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Snowdrop: A Tale of Redwall

Started by Skalrag of Marshank, October 17, 2011, 11:05:09 PM

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Skalrag of Marshank

'Kay...I'm kinda putting the Light and Shadow on hold for a while, 'cause I am getting MAJOR SERIOUS WRITERS' BLOCK. So, anyhows, I had an idea to write a story about Saria, a white fox seer RP character I used in Nightfire's Trouble on the Horizon RPG. She's my fox fur-sona, if you will. So, enjoy! :)


Savage winter winds howled outside of the palace of Dramz, the wolverine king of the Land of Ice and Snow. If a travelling beast were to chance upon Dramz's palace (it was more of a fortress, really), which was very unlikely, since the only known beasts who could survive in the frigid temperatures of the far north were ermine, wolverines, and white foxes, whose thick fur insulated their bodies. But, again, if a creature were to happen upon Dramz's fortress, it would appear to be like the face of a monster; although the palace was always lit with candles and chandeliers, the crafter of the place had chosen to only construct two huge windows, which shone like great, glowing eyes. The great iron gates were cruel looking, and one could imagine they were a gaping mouth, with thousands of razor-sharp teeth.

Inside the palace, in a small room, a beautiful white vixen sat on a velvet cushion in front of a fire place, where only a small fire flickered and danced in the otherwise pitch black room. She narrowed her eyes at the minuscule flame, carefully taking into account its every flicker.

Suddenly, pawsteps sounded outside of the door. The door swung open, revealing a young skinny ermine.

"Viryah! Quickly!" the ermine panted.

"Kami," the vixen replied, as if reprimanding a child. "How many times have I told ye to knock before entering my chambers? 'Tis very tiresome to be disturbed again and again."

"Viryah, there's no time! It's Snowbrush! She's--"

But Viryah was already on her paws,, stuffing various dried herbs into her belt pouch. She hurriedly passed Kami, and rushed down the hall.

Kami and Viryah opened a side door in the palace, which lead outside. The vixen wrapped her cloak tighter around her, and hurried out to the barracks, Kami hot on her heels.

Viryah flung open the door to the barracks. "Where is she?" she asked urgently.

A male ermine gestured to a pile of straw, where a vixen lay, convulsing and moaning in pain. A male fox knelt by her side, whispering to the vixen.

Viryah stepped over the bodies of gawking vermin, who had probably never seen a beast give birth before.

"I would appreciate it if you would move yourself," Viryah spoke to the male fox in an icy voice. "I can't exactly help your mate give birth if ye are lying on top of her, now, can I?"

The male fox moved slowly away.

Kami wrung his paws. A fat ermine jeered at him. "Wotsa matter? Y'never seen a beast give birth afore?" Kami shook his head. The ermine laughed. "Me neither!"

Kami rolled his eyes.


After what seemed like hours, the agonized screams of Snowbrush were replaced by the shrill cry of a baby. The male fox rushed over to Snowbrush's side, tears of joy pouring down his face.

Snowbrush smiled. "It's a girl, Stone Eyes!"

Stone Eyes grinned back. "Aye, jus' like we wanted!"

Viryah face remained emotionless as stone.

The ever-curious Kami ventured forward. "Ah--marm? Wot are yew gonna call 'er?"

Snowbrush smiled at the young ermine.

"Saria. It means 'snowdrop'."

Sorry if it seems like I'm taking the vermin too much out of context. They'll get badder, don't worry. ;)

O.K., I just have two guidelines for posting about my writing:
1. Criticism and suggestions are more than welcome! You don't know how important constructive criticism is in the writing process.

2. You are allowed to hate my stories. Everyone has different tastes, and that's O.K. However, even if you do hate (or just seriously dislike) my stories, please don't go on about it online. It hurts my feelings, and if some people do like it, you're kinda offending them, too. You MAY criticize. You MAY NOT hate verbally (or about as verbal as you can get online...) ;D
"With great chocolate comes great responsibility."
  ~ Larry Boy

Plugg Firetail

I think your writing is pretty good! When I first read this I thought it was a new Redwall book. But if this is at the same time as Rakkety Tam, Then where is Gulo? Gulo killed his father at the beginning of Rakkety Tam.

QuoteNone was stronger than Gulo. To prove this he had slain his father.

Hope you keep writing!

Skalrag of Marshank

Thanks! I'm glad you like it! :)
I kinda mean for this story to happen before Rakkety Tam, when Dramz is still the ruler of the Land of Ice and Snow, when Gulo and Askor are Dibbuns. They'll show up later, don't worry. ;)
"With great chocolate comes great responsibility."
  ~ Larry Boy

Plugg Firetail

Alright. I was kinda confused about that.

Tiria Wildlough

Skalrag of Marshank, you are an awesome writer. I can't wait for more of this! :) :) :)
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.

Plugg Firetail

Okay I was reading this story when a awesome idea came through my head(I'm serious, I was hit by a Rakkety Tam book). I thought "Hey, Why doesn't someone make a book about the land of ice and snow but in Urgan Nagru's time. It would be awsome!

Skalrag of Marshank

Thank-you, Tiria! Glad you like it! ;D

Chapter Two

Viryah hurried up a flight of thickly carpeted stairs, paused for breath at the top, and rushed down the hallway. When she finally reached the end, she stopped in front of a huge mahogany door with a golden knocker in the shape of a wolverine's head.

Viryah brushed down her skirt, in order to look presentable, and rapped the knocker four times. A low growl sounded from behind the thick door.

"Who is it?"

"Viryah, sire," Viryah worked to keep her voice from quavering. "I would speak with you."

"Come in."

Viryah grasped the beautiful golden door handle and pulled.

A huge wolverine with coarse black and dark brown fur sat stiffly on a massive oaken throne. He was clothed in thick velvet robes, which were clasped with a glowing ruby brooch. On his head sat a golden crown encrusted with smaller rubies. His eyes were narrow yellow slits, and two of his thorn-sharp fangs showed even with his mouth closed.

Viryah gulped nervously. "Lord Dramz, Ruler of the Land of Ice and Snow, King of--"

"Oh, get on with it, fox!" the wolverine roared impatiently.

Viryah flinched. "Er--you Highness, I have had a vision."

Dramz gnawed impatiently at a hangclaw. "Well, you are my seer.  It is you job to see visions and interpret them to me. Well, go on."

"I have had a vision. In this vision, I see my body, laying in a pool of blood, and a beast shrouded in darkness standing over it, laughing." Viryah paused.

"Well, what does this mean?"

"Oh, that is not the end, your Majesty. This image fades, and I see yourself, your wife, and your sons. You are afraid, for without the guidance of a seer, you find yourself wandering the land of dreams and visions in darkness." Viryah waited for her master to comment.

Dramz suddenly came to attention. "Well, if this...this dream...turns to be true, what do you suggest should be done about it?"

"If this dream is just that--a dream--then we have nothing to fear. However, if it does turn to be a sign from the future, I must appoint an apprentice as soon as possible."

"Well, this presents a problem," Dramz replied. "You have not seen the signs of a seer in another creature. Who would you appoint as an apprentice?"

Viryah's eyes glinted. "With your permission, of course, I would like to run a test on the creatures in your horde."

"But there are so many creatures in my horde! How would you test them all?"

Viryah smiled. "Just a simple, short test. That is all I promise. If one of your beasts is fit to become an apprentice seer, they will pass the test. However, the creatures who have the most seer talent are usually foxes. I will begin with your foxes, and if none of them prevail, I will move on to your ermine."

"You have done well, my seer. Good luck on your test." Dramz nodded to Viryah, confirming that she was dismissed.

The vixen left without a word.
"With great chocolate comes great responsibility."
  ~ Larry Boy

Plugg Firetail

Yay new chapter. I think this one was better than the other. I started the fanfiction that I was talking about earlier. But on the topic of made me laugh so much when I read that Dramz had a hangclaw.

Tiria Wildlough

Quote from: Plugg Firetail on October 24, 2011, 09:59:55 PM made me laugh so much when I read that Dramz had a hangclaw.
Heeheehee. I know how that feels. :D
Awesome chapter, Skalrag, but I feel that you should make them longer, and put in more detail about Viryah's vision. ;)
My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.

Skalrag of Marshank

Thank-you! I will make it a bit more detailed. Thanks for the feedback! ;D
"With great chocolate comes great responsibility."
  ~ Larry Boy

Skalrag of Marshank

'Kay, this is VERY embarrassing, but do any of you have an idea for what the seer test could be? I'm totally clueless. :-[ ???
"With great chocolate comes great responsibility."
  ~ Larry Boy

Plugg Firetail

Maybe she looks into their eyes or something.

Skalrag of Marshank

Chapter Three

Viryah lay on a mat in her room, thoughts milling about her head. She needed an omen of some sort. That would certainly help in the search for an apprentice. The vixen sighed heavily, pulled herself up, and wrapped her cloak around her body.

Viryah pulled her door open silently and padded softly down the hall. She stopped at the back door, and slowly pulled it open, slipped outside, and shut it again.

It had stopped snowing, and the sun was just beginning to come up, shedding golden rays on the blindingly white snow. She squinted against the snow, and leaned against the door, thinking. The bitter cold always helped sharpen her mind when she was thinking.

Suddenly, her sharp eyes caught a tiny sliver of green against the endless white. She moved closer, wading through the ankle deep snow. She bent over what she had seen. There, almost indistinguishable against the snow, was a single bell-shaped snowdrop. The tiny flower was usually considered a sign of spring. It almost never came up this early, in late autumn.

Viryah gazed in awe at the lone flower. It wouldn't last for long in this bitter cold weather, that was for sure. She suddenly thought of the foxbabe born to Stone Eyes and Snowbrush four years earlier. Saria, that was her name. 'Saria' was what the tribe of  Arctic foxes farther south called snowdrops. Snowbrush had previously been in that tribe of foxes, but they despised anybeast who was not completely snow white. Snowbrush's tail had a black tip, as if somebeast had dipped it in ink.

She had been cast out, and found by a much younger Stone Eyes with his father on a journey for Dramz. He had become instantly infatuated by the tiny dibbun fox, and begged his father to bring her home.

So, instead of bringing slaves for Dramz, they returned with a tiny vixen.

At first Snowbrush only spoke her native language, but after time Stone Eyes taught her theirs. Snowbrush had never felt particularly at home with Dramz's beasts, but a few of them were very kind to her.

Viryah remembered Snowbrush had always missed her old home, and would mutter words in her language to herself often. She had been overjoyed when Viryah told her she was pregnant, and spent most of her time coming up with names for the baby.

Could this baby fox be the answer to Viryah's problem? But she was so young! How could a beast so young have the powers of a seer?

Viryah gazed at the brightening sky, searching for answers. Sure enough, a bright silver star streaked across the sky. As soon as it appeared, it was gone. But Viryah had all the proof she needed. Little Saria was certainly the next seer of Dramz the wolverine king.

Sorry it's so short. My mom only wants me on the computer for half an hour each day. By the way, if you're curious, this is what a snowdrop looks like:

"With great chocolate comes great responsibility."
  ~ Larry Boy

Rollo the Baby Bankvole

This is great! :D Can't wait for the next chapter! xD
I've read Mattimeo, Salamandastron, The Pearls of Lutra, The Taggerung, Triss, Eulalia!, Lord Brocktree, The Legend of Luke, The Bellmaker & The Long Patrol! xD
??Just close your eyes, the sun is going down, you'll be alright, noone


post thy next chapter or die potato!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wolves will slay whoever they want to.....*growl* "AGHH''