inquisitor snapped, sounding like Clary's third-grade teacher demanding that she stop doodling on her desk with a marker."

"I was alive when the Dead Sea was just a lake that was feeling a little poorly."

"What have you done to my cat?" Magnus demanded... "You drank his blood, didn't you? You said you weren't hungry!"
Simon was indignant. "I did not drink his blood. He's fine!" He poked the Chairman in the stomach. The cat yawned. "Second, you asked me if I was hungry when you were ordering pizza, so I said no, because I can't eat pizza. I was being polite."
"That doesn't get you the right to eat my cat."
"Your cat is fine!" Simon reached to pick up the tabby, who jumped indignantly to his feet and stalked off the table. "See?"

"Vampires are such prima donnas," Magnus sighed from the doorway. "Honestly, I don't know why I have these parties."
"Because of your cat," Clary reminded him.
Magnus perked up. "That's true. Chairman Meow deserves my every effort."

"I've got the Mark of Cain," said Simon. "That means nothing can kill me, right?"
"You can kill yourself," Magnus said, somewhat unhelpfully. "As far as I know, inanimate objects can accidentally kill you. So if you were planning on teaching yourself the lambada on a greased platform over a pit full of knives, I wouldn't."

"Sure," said Magnus, while Jace and Alec snickered. "I make dollar bills magically appear in their cash register."
"No." Magnus popped the lid off his own coffee. "But you can pretend I did if it makes you feel better. So, first order of business is what?"

"We seemed to be trapped in an episode of One Life To Waste. It's all very dull."

"That would be me." The man blocking the doorway was as tall and thin as a rail, his hair a crown of dense back spikes. Clary guessed from the curse of his sleepy eyes and the gold tone of his evenly tanned skin that he was part Asian. He wore jeans and a black shirt covered with dozens of metal buckles. His eyes were crusted with a raccoon mask of charcoal glitter, his lips painted a dark shade of blue. He raked a ring-laden hand through his spiked hair and regarded them thoughtfully. "Children of the Nephilim," he said. "Well, well. I don't recall inviting you. I must have been drunk."

"And second, keep in mind that you are a weapon. In theory, when you're done with training, you should be able to kick a hole in a wall or knock out a moose with a single punch."

"Ma'am," Magnus said, advancing. "I must counsel you not to exit the carriage while a demon-slaying is in progress."

"Magnus glared at him out of gold-green eyes. "If I wanted to lie on a couch and complain to someone about my parents, I'd hire a psychiatrist."

"Magnus Bane," said Magnus. "High Warlock of Brooklyn and Scrabble champion."

"Against his will, Magnus found a smile curving his lips as he rummaged around for his big blue coffee cup that said BETTER THAN GANDALF across the front in sparkly letters. He was besotted; he was officially revolted by himself."

"Go to faeries for gossip about vampires, to werewolves for gossip about faeries, and do not gossip about werewolves, because they try to bite your face off: that was Magnus's motto."

"Ah, nerd love. It is a beautiful thing, while also being an object of mockery and hilarity for those of us that are more sophisticated."

"I don't remember ordering the bride of an evil maniac," said Magnus. "It was definitely beef and broccoli. What about you, Tessa? Did you order the bride of an evil maniac?"

"Are you in fashion? You look like you're in fashion."
"No," [Magnus] said. "I am fashion."

"I see you're trying to distract me from the real point here," Magnus said instead. "You had a birthday - a perfect excuse for me to throw one of my famous parties - and you didn't even tell me about it?"

"The monster's bride at his door. Magnus could not stop staring. [Jocelyn] was staring too. She seemed transfixed by his pajamas. Magnus was frankly offended. He had not invited any wives of crazed hate-cult leader to come around and pass judgement on his wardrobe."

"But I don't believe I see Valentine Morgenstern. I hear he has charisma enough to draw birds out of trees and convince them to live under the sea, is tall, devastatingly handsome, and has white-blond hair. None of you fits that discription."

"Hello, companion," said Magnus. The monkey made a terrible sound, half snarl and half hiss. "I begin to rather doubt the beauty of our friendship," said Magnus."

"I am not going to ensorcel a monkey! Honestly, Ragnor. What do you take me for?"

"I believe that music and I have gone as far as we can go together," Magnus said. "A true artiste knows when to surrender."
"I can't believe you did that!"
Magnus waved a hand airily. "I know, it is heartbreaking, but sometimes one must shut one's ears to the pleas of the muse."

"Everyone should have a hobby or two," Magnus said. "Mine just happen to include illegal trade, drinking and carousing. I've heard of worse."
"We tend not to have time for hobbies."
"Shadowhunters. Always better than you."

"Somebody incredibly attractive just came into the room, and I ceased to pay attention to a word you were saying."

"Please do not say you are a legion. Someone's taken that."

"Aldous is two thousand years old. He's capable of anything."
"Aldous Nix is two thousand years old?"
"So, I've heard. He doesn't invite me to his birthday parties."

controversial topic
"Do stop flirting with my husband," said Tessa.
"I shall not," Magnus declared, "but I will pause briefly so that I may catch up on your news."

"Are you, monsieur, a man of your word?"
"It really depends upon the word," Magnus said. "There are so many wonderful words..."

"The letter I received said you had need of my particular talents, but I must confess that I have so many talents that I am not sure which one you require."

Fourth, he has a tragic backstory, he's the whole package!

tragic backstory
Warlocks are a species which is half human, half demon. Magnus was born into a very religious family, when the (adoptive) father realised what he was (due to his demon cat eyes) he hated Magnus instantly, Magnus' mother killed herself out of shame for cheating on her husband with a demon. When he was older, his father got tired of catering to a demon boy and attempted to drown him in a creek, Magnus used more magic than he had ever done before to incinerate his would-be murderer and ran away to the Silent City where he was raised by the Silent Brothers

Quote from: The Skarzs on June 12, 2014, 11:36:54 PM
Quote from: Romsca on June 12, 2014, 11:16:16 PM
Weird, that's the one I can't see. What do you even like about this guy?

I think he's gross and creepy. He reminds me of this guy from Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword:


I think she meant personality-wise because Magnus looks nothing like Girahim

"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

The Skarzs

It doesn't matter! He's making my skin crawl!
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Who is? Magnus, or weird tongue Zelda man?

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Quote from: The Skarzs on June 13, 2014, 12:26:40 AM
It doesn't matter! He's making my skin crawl!

Fair enough, but why?
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Cornflower MM

He does not look like a He. He looks more like a She.