Is Redwall as safe as they say it is? (Role-play thread)

Started by Ashleg, September 02, 2015, 03:24:49 AM

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Should the vermin meet the Redwallers?

Not yet...When we're further into the roleplay. c:


Fang flinched and looked down at all the scratches and bite marks, which were still bleeding.
"Erm...It's nothing, I'm fine. Just part o' bein' a ghost, right?" He trailed off, laughing awkwardly until he realized that the other vermin and his captain were just giving him blank stares.
"...I just got a little scraped up, but I'm fine."


"Yeah, he is, come on before he gets too impatient. We were gonna meet by the small gate out back." Mixy nodded sideways to say to follow her before she ran off down the hallway.

LT Sandpaw

Arriving at the small wicker gate Bracklew leaned against the wall. Pulling the daggers out of their hiding spots he thrust one into his belt admiring the it looked. He rarely handled a knife, much less a real dagger. Laying the other one in the grass he waited, leaning against the wall.

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


One-Ear followed Mixy to the back gate. He looked at Bracklew, admiring the dagger on his belt.
"You Bracklew? Where'd you get those daggers? They look pretty well-made."


Redfang looked at him suspiciously.
"Really?" Turning to Rapshade, he growled. "He's lying."


"They're my dad's," Mixy said, picking up the dagger that Bracklew had set on the grass after waving to her squirrel friend. She shoved it in her bag.
"Bracklew, One-Ear wants to come with us so he can get the stoat that killed his father."


"Thank you, Redfang, for being the obvious seabird carcass you are." Rapshade bared his teeth and rounded on the stoat. "I know he's lying, and an idiot could see that! Anyway. Fangfang, go see Vadoma about your wounds, then just go about doing whatever it do."


Redfang muttered something and retired below decks.
"I'll show 'im. Hmm...But how? Maybe if a throw a not into Redwall just before I open the gates. Heeheehee. That'll work! I'll tell 'em that Rapshade's about to attack, then I'll open the gates and run for it over the wall."
He chuckled to himself and flopped on his bed.


The young fox nodded and twirled the katana.
"Hmph. The coward couldn't even be bothered to do it himself. He hired some killer hiding out in the woodlands. I already dealt with her, but now the stoat needs his comeuppance as well."
He scratched his ear in confusion.
"Do you know where the ship is? I saw it on the way here, but do you know the way as well?"


Fangfang grinned. "Yer not gonna kill me, Cap'n? Th' Redwallers said I'd be killed if I came back 'ere, or something."
Rapshade gritted his teeth. "No, fool, I'm not, unless you don't go away. Now get going!"
He kicked the yellow rat to get him to run off.


Mixy snorted. "Of course we do, they captured us as slaves not long ago."


One-Ear was shocked. He spat.
"Vermin scum. Who would do that to anybeast? They deserve what's coming to them!"


Mortembell had vacated the meeting some time ago, feeling she could not contribute anything else. She sat in cavern hole, munching on a scone, when Muddle walked in.
"Vixen, named for flower of death..."
She rolled her eyes.
"Yes, oh magic one?"
Muddle thrust his maimed face towards hers.
"I'm seeing things, vixen. Things to do with your son..."
Mortembell continued chewing her scone.
"Oh really? What do your visions tell you?"
Muddle's spikes bristled.
"Treat me with the respect I deserve, vixen. In the near future, I see your son...I see him flee the Abbey, I see a great ship. I see a ferret, and a stoat. I see death, capture, torture, but I do not know in which order or who they apply to."
Mortembell's scone fell out of her mouth.
"You WHAT?"


Mixy nodded.
"Yes, they do, and that's why we're going...I'm going to make it quick for the ferret, though. I don't want to see him hurting and know I'm the cause, 'cause I wasn't raised like that. Bracklew and I are sneaking berries into his vittles."

LT Sandpaw

Waving back Bracklew nodded to the fox cautiously. "I'm Bracklew, I don't think I caught you're name, but if you have something against the pirates we're on the same side." The squirrel held out his good paw to clasp the fox's. Giving it a firm shake he turned back to Mixy motioning towards the gate.

"I already opened it, you guys go though, and I'll lock it and climb onto one of the trees that grow close to the ground and join you. We don't want to leave any of the gates unlocked."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"Alright, come on!" Mixy whispered, sneaking quietly past the gate.
She toyed with one of her long ears as she waited for the others to join her.


One-Ear shook Bracklew's paw.
"Name's One-Ear. Poison's pretty crafty, but you should be in and out before they notice. Can't say the same for me, I want that stoat to know who I am before he dies."
One-Ear pricked his ear up at Mixy's voice and snuck through the gate after her.

LT Sandpaw

Waiting until they were both though the gate Bracklew shut it, slamming the bolts into place. Then he raced up the nearest wall steps surmounting the battlements. He peered over the wall for the first time unsure of the stunt he was about to attempt.

Swallowing his nervousness he perched atop one of the battlements and leapt for the nearest tree. Bracklew spat in pain as his injured paws jarred against the rough wood. Recovering from the initial pain he shimmed down the tree trunk using only his right paw front paw, landing beside Mixy and One-ear.

"Lead the way Mix."

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


"Okay," Mixy said, leading the way through the grass until Redwall was too far away for those who inhabited it to see them. She slowed down.
"I guess we don't have to rush this," the hare remarked as she leapt over a log.


One-Ear jumped the log.
"I think I can see the top of the mast, look up over that tree."
He pointed a claw through a gap in the woods.


Mortembell shook her head.
"I've had enough of your ramblings, hedgehog. Get out of here."
Muddle moved his face closer to Mortembell.
"I'm warning you, vixen. In your son's near future all I see is death, capture, and torture, though it might be in a different order, and it might not be him anyway."
Mortembell threw the remnants of the scone at Muddle.
"ENOUGH! Take your damning prophecies elsewhere."
Muddle trotted out of Cavern Hole shaking his head. In the peaceful silence without him, Mortembell fell asleep.


Mixy's paws were shaking with anxiety now, and she felt it hard to walk.
"I see it, too. I'm as nervous as five hares who've been sitting in a season-long famine are hungry...And that, well, it says a lot."