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Marvel (Comics, Movies, TV Shows)

Started by Søren, December 19, 2014, 03:37:33 PM

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I would like to read the Marvel comics but the stupid male artists draw the female characters disrespectfully >:(

I REALLY wish they would change that

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Eh, it varies between characters and artists. Black Widow generally isn't objectified (jut because she wears a catsuit doesn't mean she's objectified) but I'd say Scarlet Witch is objectified quite a lot. I wouldn't say Jean Gray was, but Emma Frost is.
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan


I've read a bunch of DC comics, but only those spanning from the late 1930s to the 1980s. The art definitely changed over the years, and seeing that change happen and watching the art evolve was part of the appeal of reading them. However, past a certain point in the 80s the drawings crossed the line, and the plot lines started to go down as well (not saying the plots had much substance to begin with, but still...) I haven't ventured into modern comics for those reasons.


The Skarzs

My mom has a box of old (like 1950's) DC comics, and they were rather unrelated to anything in DC today. "Warlord" was one; pretty interesting, though the women were *cough* hardly clothed properly.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Oh okay :). I stuck to Superman, Batman and Robin, Justice League, Green Lantern, Legion of Super-Heros, and some lesser known guys, with Superman and Batman being the ones I read most. I can't really remember anything bad in the older comics, so it might just be I stuck to the benign characters.

On a side note, WWII era Superman is an interesting read. Every comic dealt with Nazi Germany and the war (the creators of Superman were two Jewish teenagers). One line from Superman to some gangsters shooting him: "Why waste those bullets on me when you could be using them to exterminate the fascists?"
The adds were along the lines of Superman riding a bomb while talking about buying war bonds. One feature that ran was something like "How would Superman end the war?" and had him running around grabbing world leaders and destroying artillery.

Interesting stuff.

The Skarzs

Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


No. I vaguely remember seeing it and deciding that it wasn't worth my time or anger :P. Remember, I haven't bothered with any comics that came after the mid-1980s.

As for the League of Superheros, I probably read that one the least of the comics I named. I mentioned it because I liked how silly it was, ha. The books of it my library had were from when it was very early on in the 60s. The number of ridiculous superpowers they came up with was stunning. One redshirt superhero that died within two pages of being introduced was able to turn himself into a wall...and that's it. Another was Ferro Lad, who was a bit more prominent and saved the universe, but his specialty was being made of iron. Just odd stuff like that appealed to me.

I've no doubt the League has gotten weirder with age, I just haven't bothered to figure out how.


Turning into a wall? That's probably one of the lamest superpowers I've ever heard, that and being able to untoast toast  ;D What do you think the worst superhero Marvel created is? They make good superheroes, just some of them really aren't good.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

The Skarzs

Quote from: Mhera on January 30, 2015, 03:15:57 AM
No. I vaguely remember seeing it and deciding that it wasn't worth my time or anger :P. Remember, I haven't bothered with any comics that came after the mid-1980s.
Basically Superman became the communist dictator of pretty much the world. :P Then he saved the world by flying Braniac's (bad guy) ship into space where it exploded.

Quote from: Eulaliaaa! on January 30, 2015, 04:03:32 AM
What do you think the worst superhero Marvel created is? They make good superheroes, just some of them really aren't good.
Oh, there's quite a few. One that comes to mind who made a very short appearance in an early X-Man comic was a boy who ate metal. That's it.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


I refuse to entertain thoughts of a communist Superman :P.

And I know Brainiac, he's been around awhile.

The Skarzs

Well, he thought that what he was doing was helpful to the world, but he was more of "putting the world in a bottle".
Also, being a close friend of Stalin had its affect on him. :P
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


   I think superheros are an interesting case of maybe-sexism. On one hand, females tend to be drawn somewhat... immodestly... But on the other hand, males often wear tight things too, which provides some measure of equality. The other thing is, though, I wouldn't say that superhero(ine)-ness is really objectification, because what powers do these 'objectified' characters have? Super ones, they're more powerful than normal people. Usually they're there to do more than look pretty.