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War in 1700 Cont.

Started by Wylder Treejumper, January 28, 2016, 08:01:18 PM

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*Dimitri walks in.*
"Ah, here we are, Lord Soren. Dimitri! Good to see you, my friend. What occurs in the west?"
"My Tsar, Lithuaia-Poland and Prussia have both fallen to the might of your armies. BRING THEM IN!"
*Two soldiers bring in the prisoners.*
"Tsar Groddil, Lord Soren, the rulers of Lithuania-Poland and Prussia."
"Excellent work, Dimitri. Kill them."
Dimitri pulls out a flintlock pistol and shoots the prisoners. Tsar Vladimir Groddil turns to Lord Soren.
"There you are. The conquered territory to the west is yours. Your 100,000 soldiers are now in the city. Dimitri! Get somebody to clean up Lord Soren's floor."
Dimitri nods and leaves, the two soldiers dragging the bodies behind them. Tsar Vladimir Groddil rises from his chair.
"I should be getting back to St. Petersburg. The soldiers and gold are yours, Lord Soren, use them well."

*Tsar Vladimir Groddil I and Dimitri the Merciless leave Kiev on their journey back to St. Petersburg.*

Land Holdings: Russia, Ukraine, Siberia, Alaska (Russian Empire). Lithuania-Poland, Prussia (Under the control of Lord Soren).
Trade Alliances: All, except Ottoman Empire.
Military Alliances: Sweden, Lithuania-Poland, Prussia.
Formal Alliances: Portugal.
Enemies: Ottoman Empire.


OOC: I am pretty sure that there aren't any trade alliances besides what is established by you in-game.
Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


OOC: I think at the beginning, it made sense if the countries were trading with each other. I don't see why not, until war breaks out anyways.


OOC: Can I take Brandenburg-Prussia?


OOC: It would probably not be a good idea, considering Prussia has been taken over by yours truly. You could, I guess, but you would only have Brandenburg.

EDIT: Izeroth can read the last spoiler I posted to Soren to learn the details.


Letter to the Chancellor of Russia
This letter shall be delivered unto the Chancellor of Russia, and seen only by his eyes.
Highly Confidential

As the leader of a large nation I cannot take any risks in making a secret alliance within my sworn enemy. I have absolutely no idea if I can trust you. I only want for the greater good of the continent, but I say again: I cannot risk the safety of my nation for someone who could very well be my enemy. I hope you understand, we would not be attacking Russia and Sweden under any other circumstances.

Warm regards,

The Sultan
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


Dear Sultan,
I understand your concern, but nonetheless, Russian troops are being moved away from Poltava to assist your invasion of Russia. The Tsar will be in Poltava at the time of your attack, to ensure an easy victory. It's a win-win scenario: You get the glory and the land, I get Russia.
Boyar Ivan Slavic, Chancellor of Russia.

*Russian troops stationed at Poltava are moved to Moscow.*


*15,000 Ottoman troops and 300 artillery pieces (1 battery per 50 troops) are dispatched the the Ottoman-Russian border to hold the border against possible Russian invaders and to keep an eye on the Russian troops.

*The Ottoman Empire retracts its declaration of war against Russia, but not Sweden.

*Ottoman forces forcefully take over Morea as part of the action to gain control of Venice and annex the country.

OOC: If the map Wylder posted was too big for anybody, here's a downsized copy:

I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

LT Sandpaw

To King Delthion of Hapsburg

Portugal welcomes a alliance with the Hapsburg Monarchy with open arms. May our nations prosper in this accord.

~King Sandpaw II

A Confidential Dispatch to Sultan Sagetip

Great Sultan, I fear that Russia has gone to far in her game and with the latest information provided by the Ottoman Empire I have decided to cease any contact or trade with Russia or her allies until war is averted. Should conflict break out, know that the great Portuguese Empire shall stand by The Ottoman Empire's side.

~King Sandpaw II

The Public Portugal Trade Declaration

In light of opening conflicts between Portugal's major allies, the Ottoman Empire, and Russia the Portuguese's trade shall cease immediately with Russia and any of her allies hence forth. (Those including but not limited too lands captured by force) Furthermore should any invasion of the Hapsburg Monarchy or the Ottoman Empire be made, the guilty nation will feel the full power of the Portugal Economy and Naval might.

Only when Russia and her allies pull their forces away from the Western border will Portugal resume friendly negotiations.

By the Royal House of Portugal,
~His Majesty King Sandpaw II King of Portugal and Lord of the Netherlands.

*Trade ships on their way to Sweden are turned around by the Royal navy. Military forces are deployed in the Netherlands to protect her vulnerable borders. Portuguese troops are stationed in sea side forts and several minor military movements are made.*

"Sometimes its not about winning, but how you lose." - John Gwynne

"Facts don't care about your feelings." -Ben Shapiro


King Sandpaw II,
In light of the recent events that have transpired, culminating in your ceasing of our alliances, I must bring something to light. The Sultan and I have an agreement. As you know, Russian troops have left our borders with the Ottoman Empire. I will send the Tsar to Paltova, where the Ottoman forces will easily be able to kill him. I will take over Russia, and the Sultan will have the glory of stopping the Russian advance. Join us in overthrowing Vladimir Groddil I.
Boyar Ivan Slavic, Chancellor of Russia.

*Tsar Vladimir Groddil arrives back at St. Petersburg.*

Conversation Overheard by your spies *cough*anyonecanreadthis*cough*

*Tsar Vladimir Groddil walks back into the palace.*
"Where is the Chancellor?"
*Boyar Ivan Slavic steps out of the shadows.*
"Right here sir. Was your trip successful?"
*The Tsar nods.*
"The rulers of Lithuania-Poland and Prussia have been executed. Lord Soren now has control over Russia's new land to the west. I gave him 100,000 of our soldiers and the Portugese gold. What happened here while I was away?"
*Boyar Ivan Slavic shakes his head.*
"Not good news, I'm afraid. When Sultan Sagetip heard of what transpired in Kiev, he declared war on Russia and Sweden. They are attacking the borders, my Tsar. Our troops at Paltova request your aid! Furthermore, King Sandpaw has stopped trade and renounced our alliance."
*Tsar Vladimir Groddil I thinks.*
"Send a letter to Sultan Sagetip. Tell him we shall meet at the border to discuss this personally. I will head straight to Paltova with 50,000 men. Leave me, I need time to prepare."


OOC: That's fine. Even without Prussia, Brandenburg is still large enough for my purposes.

Ruler: King Frederick William III
Land holdings: The state of Brandenburg, the Brandenburger Gold Coast in West Africa.
Military Forces: 30,000 fully trained and equipped soldiers, supplemented by 5,000 or so militia guardsmen. The navy consists of 4 frigates and 6 yachts.
Trade Alliances: none
Military Alliances: none
Enemies: Russia

Letter to Count Radbot, ruler of the Habsburg Monarchy
Only authorized persons may read this letter.

King Frederick William III, ruler of the Kingdom of Brandenburg, requests a private audience with Count Radbot of the Habsburg Monarchy.


OOC: Sage, I already have Venice, and we're allied.

Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


Izeroth: You can probably add Russia to your enemies list straight up seeing as how the empire was "Brandenburg-Prussia," and the Russians conquered Prussia.

Dear Sandpaw II, King of Portugal and the Netherlands.
I apologize for any disagreements this may have caused between us. Russia wished only for the safety of her borders, but when threats were made, we had no choice but to quell them. We have no intention of advancing any further or taking lands belonging our friends in the Habsburg Monarchy, nor should you worry about an attack on your kingdoms, but until you can convince Sultan Sagetip to halt his attack on Southern Russia, there is war in Europe.
Tsar Vladimir Groddil I, Ruler of the Russian Empire.

Meanwhile, in Switzerland...

*King Liddorg I and his 5000 men march into Paris, meeting up with Emperor Ashenwyte's forces.*
"You the Spanish forces? I'm here to see Magnus and the Prince."

Lady Ashenwyte

"Yes, we are. I am Prince Renard, and Magnus is finishing the diplomatic details with the French."

*50,000 men march with Emperor Ashenwyte to Paris*

 To the Ottoman Empire
Greeting, mighty Sultan. Due to this Russian invasion, I request a military and trade alliance between us. - Magnus the Red 
The fastest way to a man's heart- Or anyone's, in fact- Is to tear a hole through their chest.

Indeed. You are as ancient as the soot that choked Pompeii into oblivion, though not quite as uncaring. - Rusvul

Just a butterfly struggling through my chrysalis.


OOC: I had originally assumed that Brandenburg and Prussia would be separate kingdoms, but I suppose having Russia as an enemy does make more sense in the grand scheme of things.

Audience with Count Radbot, ruler of the Habsburg Monarchy
Only authorized persons may read this transcript.

"I have requested this audience for several reasons, but I will begin our discussion with the most pressing of them. I have recently received word that the rulers of Lithuania-Poland and Prussia have been executed; this is a bold move, even for Russia, and I fear that the Tsar may soon attempt to invade my kingdom. The Russians should not be allowed to continue this reckless aggression-- if order is to be restored to Eastern Europe, something must be done to blunt their power. If Brandenburg were to enter into a direct conflict with Russia, could I expect your support?"

*5,000 troops are sent to the Brandenburg-Saxon border*

*New settlers arrive in the Brandenburger Gold Coast, bolstering the population of the colony*