Welcome, to our Abbey!

Started by Ashleg, December 17, 2014, 04:16:50 AM

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Let's pick this up again!

Yes Sah!
...No thank you.^^

Lady Amber

The leader seemed to understand. He said something to two other Flitchaye, who came over and proceeded to haul Asher away. They dragged him to the center of the camp, jabbering away to each other. One pulled out a knife, a malicious grin on his face. Arlane held her breath.

OOC: A bit of PPing. I hope that's alright.


OOC: No prob. I'll make he escape now.

BIC: Asher waited until the Flitcheye accompanying him stopped before savagely kicking him in the stomach. He took his paws out of the bonds and snatched the Flitcheye's sharper stick spear, laying out another weasel with it.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Lady Amber

While Asher was busy fighting, Arlane grabbed a couple buckets of water and dumped them on the fires and herbs. As soon as she did so, several Flitchaye came over, yelling angrily. The otter pulled out her dagger and  took a step towards them, growling. A few came forward, brandishing spears. Arlane promptly tripped one. The vermin then closed in around her.


Finished with his own band, Asher tore into the ranks of the Flitchaye surrounding Arlane. He stabbed all around with the spear. He called to the otter, "We need to tie them up or something, do you see any rope?" Then he grinned stupidly to himself. "Of course, they have some. Finish up your bunch, then we can gather them together."
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Lady Amber

"Alright," Arlane replied, as she slashed at the spears surrounding her. She dodged around one of the vermin and spotted a coil of rope lying on the ground nearby. She picked it up and slung it over her shoulder, then continued fighting.

Lady Amber


OOC: Sorry, I keep forgetting.

BIC: Asher knocked out his last Flitchaye with a suberb swing from his spear. He hauled the bodies to a suitable tree, then went to assist Arlane.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Lady Amber

Arlane was knocking out vermin left and right, still tightly clutching the coil of rope. "I've got some rope!" she yelled to Asher.


Aaaa, I'm sorry guys, I made this rp and was inactive so long that now I don't even know where to put my characters.
Does anyone know how I could get some interaction in with Abbot Litho or Roscoe (or both)?


The black squirrel grabbed the rope and returned to where his captives lay unconscious, tying them to the tree. "Done here!"
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Lady Amber

OOC: @Scar: I don't really know. I'll have to think about it. :P

BIC: "I'm practically done here," Arlane replied. "We can tie 'em up."


OOC: Asher just did.

BIC: "Alright then, lets get back to the abbey." Asher threw his spear on the groud and climbed into a tree, heading towars the building.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Lady Amber

OOC: I thought that was a different group, but whatever.

Arlane pulled off the smelly old Flitchaye clothes she was wearing, sheathed her weapon, and sprinted off. "Race you back to the Abbey!" she called up into the trees.


Asher smiled slightly as he leaped across to a birch. Within minutes he had spotted his weapon and dropped down to pick up his bow.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Lady Amber

Arlane leaped over a fallen branch and continued running, getting closer to where Asher was.