The Weasels of Welkin.

Started by Lutra, November 25, 2012, 01:13:41 AM

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Well, perhaps, right now its simply up for discussion.

Things to consider:

Were is it set?
whats the story?
whos the bad guys?
Who are you going to play?

My resposes:

I've only read the original triology, not the second one.  Right now I don't intend to read the second one, so if I'm going to participate, I'm familiar with the original island of Welkin.

Story....they always seem to have trouble with rats or forest spirits....maybe that should be a plot line?  A mercenary pirate along the shores?

Bad guys.....Poynt is an obvious choice...Falshed maybe....

Who would I play...dunno....that naive otter, Sleek made me chuckle how clueless and gushy he is.  I think I'd need to play a weasel though.  Mawk maybe....I could ham him up well.

Question came up as to the use of magic because it is use extensively in the series.  We will need to definitely put limits on the use of magic otherwise it'll be used as a crutch to get out of any unusual situations and it becomes similar to god-modding.

Lets keep talking. :)
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


The marsh rats are ussualy dumb.mabey they do somthing that makes them abnormaly smart

(your right about the over use of magic  lutra)


Maybe there's a place like the Hunter's Inn in the first book that gives the rats the ability to actually reason.  We could do something like that.

One thing I am thinking though....I see at least three people that would do this...we'll need multiple roles to make this happen.  Therefore we need to at least cover most of Sylver's band and some enemies too.

Mawk  --  Lutra
Luke  --  Lutra

Prince Poynt
Sheriff Falshed  --  Lutra

Marsh Rats

Statues  --  Lutra

That's what I see thus far....and that's a lot of bases to cover.  I put my name next to characters I can work with and make the RP go along.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


Using the characters from the books would be hard for me since I haven't read the first three.


Might be harder to pull this off than we thought!  I've read the first three, Skipper hasn't.  If I remember the Welkin topic, someone read the last three but not the first (was that you Skip?).

Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


Tiria Wildlough

My tumblr!
I'm not a hipster.




How do we work around it?  I haven't read the last three and there's some who haven't read the first three.  Considering from what I've heard, they're not even the same, so how does this work?  Someone who's read all six books needs to speak up before we go further.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra



If you've read all six, is there a way that this can be done if you haven't read all the books?  The characters from the separate triologies do not overlap from what I've heard.  The second triology has weasels that are supposedly descendants of the weasels of the first.  I guess we'll end up using made up characters or possibly we can make characters from the stories work.
Ya Ottah! ~ Sierra


Well I think the best way would be to use a mix of characters we know from the books and characters we have created or for example people like me who have only read the last three use someone from them while People like you Lutra who have only read the first three use someone from the first three books.


Maybe set it between the two trilogys in the 1500s-1700s

Dannflower Reguba

Man! I want to join, but I haven't read Welkin (not sure I'll have time either) and by appearance, you only allow characters from the series... Is there any way for me to get in on this?  ???
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