The Signature Above Me

Started by Nightfire, September 13, 2011, 10:18:19 PM

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In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


  Okay, I will call you Warrior, Warrior.
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


lol, thanks.

*bows head* Thank goodness spiders cannot fly! *spider flies by face* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


  *Takes out fly swatter*  AAAAAHHHHH!!!!  GET IT, GET IT!!!!  *Swats it*  Now I shall auth and auth about this moment in time!  I will make a squillion dollars off of it!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Yes! *spears spider with sword to make sure it's dead* *ten more spiders fly by* *unsheathes the Sword of Martin. Redwaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllll!!!"
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


  GET 'EM WARRIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I shall get much more than a squillion dollars off of this!  *Pulls out dagger*  REDWAAAAAAALLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


lol *chops spiders in half* They are a dying breed! If we kill them all, your siggie can at last be true!
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


  *Squillions of flying spiders start popping up*  They are a dying breed huh?  REDWAAAAAAAAALLLLLL!!!!  *Wields dagger and fly swatter, trying to kill spiders*
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Er...they're supposed to be a dying breed... *massacres spiders*
In process of rekindling my love for Redwall.


  *Slices one in half, giant Shelob-sized one flies up*  WARRIOR!!!  GET OVER HERE!!!!  I FOUND THE MOTHER!!!!!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


PLAY THE GAME! you are afraid of spiders.


  Oh ho ho!  You're trying to hide from the flying mother spider huh?  Hiding in your room like that!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!

Tiria Wildlough

Haharr. I brought out the freak ferret army! They eat spiders.
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.


i agree.  Pink bunnies are scary.


  The pink bunny will help us kill the spiders!  No thanks to you Psybox, you coward!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!