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Overlord's Orders! XIV

Started by Delthion, March 16, 2015, 09:31:04 PM

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Sir, we know that no one would be able to stand against your might. I thought that leading the serial killer Porkzollis to you would result in you giving tem the eternal punishment and discipline you give you own unworthy servants. They diserve the punishment only the mightiest and grandest of overlords can supply.
However, Sky felt that doing anything like that would be close to dangerous. She protested.
If my actions crossed the line, punish me sir. Sky didn't have anything to do with it.
And Sand didn't break their neck to protect us, he was angry.
If it wasn't for Sands anger issues and bad connections, the mission. Wouldn't have fizzled out.

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LT Sandpaw

OOC: I was led to believe by your earlier posts that you were soundly convinced that they were simply trying to help the Overlord ;)

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


OOC: Uh, whatever. I can't even remember.

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  "Well, I am very confused by all of these jumbled defenses. But one of you has failed me more than the others." As the Overlord speaks you see a glass container surround Sandpaw. He screams and knocks on the glass for a while, but then is silent. "He is sleeping for now, I don't know what I'll do with him yet."

  "Anyway," said the Overlord looking at the last two remaining servants. "You will not fail me this time. Now, because I am growing old. You are going to go through three rounds, your first task is to write a poem describing the Spitfire VC. After this, you will be given a task. But I am still contemplating what the next one will be."

OOC: Really good game LT. Actually, I was so confused at that round that I just rolled a die having assigned 1 and 3 to Soren. 2 and 4 to Skye, and 5 and 6 to you. It rolled a 6. Good game! ;)
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


OOC: Sorry Sand, I kinda wanted it to to be me I was so confused.

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LT Sandpaw

OOC:  ;D No hard feelings, Its probably best I don't get the chance to win twice in a row ;)

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


The Spitfire VC, a poem

Through the bullets and fire,
And in a world at war,
One plane flies higher,
And fights a little more

Undeterred by the foe
The Spitfire pushes ahead
Of only 20,000 strong, though
Freedom and life to afflicted ones, they fed

I'm retired from the forum


Quote from: Skyblade on March 29, 2015, 07:51:30 PM
                  I                                                look                                                   into the sky
                  &                                   see, streaking there's a Spitfire VC. Mostly gray, with white,
                 red                                 and blue, it's always been so proud and true. With amazing
  wings it flies overseas, dropping bombs and feeling free. An Allies' friend of World War 2, this is a
plane that helped them through. A fighter aircraft with a sleek design, it doesn't lack color: it's truly
fine. It's new and improved with the fuselage and wings, better than others its cry will ring. With a
      camouflaged look it's hard to see, but when it's hard to flee. It's quite amazing, a true
                              war hero, planes like it are none
                                        to zero. Looking up again
                                            to the plane's eager whine,
                                                  I find myself wishing it
                                                         could be mine.

This is Skye's and this semi-round Skye has won.

OOC: Now there are two more tasks and this is a best 2 out of 3 if Skye wins the next round, she is the Overlord.

BIC: "Well one of you has done well, but we are still seeing whether you are competent enough to be Overlord. Fetch me a Burnelli CB-16, the original crashed and was destroyed, but a manufacturer somehow made an exact replica of it. He and I are good friends, so all you have to do is ask."

  Four days later. "Wow, it didn't even take you weeks to do this! This tells me that you are the most competent pair at ruining things! My sources are telling me that you Skye, were pelting the thing with Airsoft and Paintball guns to make sure it was safe, and Soren rigged TNT under it! EXPLAIN!!!!"
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


I'm retired from the forum


OOC: Hilarious reaction ;D

BIC: Sir, I'm truly sorry. As usual, I was simply trying to do my best to make everything work out right.

I must tell you that you are missing a detail. The Airsoft and paintball guns were actually magic and were scientifically proven to be able to clean planes and make them stronger. I was using them for this very reason.

Soren, on the other hand, put TNT under the plane and tried to blow it up. He then said, "Now you and this plane can both die, Skye!!!" He laughed evily and ran away. I had to remove the TNT and save the plane, which I did. I threw the TNT in a nearby Bottomless Pit of Despair (which was COMPLETELY EMPTY AND I DIDN'T HARM ANYONE) saving the aircraft. I think Soren was trying to set me up.

I hope you see, sir, that I have been trying to be a well-meaning servant.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Wow, when I posted there wasn't a new task.
Sir, I did say that, but let me explain.
All was going according to plan, we were en route to the meeting place, and Sky had been getting text messages the whole time. She has that really annoyingly loud ringer that says "YOU GOT A TEXTY MESSAGE!!! AREN'T YOU GOING TO READ IT? HUH? ARENT'T YOU? COME'ON, JUST A LITTLE PEEK!"
So I knew every time she got a Text message. Eventually, she left the plane and for a few minutes she was getting text messages. They kept coming up on her home screen, and they were from a certain "Agent Skye". They said to meet at the launch pad in a plane marked G-KELS. The text said "Come alone, and bring the guns. I have the dynamite, and we'll blow the plane up. Then we go and troll that Overlord your always complaining about."
I was afraid for the mission and your sanity sir. So I ran to the meeting site to intercept the goings on. I saw Skye in a plane marked G-KELS. I knew it wasn't our plane, because it wasn't supposed to have markings. Those get put on Tuesday.
Well, I planted some of her dynamite underneath it, trying to thwart their cynical plan. When I planted it, I said that. Notice how I said it:
Quote from: Skyblade on March 30, 2015, 09:50:33 PM
"Now you and this plane can both die, Skye!!!"
I always refer to Skyblade as Sky. Never Skye. You see, I was talking Skye from Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D. She and Sky are friends, and I think the text message is enough to show what was really going on here.
Sir, let me clarify. NOTHING HAPPENED before these events, and afterwards, it was just a bunch of awkward silence.
Eventually, she opened up and she did it because she hates you. I don't sir, and would never do anything like this.

I'm retired from the forum


OOC: Can't stop laughing when I read your post, and the Sky/Skye thing was extremely clever ;D Still need to defend myself, though.


Quote from: Soren the WarriorI always refer to Skyblade as Sky. Never Skye.

Well, I will admit that I was mistaken about who he was referring to about this, then. but that is a minor thing. Sir, let me explain these accusations.

First of all, my phone ringer. The only reason I had that for my text message is that I needed to hear my texts. I wanted to make sure that I didn't miss anything. Anyway, it is not like it was saying anything hurtful or bad.
Anyway, when I received the first text message and saw that it was so...threatening and mean to you, my Overlord, I flipped out. I tried to tell Soren my concerns but he kept saying, "Yah, I don't care, Sky. Maybe you have something important to say, but I don't want to hear it." He then got right back to his phone; he was installing an app called "Killing an Overlord called Delthion, The real deal". I had no say or part in this and don't know what he thought he was doing. Meanwhile, I kept receiving these terrible texts. Not only was I upset because my friend Agent Skye had gone and betrayed both me and you, Overlord, but I was also upset at Soren for not helping me after everything we had gone through. I knew I would have to talk to him about this app of his, but first I needed to deal with this imminent problem that that renegade Agent Skye was causing.

Quote from: Soren the WarriorEventually, she left the plane and for a few minutes she was getting text messages.

I left the plane to  take Agent Skye out before she did anything. I knew it would be risky, but I am willing to do brave things for your safety, sir.

Quote from: Soren the WarriorThe text said "Come alone, and bring the guns. I have the dynamite, and we'll blow the plane up. Then we go and troll that Overlord your always complaining about."

Nobody said that I agreed with these texts. I didn't. I can't control what others send me, but I definitely did not approve. I left my phone with Soren because I wanted him to guard it and I figured that he wouldn't just look at my private stuff. Plus, right before I left, he was preoccupied with doing the app "Killing an Overlord called Delthion, The real deal", which was a game in which the main character tries to kill you, sir. He was doing this and saying, "Oh, I don't care" everytime I tried to explain the situation to him, so I just left. Also, about the "complaining about you". I complained ONLY because you are so cool and and I wished I could be as good as you. But I really don't harbor any resentment towards you; I was simply thinking of my own self improvement.

As for the guns, haha! Agent Skye was in for a big surprise. I brought the guns she was talking about – as well as the other weapon I got – to the other plane so I could take her out! And I did, I will have you know. Shot her and bound her up. I called up the police, and she's in jail now, because of my efforts. Soren didn't help me defeat Agent Skye.

EDIT: Missed this edit
Quote from: Soren the WarriorEventually, she opened up and she did it because she hates you.

I only said that because Agent Skye was still there at the time, and I wanted to trick her into thinking that I was on her side so I could defeat her better and more unexpectedly. It worked, by the way. Thanks to my trick, she didn't know what was coming!

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


While Sky did do a good deed in stopping Sky, I wasn't helping her initially because earlier she kept going ON AND ON AND ON about "Oh, he's so shy. I think he would look great in a tux. What do you think, would he look good? I think he would, oh he's so sweet. Huh, what do you think?" "I don't know Sky." "Oh, he's just perfect." She was tied to her phone, talking about this "Ultra-dreamy boy" and for 6 hours went ON AND ON about it! She kept asking me if he liked her, and I said "I don't know Sky." And she kept coming back, "Soren, this is important, it's life or death!!: Do you think this hair style makes me look fat?"
So you see why I said what I said. It was sorta the boy who cried wolf, or in this case, the Sky that cried wolf.
And the text came up on her lock screen, how could I not read it! Especially when it was ringing so loud. I didn't have a chance to help her defeat Agent Skye because Sky had lost all credibility. The entire time before the mission started, I was trying to sleep, and she kept asking these ridiculous questions.
Maybe if Sky hadn't been on her phone the whole time, none of this would have happened.

I'm retired from the forum


Sir, I need to clarify some things.

Firstly, I must confess...okay, I do have a crush on the guy Soren mentioned. By the way, Soren has no idea who this guy is. However, let me explain more about this. This guy is an expert plane maker, and we have been close friends for many, many years. I wanted to buy you a gift, Overlord. And just to make it clear, my intentions were good and it was a good gift I had in mind: since you like planes, I was going get you a plane that is perfectly fine and has nothing wrong with it. It's just a great plane, sturdy and good looking. Unfortunately, I know nothing about building planes. So, I contacted my close friend to help me by building the plane. He replied, "Of course, Sky, I am very willing to help you with this. I like your Overlord - he seems a very nice guy - and you are such a great friend. And you are so special." He is so sweet and kind, how can I not like him? Anyway, a crush is not something that one can control.

So, yes, I couldn't help gush about him to Soren a bit. Since he's my friend, I thought he would listen to me and give me advice. But he seemed uninterested. Normally I wouldn't talk and talk if he didn't want to hear it, so I tried to change the subject and tell him about the gift me and the guy were getting for the Overlord. But Soren said, "I don't want to help you get a gift for the Overlord. I hate our Overlord, Sky." And then he shunned me. I was shocked. And he wasn't listening. He kept ignoring me, so I tried to grab his attention by talking about the guy I liked. I was hoping that the topic of love would grab his attention and make him listen to me so I could talk to him about more serious matters and make him see reason! I had heard a rumor that Soren likes me. Also, I didn't know he was trying to sleep. He didn't tell me.

I tried and tried, but he didn't want to listen to me, when I had so much to say. So, I gave up on making him see reason. And I went after Agent Skye, as I already told. However, Soren didn't help me or the plane when it was clear that we were both in trouble. At one point, Agent Skye got a gun to my head. "Help me, Soren! She's going to kill me!" I had yelled, but Soren said, "I don't want to help you, Sky!", shoved his fingers in his ears, and started singing the My Little Pony theme song while doing the chicken dance. I managed to knock the gun out of Agent Skye's hand - it was a narrow escape.

At another point, Agent Skye (who really fights better than me) got out and ran to the plane, the real one we were supposed to get back, yelling, "Now I'll destroy your Overlord's plane!" I yelled at Soren to stop him, because I was tied up in ropes. Instead, he started eating some tacos and said, "I don't care if she destroys the Overlord's plane."

I managed to get a hand free and used a wall phone to call the police. They showed up just in time before Agent Skye was about to destroy your, yes your, plane. Considering that Soren didn't help me and also was using that app, "Killing and Overlord called Delthion, The real deal", I think I know who to blame really belongs on.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


I think Sky is leaving out something important:
She gifted me that app. Said it would help my "employment situation with the Overlord Delthion."
I tried the app, but it's not that fun. Sorta addictive, but not all that great. Like Flappy Bird. Anyway, it's about you being chased by a bunch of rabies-infected Sky's, with them trying to eat your face. It's weird. And Sky had originally created it with her hacker agent friend, Agent Skye.
And no. I don't have a crush on Sky. Why would I have a crush on someone who has failed you again, sir?
And she kept saying "The Overlord is gonna be so happy". I wasn't paying attention because what does she know about overlords? The app she made is just about killing them!
And when Sky told me to stop Sky, I thought she was talking about the game. She kept saying "isn't the game so fun?" I told her I didn't want to play, but she had become obsessed with it. She held a knife and said "PLAY. THE. GAME. SOREN." The game has a 2 player mode, so I had to play with her. She was attacking the plane that the game version of you were flying, and was saying "LOOK AT MY AVATAR, TOTALLY SLAYING THAT DELETION DUDE! I'M GOING TO MAKE HER BLOW UP THE PLANE!"
That must have been when Skye attacked her. I was done with her stupid games, and said "I'm not going to help you Sky!" (She is so insistent.)
Anyway, I had my back turned, because who can stand that "sympathy face" that she gives everyone when she wants something?
So you see, I didn't think she was serious when she was talking about the real plane. I thought it was just the game.
Sky and the other Skye have ruined the mission sir.

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