Homeward Bound: OOC topic (In need of Characters)

Started by Faiyloe, June 24, 2014, 03:38:31 AM

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This will be a series of short RPs written in and Episode like fashion relating the seafaring adventures of the freed slaves of the corsair ship Sea Talon (A double masted frigate) as they make their way to a new home. This is the series of events after a duel I was in and I advise you to read that first which is in the link below.  


Each episode will be a round 20 pages or less. The first one starting in the seas of the frigid north right after the duel.  

- Make each post count
- Each post must have at least five sentences or 50 words (Trust me it is not that hard)
- Each post must move the story along, develop your character, or develop plot
- You may only have three character to start with (Some of the characters available do not count towards this total)
-The character must be from one of the character lists below and they must fit in the given parameters.
- No PP or GMing (Unless you are me* or are given permission)
- Once the Episode starts the RP is closed to new characters till the next episode.

* At the beginning of each episode I will write an introduction to the episode (sometimes it will be rather long and sometimes it will be short.) These will involve a bit of Powerplaying but I promise not to make your character do anything out of character or anything drastic or harmful without your consent.

Name: Jarranna
Gender: Female
Species: Mouse
Age: 17
Appearance: Black fur, Green eyes
Cloths: Dress, with a loose white short sleeved top, navy blue sash and purple skirt
Weapons: (None at the time)
Personality: determined, strong willed,
History: Her home was raided by Rashad and her crew. Her father stood up to to Rashad but she cut him down while she watched.

Name: Torrack
Gender: Male
Species: Squirrel
Age: 30
Appearance: His fur is brown and his eyes are blue. He has a scar on his face under his left eye and many more on his back from several seasons of being a slave.
Cloths: simple faded worn forest green tunic and brown belt. Strips of rags wrapped around his paws.
Weapons: None yet
Personality: He is a leader, level headed, with a clear mind
Skills: leader
History: (Not mandatory)

Name: Litwik
Gender: Male
Species: Hare
Age: Older teen
Appearance: Litwik has light, sandy-colored fur with a white belly. The tips of the fur on his back is a darker color, giving him a slightly speckled appearance.
Cloths: Litwik wears a dull orange tunic, and brown pants underneath it. He sometimes wraps his paws in strips of cloth while he's getting ready to fight, as he is a boxing hare.
Weapons: None
Personality: Litwik has a very stereotypical hare personality; he is loyal, funny, and annoying. He views himself to be better than the 'common rabble', and often seems like a spoilt brat because of this. He is very brave and wants nothing more than more excitement in his life. He looks very much forward to the fight with the 'corsairs'.
Skills: Scoffing, boxing, leading
History: Litwik has led a fairly cushy life, being son of the leader. He was born on the shore and has lived with the tribe his entire life. He has been spoiled a fair bit, and raised to be the next leader of the tribe.

Falleb Redtail(Corn)
Name:Falleb Redtail
Appearance: Dark Red fur
Clothes: Dark green tunic, tan sandals, and a gray hat.
Weapons:Sling and dagger. (looted off dead vermin)
Personality: Sweet, timid, and kind. A very bad leader sort, so he tries to be third in command (And that's the highest he'll go). Falleb is shy, but nice.
Skills: (Optional) Healing, cooking, and he's got very good aim with a sling.
History: (Optional)

Bellaf Redtail(Corn)
Name: Bellaf Redtail
Gender: Male
Species: Squirrel
Appearance: Dark Red fur
Cloths:Tan tunic, dark green sandals, and a grey hat. (This way you can tell them apart)
Weapons:Javelin and dagger. (Looted off dead vermin)
Personality:Open and outgoing, very sweet and kind. An alright leader, and very trusting, but not naive.
Skills: (Not mandatory)  He's got very good aim, and he's an excellent cook.
History: (Not mandatory)

Name: Seafoam
Gender: Male
Species: Otter
Age: 17
Appearance: Seafoam is an albino, he is tall and quite lithe but fairly well muscled. He does of course have whip scars on his back as all slaves probably do but he also has one over his left eye.
Cloths: A light blue cloak and a sleeveless dark blue tunic (looted from a dead corsair)
Weapons: A katana (also looted from a dead corsair), claws and teeth
Personality: Seafoam is very introverted, he rarely speaks to anyone and is close to very few. He keeps his emotions hidden under a facade of apathy. In battle he is savage and brutal.
Skills: (Not mandatory)
History: (Not mandatory)

Arya Bushtail(Corn)
Name:Arya Brushtail
Appearance: Nut brown, she has a black tail, nose, and ears.
Cloths: A blue tunic, black sea boots, a plaited belt that matches her sword's scabbard (Which hangs from her waist), and that's it.
Weapons: A bow, a hand-and-a-half sword, and a dagger.
Personality:Very sweet and nice, but feisty, sassy, and fierce when fighting. She has slight (VERY slight) Bloodwrath, but she's very kind. Feels guilty very easily, and her feelings get hurt easily. Very tenacious, and can manage herself in a fight/ Does not like pity of any kind.
Skills: (Not mandatory) Arya/'s good with her sword, she's got good aim with the bow. Not the best when fighting with her dagger, but she can manage.
History: (Not mandatory)


Episode 1: What Freedoms For
Episode 1: What Freedoms For, The slaves on the Ice talon have freed themselves and slain their captors but are now unsure how to proceed.  They are growing ever closer to the shore where a tribe of northern hares wait for battle thinking them corsairs.

The sun peeked out from behind the clouds shining over the northern sea, glinting off of small chunks of ice floating in the water. The frigid wind tossed the corsair Ship Ice talon like a toy. On board the vessel a squirrel, Torrack by name and a former slave, stood on the deck the cold ice wind ripped at his cloths and brown fur and he looked at what they had accomplished that day.

The deck was littered with  the bodies of dead corsairs and the freed slaves milled around aimlessly unsure how to proceed with their new found freedom. Some were in shock at what they had just accomplished and others were crying some with joy and some with sorrow. For among the bodies of the corsairs there were also friends, friends they had lost in their fight for freedom.

Torrack went over to a mouse maid lying prone on the deck blood mingled in her black fur and stained her dress. Of all the creatures who fought and died that day she had done the most. She had killed the ermine Captain Rashad the Blue. She had had the courage to stand up to her.  Rashad's cruelty had been known and feared all along the coast and now because of the mouse maid they were all free once more. Her name had been Jarranna.

Torrack knelt and took her paw which still rested on the crossbow that she had used to kill the ermine and placed in on her chest. Hadrien a burly male Hedgehog  and his friend Jenkins who was a shrew came up behind him and  Hadrien said  

"Twas a good lass, She was,"

"Aye she was," Jenkins said echoing his friend. Creatures were slowly beginning to gather to mourn her.  Torrack stood and said,

"We will give her a good farewell," He paused and looked around at the deck. "but first we should clear away all the-," he was interrupted by a voice behind him

"Look,I think she's still breathing,"


Torrack turned around to see Falleb and Bellaf, the young twin red squirrels, Falleb knelt over Jaranna. He held a knife up to her nose they could see her breath on the blade.

"She is bleeding badly I need some bandages I know something about medicine. Quick Bellaf go below and see if you can find any herbs, or something to make a stretcher. Get someone to help you I need bandages,"  Falleb yelled and Bellaf ran off with young shrew Kider to help him. Torrack knelt next to Jaranna,

"But she was stabbed through the middle do you really think she is going to live?"  Torrack said.

"If she was stabbed in just the right place she may have a chance but I need to stop the bleeding or she won't see tomorrow,"


Night had fallen, Jaranna had been taken below, and the deck had been cleared. Torrack looked worried. They were being pushed near the shore where the the otters and hares waited. A wind was picking up and drops of ice cold rain began to fall making Torrack shiver. None of them really knew how to sail a ship but if they didn't get away from the shore they might be slaughtered in the dark... by friends. The thought gave him a sick feeling in his heart. Hadrien came over and asked "What seems to be the trouble Sir,"  

" The ship drifts ever nearer to the shore and I fear we will run aground, With those on the shore thinking we are the enemy. We may just have survived this to be killed by those who wish to help us,"

You may only have three characters total to start with but use moderation. If you think you won't be able to handle that many than don't do it. Some characters do not count in this total. After we start the episode the RP will be closed to new comers till the next episode. If At the end of the episode I think you did well I will allow you to up your character total. If your character dies then you will be allowed to make another character at the beginning of the next episode.

Character sheets: Some of these things have already been determined depending on which character you chose all you have to do is copy it down. If you chose  one of the characters from the intro you will receive a partially filled out sheet threw PM.

Skills: (Not mandatory)
History: (Not mandatory)

Characters from intro: These character are characters mentioned in the intro. You may only have one of these unless I specifically stated otherwise. They are already partially developed so there are more restrictions when it comes to creating the character but they will be the main characters in the story and more involved in general. If you are interested In playing one of these please PM me and I will give you more information on them. There will be a chance to add more characters to this list in other episodes.
-Torrack, Squirrel, Leader (Taken, Me)
-Jaranna, Mouse, Warrior (Taken, Me)
-Hadrien,  Hedgehog, Sailor
-Kider, young Shrew, Sailor friends with Hadrien
-Jenkins, Shrew, Friends with Kider and Hadrien, sailor (They were all in the same ship together)
-Falleb, Squirrel, Healer and latter Cook (Twin)  (I advise that whoever plays this character also plays Bellaf. If you would like to play this character but are apprehensive about playing more than one character or would like to play as another character and don't want to waste your allotted character quota on him please PM me and I will give you the details and we can work it out)(Taken, Corn)
-Bellaf, Squirrel, Cook (Twin) (I advise that whoever plays this character also plays Falleb. If you would like to play this character but are apprehensive about playing more than one character or would like to play as another character and don't want to waste your allotted character quota on him please PM me and I will give you the details and we can work it out)(Taken, Corn)

Other Characters: These Characters are pretty loose. You can do most anything with them just so long as you stick with the little I gave to to start with. There will be a chance to add more of these characters in later episodes.
-Otter, Male (Taken, Jet)
-Mouse Mother
-Baby Mouse (does not count as one of your three characters)
- Young female vole
- Male Hare, older teen or young adult, If you are interested in playing a permanent hare character please PM me I have two options for this but I only want one of them to be used. This character would be more like the characters in the first list but because of the undecided nature of the character I put him here. This character may or may not be used in the first episode. (Taken, W0N)

Extra characters: These character are what is left. That doesn't mean they can't be important though. The only restrictions on these characters is species and sometimes gender. Not all of these characters have to be used before we start the first episode but they will always be open at the beginning of each new episode.
-Squirrel, female (Taken, Corn)
-Shrew, female
-Mouse, male
-Mouse, male
-Hedgehog, female
-Vole, male
-Mole, male
-Mole, Female

Temporary Characters: These are the characters that are only used for that episode. They do not need to detailed sheets and they do not count for your character limit. once the episode is over they are no longer used but may be brought back in later episodes if necessary.  The available characters for this change per episode.
Note: This episode all the available characters are hares
-Leader of the northern hare encampment
-Captain under the leader of the Northern hare encampment.
- 2 Other hares.

Note: If you have a good idea for a character but it is not listed or is a slight variation of one of the already listed characters then please PM me with your idea. This can not be for people who just want to say that they want a squirrel character and there are no more spaces left for that but for people who have a well developed character that can add something to the story.

Note: You will get a chance to renew your Character sheet before each new episode. Adding any new information that you learned in the last one.  

My characters

Name: Jarranna
Gender: Female
Species: Mouse
Age: 17
Appearance: Black fur, Green eyes
Cloths: Dress, with a loose white short sleeved top, navy blue sash and purple skirt
Weapons: (None at the time)
Personality: determined, strong willed,
History: Her home was raided by Rashad and her crew. Her father stood up to to Rashad but she cut him down while she watched.

Name: Torrack
Gender: Male
Species: Squirrel
Age: 30
Appearance: His fur is brown and his eyes are blue. He has a scar on his face under his left eye and many more on his back from several seasons of being a slave.
Cloths: simple faded worn forest green tunic and brown belt. Strips of rags wrapped around his paws.
Weapons: None yet
Personality: He is a leader, level headed, with a clear mind
Skills: leader
History: (Not mandatory)
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

I shouldn't do this, but since MY RP idea was a bust, I'll do this 'un!

I'll play.....Falleb and Bellaf, and the extra female squirrel charries, please. I'll do my best with the length, and if I don't make it, boot me out! I'll do my sheets later.

(I don't want to give up a female squirrel entirely.)


Why are there so many good RPs popping up? I'll join.

I'll claim Jenkins, simply because his name is awesome, and shoot you a PM about that hare.

Cornflower MM

Hey, W0N, if you like this one, you might like my new one.........

Name:Falleb Redtail
Appearance: Dark Red fur
Clothes: Dark green tunic, tan sandals, and a gray hat.
Weapons:Sling and dagger. (looted off dead vermin)
Personality: Sweet, timid, and kind. A very bad leader sort, so he tries to be third in command (And that's the highest he'll go). Falleb is shy, but nice.
Skills: (Optional) Healing, cooking, and he's got very good aim with a sling.
History: (Optional)

Name: Bellaf Redtail
Gender: Male
Species: Squirrel
Appearance: Dark Red fur
Cloths:Tan tunic, dark green sandals, and a grey hat. (This way you can tell them apart)
Weapons:Javelin and dagger. (Looted off dead vermin)
Personality:Open and outgoing, very sweet and kind. An alright leader, and very trusting, but not naive.
Skills: (Not mandatory)  He's got very good aim, and he's an excellent cook.
History: (Not mandatory)

Name:Arya Brushtail
Appearance: Nut brown, she has a black tail, nose, and ears.
Cloths: A blue tunic, black sea boots, a plaited belt that matches her sword's scabbard (Which hangs from her waist), and that's it.
Weapons: A bow, a hand-and-a-half sword, and a dagger. (Looted off dead vermin)
Personality:Very sweet and nice, but feisty, sassy, and fierce when fighting. She has slight (VERY slight) Bloodwrath, but she's very kind. Feels guilty very easily, and her feelings get hurt easily. Very tenacious, and can manage herself in a fight/ Does not like pity of any kind.
Skills: (Not mandatory) Arya/'s good with her sword, she's got good aim with the bow. Not the best when fighting with her dagger, but she can manage.
History: (Not mandatory)


Ok So Arya's accepted. I want to talk to you a bit about Falleb and Bellaf fist before I accept them. Also I just want to put it out there that the used to be slaves so keep that in mind when picking you weapon. Most likely they will not have a weapon right away and if they do it would be a good idea to mention how they found it.

And Won sure you can have both of those characters.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


I would like to play the male otter if that's okay

Name: Seafoam
Gender: Male
Species: Otter
Age: 17
Appearance: Seafoam is an albino, he is tall and quite lithe but fairly well muscled. He does of course have whip scars on his back as all slaves probably do but he also has one over his left eye.
Cloths: A light blue cloak and a sleeveless dark blue tunic (looted from a dead corsair)
Weapons: A katana (also looted from a dead corsair), claws and teeth
Personality: Seafoam is very introverted, he rarely speaks to anyone and is close to very few. He keeps his emotions hidden under a facade of apathy. In battle he is savage and brutal.
Skills: (Not mandatory)
History: (Not mandatory)
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


Looks good jet but could you give him some form of tunic. Then he will be accepted.  ;)
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


What colour goes well with light blue?

EDIT: Nevermind, done
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM


I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM


I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

Cornflower MM

When will that be? Ah, well, I'm still happy! *Grabs Faiy's paws and starts doing happy dance*


At this rate... Never   :( :-[  :'( We need more people...  :'(
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?