Create the Cast!

Started by Kitsune, October 04, 2016, 05:54:09 AM

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*post 5/7*

Takeomi - @Wylder Treejumper - moral. Extremely strong. Fierce sense of right and strong. Doesn't appear interested in romance but falls in love fast and hard.
Takeomi Kuroiwa

Yoriko (pronounced YOH-ree-ko) - @Firehawke - helpful, loving, friendly human. Good at creating. The cutest cute.
Yoriko Kosaka Kuroiwa

Ayumu (pronounced EYE-ya-moo) - @Jukka the Sling - super cute. Self-conscious about appearance so she keeps her face covered. Freckled. Good fighter and friend. Follows the rules. (Banya adores her)
Ayumu Hogi


Hachikawa - @Trigoma - senior soldier. Fiercely believes in what he fights for. Very uniform. Saves his subordinate.

Shinohara - @James Gryphon - Wise man and good role model. Respected leader. Helps cute little psycho discover a sense of morality.


Arima (pronounced AH-ree-ma) - @Dannflor - the strongest of the strong. Successful, diligent, mostly quiet, shows few emotions. Best fighter around but actually doesn't like killing. Likes things that are alive, especially if he helped shape them. Fandom-assigned punmaster.
Kishou Arima


Hirako (pronounced HEE-ra-ko) - @Rusvul - Strong soldier. mostly quiet, doesn't share a lot of his inner thoughts. Fights for what he strongly believes in. cares for his subordinates and is both a good leader and follower. Resolves conflict best through talking it out but is an amazingly strong fighter. One of Banya's fav eight.
Take Hirako


Squad 0 – cute smols. Hirako's subordinates. Actually very fast and strong fighters.
Yusa Arima: well-mannered, likes to daydream - @321tumbler
Shio Ihei: energetic, playful, talkative - @alexandre
Rikai Souzu: serious, quiet - @Amarith Waterspring
Squad 0
left to right:
Yusa, Shio, Rikai


*post 6/7*

Hairu - @Perifæn - looks delicate but is actually a VERY strong fighter and believes in what she fights for. Attractive and sweet. Tomboy-ish. Is a younger sister-figure but would make a good leader. Does not let public perception of others keep her from becoming their friend.
Hairu Ihei


Hsiao - @Dotti Dillworthy - beautiful and quiet. Cool-headed. Kind of a mystery. Supportive friend and good backup in a fight. Ninja.


Shirazu (pronounced SHEE-ra-zu) - @TheTaleOfSierra - works hard until he becomes acknowledged as a leader. Does everything for the people he cares for, friends and especially his younger sister. Kind of sentimental.

Urie (pronounced OO-ree-yay) - @LT Sandpaw - dark but good. Ambitious. Strong soldier; trains hard. Promoted quickly. Only shares a fraction of his inner thoughts. Deeply cares for his close circle of friends and is a good leader to them. Does not like abandonment. Probably won't remove his earbuds for you. Cannot be brainwashed. Catchphrase (...) (the sound of him not sharing his thought aloud)


Mutsuki (pronounced MOO-tskee) - @that Felldoh guy who was around recently with all those posts that got modded - at first innocent, warmly cared for but shy. Actually an absolute psycho.
Tooru Mutsuki


Saiko - @Russa Nodrey - THE cute smol. Loves deeply. Outgoing and adorable. Is fiercely protected but extremely strong on her own and WILL FIGHT for others. Sleeps to ignore responsibilities. Loves social media and computer games. Catchphrase is "but mamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
Someone on tumblr once wrote "every time sensei (the author) draws Saiko the heaves open and the angels sing." One of Banya's fav eight.
Saiko Yonebayashi



*post 7/7*

Miza - @Rainshadow - cutie. Strong fighter. Innovative. Falls in love with a very dense guy. Yells at him a lot but saves him. Gives him a heart-shaped block of frozen blood for Valentine's day
Three-Blades Miza


Hakatori/Yumitsu Tomoe - @Maudie - young and strong. Doesn't want to be treated like a child. Respected for her abilities and personal connections. Very pretty.

Shikorae, formerly Rio (pronounced SHEE-ko-ray) - @Delthion - speaks in emoticons. As in, a very smiley voice. Grins a lot. Tortured in his past. Cannibal, of course.


Roma - @Cornflower MM - cute and light on her feet. Mischievous and speaks her mind. Likes to be in on the action when her side is winning.


Nimura Furuta/Kichimura Washuu - @Vilu Daskar - at first a scaredy stick. Actually cunning and ambitious. Works his way to the very top. A brainwashing dictator. Completely reshapes society. No concrete reason; he just wants to. Has the best lines in the series.


Matsuri Washuu (pronounced MAH-tsoo-ree) - @Eulaliaaa! - ambitious. Wants to end up on top. Plots. Keeps small, close circle of supporters. Surprisingly emotional.

Rosie Willowwater


Jukka the Sling

My character sounds like a really cool gal. ;D  Thanks for casting me!  You must have spent a loooong time on this.
"The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


Hey, I've been wanting to watch that for a while now.
Me likey.


Quote from: Jukka the Sling on August 02, 2017, 04:23:02 PM
My character sounds like a really cool gal. ;D  Thanks for casting me!  You must have spent a loooong time on this.



Dreams, dreams are untapped and writhing. How much more real are dreams than that paltry existence which we now call reality? How shall we ascend to that which humanity is destined? By mastering the dreamworld of course. That is how, my pupils, that is how.


Quote from: Delthion on August 02, 2017, 08:44:40 PM
I'm a scary guy. ;D
One thing I couldn't find a good pic of was that Shikorae always speaks in short sentences with emoticons in them, smileys when he's excited and skulls and crossbones when he's in pain, and it reminded me of you. On top of the cannibalism thing. :D
Shikorae speaking, somewhat violent image

after being pierced through (he survived):

Lady Amber

Thanks for casting me, Banya! :D Everyone matches up pretty well with the characters you cast them as, too!


Thanks for including me! Although I've never heard of or watched/read this anime so yeah I have no idea who I've been casted as- anybody wanna fill me in on who the character is haha  :P


Wylder Treejumper

@Banya: Thanks for the casting! As I am sure you know, there is no reputation I would rather have than that of a man of moral character  ;)
"'Tis the business of small minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
-Thomas Paine

"Integrity and firmness is all I can promise; these, be the voyage long or short, shall never forsake me although I may be deserted by all men."
-George Washington

Courage: Not only the willingness to die manfully, but also the determination to live decently.


"Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile and finds in your presence that life is worth while. So when you are lonely, remember it's true, somebody somewhere is thinking of you :)" I don't know who wrote this but I really like it.

Rosie Willowwater