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Poets' Pillow Fort

Started by Tiny Jackalope, June 29, 2015, 02:23:15 AM

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Tiny Jackalope

 8) Why hello there.  8)
You must be here to read some poetry made by your friends. Well you are in luck! Not only will your friends soon come flocking here to this topic with their creativity but I have a poem to start us off! Enjoy!


Bluebirds cry
afraid of a scheme
knowing the anger of the nation
stop thinking
about the power of hate
the silence is simple
accommodating the jealous king
stardust eyes
breathing hard
take a clear look
and the voice of the singer
at the end of the day
dare they hear
all the songs
used by the crazy dream that
first declared peace
destructive actions
the presence of the last gap
between fanatical hatred to kill
and willingness to stop

[I know it makes no sense. *hides behind couch to hide from the flying tomatoes* Don't hate me! XD]
a mere rebel... as mere as this dot -> .

Cornflower MM

*Claps* Wonderful poem, TJ! I myself am not the biggest fan of writing poetry, or reading it, but that doesn't mean that when I DO read poetry I don't appreciate! I can't wait to see everyone's works!


Are you kidding, TJ? That was one of best poems that I have ever read -no exaggeration-. Looking forward to more :)!
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Tiny Jackalope

Quote from: Cornflower MM on June 29, 2015, 10:21:58 PM
*Claps* Wonderful poem, TJ! I myself am not the biggest fan of writing poetry, or reading it, but that doesn't mean that when I DO read poetry I don't appreciate! I can't wait to see everyone's works!
Quote from: TheTaleOfSierra on June 30, 2015, 06:59:42 PM
Are you kidding, TJ? That was one of best poems that I have ever read -no exaggeration-. Looking forward to more :)!

8) Why thank you! XD I will definitely post more but I hope for the other Redwallers to join in on the poetry posting merriment. (The poems don't even have to be all that good XD)
a mere rebel... as mere as this dot -> .

Gonff the Mousethief

Man TJ, that was astonishing! Very well written and really made you think! Astounding job!

This is a poem I wrote a little while ago and had it tucked away.

I sit back hidden,
In the crowd of others.
All have price tags on,
While they forgot about me.
My Clothes,
My Shoes,
My Things,
Just synonyms of Me.
Worry they do,
About what I may ask?
The looks of another?
Or the appreciation of just that.
I step back,
Exit the doors.
With Myself,
We explore.
In the woods we travel,
And let the worries go,
Let us awe at the beauty,
And sing a new song.
The opinions are thoughts,
And words, are words.
For they are all wrapped up in,
Me Myself, and I

I know it made NO sense, thats why I had it tucked away.

Here is another one I wrote for someone in my One-Shot request. Its much better.

Why must I?
Confined am I, in this era,
Where we love our inventions,
And expel adventure and freedom.
Why must I watch?
A world full of life and beauty,
Ripped from its core by us,
Its guardians.
Why must I stay?
It pulls me,
Rushing exploration up my roots,
Just as we did with toxins to them.
Why must I conform?
The World dreads it,
Peace and simplicity,
Yet it is the pact of our world.
Why must I hide?
If it calls,
Then I will answer,
As if my childhood friend has returned.
Why must I go on?
For it is not about "the People",
We swore to protect it,
And now, our duty calls.

Hope these are just a tad enjoyable.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


Excellent as always. Really. Kudos to you.


I don't know why you two are worrying about things like "sense" when it is "emotion" the only thing that really matters. Excellent job as always, Goniff.
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The ship sails away today
You'd best come look or miss the day

Why did they choose to leave this day?
I cannot say
For the ship sails away today

 There in the harbor-- watch it go!
Towering masts! Sails white as snow!

Where are they going?
I cannot say
For the ship sails away today

The boards are oak; the bow is pine
The ropes they've tied with lashes nine

What will they do?
I cannot say
For the ship sails away today

The deck is filled with crewmen brave
Through the seas a path they brave

Will they return?
I truly tell you that I cannot say
For the ship sails away today

Gonff the Mousethief

Thank you both very it much. It means so much from me coming from older folk like yourselves.

Izeroth! That was amazing! I love poems that that a comtinuing line! Makes you really wonder where that ship is going!
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


You truly deserved the praising, Goniff :)

And that was an amazing poem, Izeroth *claps*.
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That is filled with the majesty and sorrow of parting. Nicely done.

Some poems I wrote last night, just because:

Make sure you know what you believe
Before you preach it to the world.
For, if the time of testing comes
And catches you unawares,
You only have two choices:
To shame yourself by admitting your ignorance,
Or avoiding the guilt
And becoming a false prophet.
Which is worse?

Dawn (Haiku)
Dew is on the grass
The air is clean, the birds sing
Dawn breaks; a new day

A Riddle (Haiku)
All men are foolish
This we hold true. So tell me,
How are we certain?

Love is Like a Flower
Love is like a flower.
If you are too rough, it dies.
It is not always so lovely.
It withers and wilts,
Turning brown.
But if you are faithful,
And make sure that the bulb is not stolen away,
The flower grows again in the spring.
It was never really gone.
Just hidden,

Gonff the Mousethief

Man Plugg, your writings are always so eloquent and beautiful and have such a powerful meaning short or long. They flow perfectly and make you want to read more. You are truly an inspiration to me and all of us here.
I want the world of Tolkien,
The message of Lewis;
The adventure of Jacques,
And the heart of Milne.
But I want the originality of me.


And your praises are too high and make me want to hide. :P
But thank you. :)

Tiny Jackalope

I'm loving everybody's poems  :D ;D
a mere rebel... as mere as this dot -> .


Nice poems, Plugg.

The custom font, size and color made them a little hard to read, but they were worth the effort.
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