Foreign Intrusion

Started by The Skarzs, May 21, 2015, 05:28:48 PM

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Flare heard the voice and raised her head, her eyes narrowed. "Stashi, can you come with me to the ramparts? This could be trouble - a beast never knows."

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Stashi nodded silently, her paws straying towards her daggers as she followed Flare.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

The Skarzs

OOC: Keep in mind that Vrungin can be very persuasive (even if in my posts I can't portray it well. :-\)
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


OOC: Ok, I will :)

Flare climbed up the ramparts nimbly. Straightening herself up and trying to appear confident and dignified, she walked to the edge and peered down. Uh-oh. Usually travelers came in ones, twos, or threes, but... this looked like an actual army. The beast who appeared to be leading was one she had heard but never seen - a wolf. What in Mossflower could they want?

"Excuse me?" called Flare, clearly loud enough for the visitors to hear. "What brings you to Redwall, the place that welcomes those of good heart but defends against those without?"

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Stashi gave Vrungin one glance then looked at Flare, "I've 'eard stories 'bout wolves, they're never any good. I'd be careful wi' this 'un, he don't look like 'e is up to any good," she commented before returning her gaze to Vrungin, pawing at her daggers.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


Flare nodded ever so slightly, trying to make sure it wasn't obvious enough for the wolf below her to notice. Behind the rampart wall, she had a rock attached to her sling.

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!

The Skarzs

  "I come to aid this land in this time of. . . uncertainty." Vrungin bowed. "Excuse our appearance, lady squirrel, but in such days as these most creatures must protect themselves. I have managed to gather an amount sufficient to defend ourselves." Vrungin knew he would have to wait and see what would happen. His foreign accent was certainly a giveaway about himself, as well as the majority of his force, but those who were from Mossflower would be useful.
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Stashi stared at him suspiciously, "Us? Where are you from, wolf? And who are you?" She demanded, her eyes narrowing. This wolf was suspicious, but he didn't sound like he meant any harm.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.


Altuth, who had been wondering where Flare and Stashi had gone, finished off his meal. Standing up, he stepped out of the great hall, and headed for the orchard, looking for a place to relax outside. The hedgehog squinted at the shapes on the rampart, recognizing Stashi's bushy tail.

"Stashi, what's goin' on up there?" He called.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


"Come up and see," Flare invited, her gaze still on Vrungin's army. "We have visitors."

Thanks, MatthiasMan, for the avatar!


Named had sheathed his broadsword and had creeped back into the woods behind Vrungrin. He watched the negotiations with interest, waiting until Vrungrin was finished speaking.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: WHOOHOO! Time to do something!  :D Oh, and excuse the poor attempt at making an Irish accent visible. BIC:

       "Visitors? Wha'ta hoot! HAHA!" Phlame couldn't contain himself. The dark squirrel had stowed away on Vrungin's voyage over, and had wandered around the area between Redwall and Salamandastron looking for a decent fire... he'd yet to find one, much to his disappointment. He continued, "Vrungin, of all beasts, Vrunging of the Barkhills come to bring aid, that there's rich a' tell ye'. Pff went to Salamawhat'sit to see if it really was a burning mountain like the pirates aroond said but there tweren't any such thing aboot." He was sitting in a nearby oak, just staring into the sky, but after that last phrase he turned to look at the wolf, mostly in disappointment, "Ya know if ye're gonna go take an entire mountain ya might as well get a good blaze a goin', really helps ta get rid of all the smelly carcasses." Pausing, Phlame stood up on his branch, "Is that why ye left the mountain? Was it too smelly for ya? I mean, twas pretty bad when I went through, can't imagine what 'tis like now!" He yawned, from pure boredom in all honesty, "Ye know Vrungin, one despised beast to anoth'ar, ye'd best move along if ye' plan to keep this "I come in peace" tactic a goin'. All them Hare's ya did'n get are pretty hoppin' upset if ah doo say so meself! The Barkhillians even more so! Oooh yes!..... Oh, were you goin' to say somethin'?" At this point he became nearly totally aloof of the presence of other beasts, choosing instead to speak to himself. Staring, once again, into the sky he finished, "Probably somethin' along the lines a "whoa is us, we've nary food nor shelter, please let us in.. Heh heh, Yes, please let us in that we might slaughter ye all in yer own beds with nary a thought for the... was it dibbuns? I could never tell what those old folks inside the walls was sayin' always talkin' about the weather and such like, twas very borin'."

OOC: Reason I'm talking so long is because I'd expect that everyone would be too shocked at how ridiculous and unaware Phlame is to really want to say anything.  ::) I'll try and make sure I'm checking back so as not to slow y'all down, pretty excited about this. Also, sorry about the half-baked post, seems a little bland.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This

The Skarzs

  Vrungin stared at the strange squirrel in silence, for a moment shocked at the sudden outburst and appearance, but whilst Phlame was still talking, the wolf regained his composure.
  "Please excuse this. . . squirrel. As you can clearly see, he is far from stable in the mind." Vrungin furrowed his brows at the squirrel. "Despite my appearance, crazed one, I do not intend on murdering anyone in their beds; that would be most dishonorable and detestable."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Phane and Pharanuse had started walking again upon approaching the path they heard the sound of marching. They stopped and peered out at the road between the foliage. There was a marching army both of hares and of vermin but mostly vermin and leading the group was a large cat of the same kind that had assaulted them before. Phane growled deep in her throat. Before Pharanuse could stop her she had lunged from cover and attacked the leader with her sling in one paw and her dagger in the other. The whole time shouting and yelling vile insults and curses. 

Pharanuse reached for his sword but it was not there. "Cockles," He breathed in frustration and drawing his dagger he ran out onto the road unsure of weather he needed to save the cat or his sister and hoped that she was not about to get them all killed.

OOC: Yes she is stupid... Yes, I have no plan for this... Please don't kill me but aside from that I am pretty good with anything. And yes That is Karn and his group.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Skarzs

OOC: Erm, Commander Karn and his group are coming from the opposite direction. :P
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.