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Started by SilentSam, December 02, 2014, 09:55:37 PM

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Why they try to tear the mountains down to bring in a couple more
More people, more scars upon the land

               ~ John Denver

And daddy won't you take me back to Muhlenberg County
Down by the Green River where Paradise lay
Well, I'm sorry my son, but you're too late in asking
Mister Peabody's coal train has hauled it away

                ~ John Prine

Amarith Waterspring

Rosie is weird,
Violets are weirder,
I can't rhyme,


Why they try to tear the mountains down to bring in a couple more
More people, more scars upon the land

               ~ John Denver

And daddy won't you take me back to Muhlenberg County
Down by the Green River where Paradise lay
Well, I'm sorry my son, but you're too late in asking
Mister Peabody's coal train has hauled it away

                ~ John Prine

Aimless Gallivanter

im gay!!!!!!


I'm retired from the forum


One of the purposes of satire is to highlight a common flaw in society. This flaw can either take the form of a vice (a serious, often illegal activity) or a folly (a minor character flaw).  While first originating in Ancient Greece, satire is still used today as a method of using (often dark) humour or  simple savagery, to get a serious point across, targeting negative aspects of society that, in the opinion of the satirists, should be changed. Satire consists of several elements, which must be deconstructed in order to determine its effectiveness. These are context, audience, target, vice or folly, and purpose or message.


;D~~~~Silent~~~~Sam~~~~Squirrel~~~ ;D

Cicha sam jest najlepszym redwall znaków!

James Gryphon

11   Quality Time
7   Acts of Service
7   Receiving Gifts
4   Words of Affirmation
1   Physical Touch
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I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

James Gryphon

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His back was pressed up against the stone doorway that was protecting him from the savage onslaught of the wind. His tattered cloak flapping about him wildly as tried to convince himself that he could outlast it. Zeb shivered and kept his eyes tight shut and his hooded head tucked under part of his cloak. His empty coin purse hung limply on his belt and his empty stomach groaned. Unable to pay for a room anywhere he had been turned away to endure on the street. Although the comfort of telling himself he'd find work the next day gave him a little hope, it didn't help his current situation.

Trying to take his mind off his misery he went over and over what Catherine had told him. Little of it was any use at present, but the future was still wide open. Knowing their enemies were at each other's throats was also good news, where there was tension and mistrust there was weakness. Without unity they would crumble from within those impenetrable walls.   


;D~~~~Silent~~~~Sam~~~~Squirrel~~~ ;D

Cicha sam jest najlepszym redwall znaków!

Aimless Gallivanter

im gay!!!!!!


TA: Hello. How can I help you?
C:  I would like to travel to Kyoto. - Watashi no Kyoto ni ikitai.
TA: When would you like to go there?
C: From 28/12/16 to 31/12/16. jyuunigatsu nijyuuhachinichi kara jyuunigatsu sanjyuuichinichi made  .
TA: Which Train would you like to take?
C: I would like a one-way Reserved Seat on a Non-Smoking carriage, on the Kodama, please.
TA: Okay. There is a seat available on a Kodama #12 that departs at 6pm and arrives at Kyoto at 8:30 pm. It costs 10000 Yen.
C: I'll take it. I would also like to travel from Kyoto to Tokyo, from 31/12/16 to 4/1/17 with a one-way reserved seat on a non-smoking carriage on the Nozomi, please.
TA: Okay. There is a seat available on a Nozomi #4 that departs at 8am and arrives at Tokyo at 9:06 am. It costs 12000 Yen.
C: I'll take it. Thank you.
TA: Where would you like to stay during your trip?
C: I would like to stay at a Ryokan in Kyoto for 3 nights.
TA: That will cost 150000 Yen.
C: Where can I stay at Tokyo?
TA: The Nihongo Tuurumpu Taawaa, for 100000 yen per night, a Ryokan for 50000 yen per night, but there are no rooms available there, and the Comfort Hotel for 97000 yen per night.
C: Can I stay at the comfort hotel for 5 nights?
TA: Yes. That will cost 485000 yen. There is a nice Restaurant nearby called Shizuku Ramen which serves ramen.
C: That's all. What should I take with me?
TA: Because it is Winter, you should wear a jacket, pants, and boots, and take a camera, money, and a backpack. Where would you like to go while you are there?
C: I would like to go to Tokyo Tower, Disneyland, and the Meiji shrine. After visiting Tokyo, I would also like to travel to Australia from 4/1/17 to 20/1/17. How long does it take to get there?
TA: From Japan to Australia by plane takes about 10 hours.
C: Thank you.
TA: You're welcome. Goodbye.
C: Goodbye.

James Gryphon

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