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Overlord's Orders! XIV

Started by Delthion, March 16, 2015, 09:31:04 PM

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OOC: I'm gonna post a defense, give me a bit of time.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: Wait, we can do that?^
Just say we're working on a reply? Man, I could have won already if I knew that. ;D

I'm retired from the forum


OOC: ...?

BIC: Sir, I did do all that, but it was to test Soren. I didn't really mean any of it.

You see, I had heard from Soren's closest friends that Soren is planning to overthrow/get rid of/kill you, and dispose of me in the process. I knew that Soren has made mistakes in the past, but I was determined to not believe these. However, I started to worry. This was coming from his closest friends, and they seemed very genuine. Plus, what if it was true? It would be terrible if something happened and I knew something bad could happen but didn't do anythjng. So, I decided to take action. But first, I wanted to test Soren just in case it was a lie. I didn't want to stir up unnecessary trouble.

So, I gifted him the app and went through the trouble of pretending to be against you all so I could see Soren's reaction, and whether he did plan to kill you. He seemed loyal about the app thing, but is could have been a cover-up. And considering the other things that happened during this mission, I wouldn't be so quick to trust him still.

Anyway, I think it was pretty clear that I wasn't talking about the game during the fight with Agent Skye. She personally yelled before she was about to kill me, "Sky, you're about to die! I will kill you! Any last words?" And later when she was running to blow up our plane, she yelled loudly enough for us both to hear that she was going to do that.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


  "Well well well. I think that your excuse Skye, is rather flimsy. Soren is the victor for this mini-round. Skye you have disappointed me. But you have one more opportunity to redeem yourself."

  "Now your goal this time is to go to the Facebook headquarters and destroy it. It is vile and depressing! Destroy it and you shall be Overlord. Fail to destroy it and you shall be destroyed."

  One week later. "My word! Is there anything that you can do?! You are both hopeless imbeciles! You steal Facebook's data flash-drive which is good. But then you make it so that whoever gets on Facebook for a moment is hypnotized to constantly get on it! Explain yourselves quickly or face termination!"
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


I had brought some TNT so we could destroy the headquarters, simple and as you said. I was just putting it on when Soren yanked it from me and said, "I'll sabotage this mission!" and threw it right in the middle of an area with a bunch of Facebook guards. Naturally, they noticed us. I dragged Soren into a hiding place and we weren't caught.

As his until the coast was clear, Soren said, "I'm going to make sure you get blamed for this, Sky. You know I hate the Overlord. I'll find a way to destroy both you and him. And then right after that, I'll have a BLT to celebrate."

"Stop it, Soren," I replied, seriously getting worried about these things he was saying and wondering why he is so obsessed with BLTs, "We need to do this mission. I'm going to report you to the Overlord right after this."

"Do as you please!" he responded, "He won't believe a word you say."

I told him, "Stop. We need to do this mission right." I led him to the room where I stole the Facebook's data flash drive." However, Soren suddenly started singing the Little Einsteins theme song in a really loud voice. This arranged guards, and we had to run away. They chased us with guns. At one point, Soren was about to get shot because he was break dancing in the middle of the hallway instead of fleeing. But I pushed him out of the way and saved his life.

We entered a room to hide. While I was frantically looking for something like a weapon we could use to help in the mission, Soren must have been doing that weird hypnotizing people to constantly log onto Facebook thing you mentioned. I heard an alarm say, "Hypnotizing people to get on Facebook activated" and Soren on a computer. I tried to change it back, but more guards burst in with bombs and blew up the room as we ran out.

We barely escaped. I suggested that we return to the headquarters and try again. We had to do our best. But Soren said, "Forget it, Sky. It's okay if we don't destroy the headquarters. I'm leaving."

And he stomped off. I tried to persuade him, but he knocked me out with a giant BLT. I woke up here.

OOC: I actually feel bad when I go all out like this.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

LT Sandpaw

OOC: This has to be the longest last round ever ;D

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


OOC: I haven't participated in this round, but this is a really good round. Even with less people you've made it amazing! I just want to say good job everyone! *claps*
;D~~~~Silent~~~~Sam~~~~Squirrel~~~ ;D

Cicha sam jest najlepszym redwall znaków!


OOC: Thank you, Sam! I have enjoyed it. And Sand, so true.

Soren, you need to post :( C'mon, please tell us you were joking.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


OOC: I claim the right to post later tonight. I can't at the moment.
EDIT: I'm exerciseing that right now.
BIC: Sir, I can explain everything.
Sky had been talking to someone on the phone on our way to the Facebook headquarters via Honda Accord Sky rented without my knowledge or recommendation.  She for some reason had the phone call on Bluetooth throughout the car. She told me "I want you to hear this." A voice came over the phone and it said "Sky, you have a new mission. Put what Delthion the Overlord said to the side for the moment. Here are your orders: You are to install a hypotonic subroutine into Facebook's code that it would make everyone get on Facebook even more! You are to frame Soren for this, and make sure he knows that if he speaks of it, he dies by decapitation. You are to act like you placing TNT, but we all know that it's really signal boosters within the TNT. They will help quicken the process of total control of Facebook, so we can make everyone on it 24 hours a day, 7 days a year. Place them, then install the subroutine via USB flash drive. You get all that?"
"Yes my overlord, I did." She said.
"Very well, James Gryphon out." The voice said.
This James dude that was always messing up our lives was impersonating an overlord!
Sky turned to me and sayed: "I implicitly trust James, and hate your overlord Delthion. I hate you, and will end you both."
You see, I was referring to the mission, it was the one James gave to Sky. And by overlord, I ment James. I did say "fake overlord James." For some reason Sky keeps leaving out the important details.
And who doesn't love BLTs?
I knew you wouldn't belive what a traitor would say if she was conspiring with James Gryphon. That's what I ment when I said I didn't care what she said.
Anyway, when we made it to the headquarters of Facebook is when things started to get REALLY weird.
She tried to plant the signal boosters within the unarmed TNT. I tried to ro event her form doing it by tossing it out to the guards. But Sky was able to cover her tracks and keep going.
When we got to a empty hallway, she said for me to start breakdancing when she said so, or she will blow me up with the headquarters. She had a gun, so I did what she said. At one point, she told me to "drop it like its hot and dance." So I did, and she pretended to save my life. All to try to draw your pity sir.
When we finally arrived at the server room where we could blow up Facebook for good, she whacked me on the head with her 6 pound laptop. When I woke up, she had just finished downloading the subroutine that said on the screen: "SUBROUTINE ACTIVE. HAVE A NICE DAY, SKYBLADE." She smiled and sat peacefully. She grabbed me and dragged me into a tiny room to hide. She was looking for a weapon when I tried to disable her virus she installed, but it was too late. It was already in affect.
I was so made at her from messing up the mission, I called my good buddy at Nasa. I told him that I "needed him to blow up Facebook headquarters when I leave. I need to get the traitor to the Overlord Delthion." He said "Anything for his most esteemed Overlord Delthion." And tried to blow up the headquarters using one of their secret orbital phaser defense units. But Sky had erected a signal deflector when she uploaded the subroutine virus. Once we left the headquarters, I told NASA buddy Steve to blow we the place. But Sky's signal deflector knocked the beam from the headquarters to a small astoroid on the east side of the Orion Belt. No harm done there, except for Sky completely messing up the mission. I dragged Sky's unconscious body out from the Facebook headquarters for you to deal with sir, but her damage was done already.
You see, when I said "We don't need to destroy the headquarters", I also told Sky "Steve from Nasa is going to as a favor for me."
I was only following your direction to the letter sir. Sky was the disruption that wreaked the whole mission.

I'm retired from the forum


  "Since you have had nothing to say to this Skye, Soren is the victor!" You see the overlord press a button and Skye falls to the earth. "She has a parachute. I have contacted all of the government agencies in the world. Especially those of dictators they are all after Skye and they will find her eventually."

  "Soren, you have still failed me greatly. So I will bestow this burden on you, you will become Overlord." The Overlord raises a hand to forestall the questions. "But...but! You will have to hire servants just like me. You will see your empire fall before the might of incompetence. You shall rise beyond all measures. Then fall to depths in seen. As for me, I am going to the countryside. Where no one will ever see me again. Good-bye!"

OOC: Great round guys! Soren you triumphed at last! And Skye Skye Skye!!! If you had only responded to this final post the title would have been within your grasp! But there is always another round! ;D ;D
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


Quote from: Finding the right balanceSoren, you can take over for Round 15 of Overlord's Orders (Besides, I don't think I would win even if I did post. I would be like dead meat fighting on the way to the slaughterhouse in that last round!). You're going to be a great Overlord.


I might be in Round 15. Thing is that as cool as OO is, it tends to take up time and be nerve-wracking! So I'll see. This is really enjoyable, though. And congrats Soren!

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

James Gryphon

It was a terrific round. The final showdown was a lot like what I'd hoped OOX would go like (with me vs. Tam). Sky's performance was arguably the best ever from a newcomer. She had a lot of terrific lines, but my favorite post was her very last one, especially this part:

Quote...Soren said, "I'm going to make sure you get blamed for this, Sky. You know I hate the Overlord. I'll find a way to destroy both you and him. And then right after that, I'll have a BLT to celebrate."

I have to say that I was extremely disappointed when I heard Sky wasn't going to reply. It was like someone taking a bowl of good salsa and pouring butter into it. Soren winning was by no means assured; like I've said before, a great player in this game can get their way out of anything, and Sky's proven to be that. You just need the writing skill and the confidence to know that you can do it.

My other favorite line is LT's, which Sky already quoted, about the plane tickets.

Grats to Delthion, Soren, Sky and all of the other players for making XIV a success.
« Subject to editing »


OOC: Thank you :) Just because you said that, I think I'm coming back for Round 15. This is so cool!

And the part where James Gryphon randomly comes in in Soren's last post made me laugh out loud.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Thanks! I never thought I was gonna win! Sky, your awesome at this, especially for your first time! Try round 15!
I'll be working on it in the coming weeks. Hopefully it will be up and running soon.

I'm retired from the forum

LT Sandpaw

Haha everyone, good game to Soren and Sky my victorious rivals. That was a hard won victory for Soren and he has been at the runner up for some time now so its nice to see him win.

*Gives Soren a high five*

And here's my favorite line from this round, I thought it was incredibly funny ;D

Quote from: Sagetip, the hare on March 24, 2015, 01:20:25 PM
BIC: Indeed, as everybody says, I am the expert of airplane mites. As a matter of fact, they are so ugly I chose to hide them from Soren because he might overreact to the sight of them. Alas, he did see them, and as a result he threw cantaloupes at us all,

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro