Siege on the Mountain

Started by Cornflower MM, July 30, 2015, 11:30:41 PM

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Cornflower MM

OOC: Why, thank you!

BIC: "Hey!" Arya exclaimed, looking at her brother with a mock hurt look. "What was that for?"
"Hmph. You know very well what that was for." Aiden said, trying to keep a stern exterior. Arya, sensing her brother's crumbling annoyance, playfully reached over and tugged his ear. "Hey! Why, you little-!" Aidne said, giving in and smiling.


"Right sah!" Heather barked back before approaching the pine marten "Welcome to Sallamandastron, I know you have questions and everythin' wot, but first you need to clean yourself up an get some tuck in you, when everyone else arrives we will have a right and proper meeting to explain everythin' wot. There is food over there if your hungry" She said pointing over to a table which was laden with food, "When your ready Blueleaf 'll show you to your room. Oh and I am Heather, That there is Blueleaf, Twotrees and Truman Carbey Fekelsden IV we just call him Trum"  She said pointing to each of the three hares in turn.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

LT Sandpaw

OOC: What I love the most about how Highear and Heather dealt with Mia is that I don't think she was there to fight with them, the hares are totally assuming that she is, I can't wait to see what Ash is going to do with that. :D :D :D

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


OOC: Bit hard to implement myself here... just tell me when you have need of High privates.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Lady Ashenwyte

Mia stared blankly at the frankly insane sergeant as he dashed away, covered in grime and filth. She turned towards the female hare, it seemed she was insane as well. This place seemed to be a loony house, ah well, at least she could find a good meal here. She gave her bow to a hare, and walked away to clean herself.
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


Maple had managed to get inside Salamandastron. She made her way through the many passages until she came upon the thing she had been looking for. The kitchens. She looked around and saw no one, she listened and heard nothing, so she began to stuff her nearly empty bag with food while she ate. Every once in a while she would pause and listen, hiding if she heard something and waiting for it to leave.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

The Skarzs

  Argunath and Elmeath looked up at the bleak cone of a mountain ahead of them, its stony sides spotted with dark pinholes that must have been windows of some kind.
  "So. . . do you see an entrance?" Argunath asked the other, who was also searching for one.
  "No." She started off again. "Well, we'll reach it in a bit; let's walk around to the north side and see if there's one there!"
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.


Groth slowly trudges along, being the last in the group. Atleast an 'arf hour away. He rubs the pouch of his sling thoughtfully, wondering what role, if any, he would take in skirmishes or battles.
~Just a soft space boi~

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Hey Skarzs your close enough for this to work right?


Stopping with quick spin Major Blackthorn noted the two creatures approaching the mountain. Both were large, that was the first thing he noticed. Second they were both very much cats, neither assessment brooded well with the major. He also distinguished one was male and the other female, though this did not forestall his worried mind. Nodding to two other nearby hares who were standing on guard they approached the large cat’s weapons in much evidence.

One of the hares, an older veteran named Buckster saw the major was unarmed and passed over his guards spear before drawing his spare sword. Thus equipped they stopped before the cougars, the younger hare, a teen named Flugger couldn’t stop his knees from trembling and clutched his spear with white knuckles.

Knowing a warrior when he saw one the major put on a look of smug confidence, slightly ruined by the trembling Flugger.

“Wot ho cats I am Major Blackthorn of the Long Patrol, we are the defenders of this 'ere mountain an' the surrounding western shores. We 'ave no argument with yew if ye have none with us and are flippin well willing to live with others in peace. If ye are not here to harm any among us then ye will be welcomed into graciously Salamandastron, wot?” The last statement was more of a question and almost a threat to the cats. While the major said all this while standing at ease, Buckster swished his sword in the sand clearly eager for action not the least bit intimidated by the cat’s size.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro

The Skarzs

  Elmeath clapped her paws and danced around the three hares. "Oooh, these must be the hares of the mountain! Aw, look at their ears, they're so long!" The female cougar played with Flugger's ears for a moment before he fainted and fell on the sand.
  "Oh dear. . . he seems to have fallen."
  Argunath couldn't help but laugh as the young hare fainted, and he turned to the officer. "Well, I would certainly prefer not to harm anybeast, Major Blackthorn. And while you're certainly-"
  "Ready to fight at a moment's notice and not the slightest bit frightened of us!"
  The armored cat waited for Elmeath to finish before going on. " . . . What she said. For your own sake, please trust that we're here on peaceful grounds."
Cave of Skarzs

Cave potato.

Cornflower MM

OOC: @Skar: Elmeath made me laugh. She's funny. :P

BIC: After a brief sibling tussle while Kerpuffle looked on in despair, Aiden reached down a paw to hep his sister up. "Well won, brother," Arya said with a sigh - She'd hardly ever beaten her brother fairly. "Why, thank you. And now, let's be on our way again before this poor hare has a panic attack." Aiden said cheerfully, starting to walk off. "Hey, who's that?" Aiden asked a moment later, completely serious as he pointed.

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Lol I love what you did with Flugger, that was great. Anyway.


With a frown Blackthorn prodded the motionless form of the fainted hare with his spear, seeing no response he shrugged at the cats silently berating the younger hare.

"Must have been the heat wot, guard duty gets to the young'uns dont'cha know. Buckster would you take Flugger up to the infirmary an' get 'im revived." The veteran sheathed his sword and picked up the fallen Flugger in his strong paws carrying him off towards the mountain. Turning back to the two cougars the Major motioned them to follow him leading the way back to Salamandastron's entrance.

"I am glad to 'ear that yew chaps ain't 'ere for a tussle wot." He cast a moody glance at the two giants before continuing. "We 'h'already 'ave a foe to battle an' I wasn't fancyin' making any more enemies if ya know wot I mean. One moment please."

Blackthorn had spotted Highear and his troupe leaving the mountain, the young hares stared open mouthed at the huge cats some making comments out loud.

"I say look at the size o' them."

"What kind of cat gets bigger n' a badger wot?"

"Wot ya talking about Flander yew never seen a badger."

"Silence there, formation canceled go report to sergeant Heather, Highear get over 'ere." Blackthorn ordered. Highear came sprinting over his freshly cleaned green tunic glistening slightly. Leaning close so the cats couldn't hear Blackthorn kept his voice low and cautious.

"Highear I 'ear your crack-shot with the sling yes?" At the sergeants nod Blackthorn continued. "I want yew to go everywhere with these cats, if they try to cause trouble put a flippin stone in the males eye an' get help fast. Understand?"

"Yessah." Highear hissed hardly above a whisper. Turning back to the cougars Blackthorn slapped his paws together and pushed the unimpressed Highear forward.

"This 'ear is Sergeant Highear, he will be your guide and paw beast. Need something an' yew ask him. Now I must go, Highear will show yew the path to the mess hall." With that said Blackthorn waited to see how they would respond to having a escort at all times, his distrust more then apparent.

OOC: @Skarzs, feel free to control Highear, he will just be following your characters, answering questions etc..

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


Maple had everything she had come for, her bag was filled with food and drink. She had considered getting new clothes, but the ragged dark blue tunic fit her just fine. She slung the pack over her shoulder, pulling the hood over her eyes with a heavily tattooed arm. Distant sounds echoed through the tunnels, warning her of approaching beasts. Sinking back into a shadowed corner, she drew her machete and waited, hoping she would not be discovered. The dark grey fur had helped her hide in past situations, but to be sure, she drew the black cloak around herself.
Just pretend there is something interesting and unique written here... I have nothing to say.

Jukka the Sling


Totally kidding.  I'm not mad in the least. :D I'll read up on the latest posts eventually and post later.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien

LT Sandpaw

OOC: Hm, and here I was thinking this RP was going really slow, hey where is Dell by the way some one poke him!

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro