Across the Sea: Plotting and Discussion (the slow RP)

Started by Osu, April 16, 2013, 02:27:52 AM

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Title for the RP thread?

Riddles From the Abbey
1 (10%)
Across the Sea
3 (30%)
In Search of Treasure
0 (0%)
Treasure Seekers
0 (0%)
Treasure Hunt
1 (10%)
The Pondering
2 (20%)
Riddles on the Sea
3 (30%)
Seas and Riddles
0 (0%)
Riddles and Sailing
0 (0%)
Treasure on the Sea
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Voting closed: July 16, 2013, 01:47:08 AM


Quote from: Osu on May 30, 2013, 03:20:39 AM
Hullo, Blazemane, certainly you may join in~

That's what might happen to all of you, then.

Quote from: Osu on May 30, 2013, 03:20:39 AMDoes that explain it a bit better? :)

Definitely! I'll be thinking...


Quote from: Osu on May 30, 2013, 03:20:39 AMHmm, I didn't word that "attempted canon" thing very well, did I? ^^; I don't mean that concepts and characters have to be from any specific book - although if you wanted to play one of BJ's characters, I don't think that would be a problem! - but for this particular RP I won't allow any giraffes, machine guns, diet pepsi, one-eyed one-horned flying purple dibbun eaters, any and all that sort of thing.

Doez zat include Death Defyin' Beaverz?
NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


And, almost two weeks later...

Name: Friar Morro Amberbark
Species: Squirrel
Age (in seasons): 40-45? 42 seems alright.
Gender: Dude
Description: My image of a squirrel, as counter-Jacques as it may be, is generally the kind that I see around my home in Michigan. In my mind, Morro's fur is colored in a faded brown-orange all throughout, but on the front of his limbs, the top of his head, along his back, etc., there are dark, flint-hued hairs that come through the rest of the fur and basically take over the base color. Something much like this:

Morro is a bit heavy around the middle, owing to living a peaceable life at Redwall, staying indoors in his kitchens, and having a natural love for food. He's still capable of running, marching and climbing trees/jumping between them, but he's definitely out of shape. Normally, he wears a traditional green habit belted with a brown cord, and he dons an apron over it to protect it from the messes of the kitchen. He usually doesn't wear any sandals, but he'll take them up for any outdoor activities that seem like they may take a while.

Personality: Friar Morro likes to stay focused on very few things at one time, so while he is working--which is often--he generally says little. This can make his already somewhat-reserved personality appear to be even more so. Though loathe to admit it, he becomes unsettled by routine and often tries to escape the day-after-day of kitchen work by devising strange (at times, quite obviously horrible) recipes, writing poems in his head, thinking up excuses for feast days and so on. He is usually very passive and requires goading by others when that passivity proves harmful to him or to those around him. Whenever he is the one initiating anything, one can be assured that he is very excited about it.

Backstory: Born and raised in Redwall Abbey. It is the only home he knows, and he feels deeply for it, though on occasion it occurs to him how underexposed he has been to the world outside of it. Morro's father passed on peacefully a number of seasons back; his mother remains and is one of the Abbey's eldest members, but her mind is as sharp as ever. She shows very few signs of slowing down, and does her best to help with odds and ends around Redwall. Morro has two brothers, and he had three sisters, but one of them died on a patrol in Mossflower after an encounter with a roving gang of vermin. His second-eldest brother still roams and watches the woods as he and Morro's sister had done together before she died. Morro came into the position of Friar after seasons of assisting the former Friar of Redwall out of curiosity and uncertainty about what else to do with his time. This Friar became a close friend and confidante for him as the seasons passed; she is still living.


NARDOLE; You are completely out of your mind!
DOCTOR: How is that news to anyone?

"I am Yomin Carr, the harbinger of doom. I am the beginning of the end of your people!" -Yomin Carr

-Sometime later, the second mate was unexpectedly rescued by the subplot, which had been trailing a bit behind the boat (and the plot). The whole story moved along.


Thanks. He looked like he knew how to relax.


Quote from: HeadInAnotherGalaxy on May 31, 2013, 11:39:25 PM
Doez zat include Death Defyin' Beaverz?
Alas, I fear it does. XD

Blazemane, great character!

Whelp, it's been over two months since I first proposed this RP, so I say we go ahead and get a proper start on it. Since it's slow moving, there should be plenty of time for all of the other participants to post their characters and jump right in!

I'm going to start the RP officially this weekend, probably Sunday. If there are no objections, I think we'll begin at the Abbey and then work our way to the sea and beyond. I'm going to do my best to leave the initial post as open-ended as possible so you guys can decide on how to best introduce your characters, why you're at Redwall, and so on; or we can work everybody in however you'd like it, if your idea doesn't fit in with the OP. I won't introduce the riddle right off the bat, either, for the same reasons.

Let me know if you have any thoughts! :)
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


So we start at Redwall? So I'll have to think up a good character...


  Should we come up with an actual name for this, or is it just gonna be 'A Very Slow RP'?  :P
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


I think a proper title would be appropriate. ;D Erm.... any ideas? Titles aren't my forte, haha.
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.



  1.  Riddles from the Abbey?

  2.  Across the Sea?

  3.  In Search of the Treasure?

  4.  Treasure Seekers?

  5.  Treasure Hunt?

  6.  The Pondering?  (Like, pondering the riddle.  ;))

  I've got a million of 'em!
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!


Ooh, The Pondering sounds like a movie title! I like Treasure Seekers or Riddles from the Abbey. Any preferences or other ideas?
Redwall is always open, its tables laden, to you and any of good heart.


What about Riddles on the Sea?

Seas and Riddles?

Sailing by a Riddle?

Riddles and Sailing?

Treasure on the Sea?


Are we using my riddle? Who's gonna find the riddle? Where's it gonna be hidden? Who's gonna play a pirate?(other than me)

Sir Captain Francis Harper dePerrit the IV(in progress)
Name: Sir Captain Francis Harper dePerrit the IV(his real name is Perrit)
Species: Ferret
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Weapon(s): A short curvy sword, decked out in smancy jewels on the handle, but definitely useable, and deadly.
Appearance: Sir Captain Francis Harper dePerrit the IV is an average-looking ferret. He has a dark brown front and back with lighter sides like most of his species. His mask is not the off-white of most of his species, but rather a dusty grey and his sides are speckled with darker spots. He always wears a royal blue cap with a band of fur around the base from a hare that he killed and a feather stuck into the band from a falcon he found dead. Other than that, his outfit varies, but usually consists of many different-coloured silks wrapped around his upper body and loose khaki pants. When in battle, he just wears the pants.
Personality: In short: Perrit's a jerk. A pompous, full-of-himself, jerk. But that isn't important, it's just there to make people want to hate him 'cause he's supposed to be the villain. Just because he's the villain, that doesn't mean he doesn't have dreams, ambitions, and a life.
At first, he wanted nothing more than to have a peaceful life, living offshore in a small home with his family. Deep down he wants that still, but is so caught up in pirating that it would be nearly impossible to go back. He puts this behind him though, and carries on with his current ambition of becoming a shiplord with a whole fleet behind him. He is stubborn and headstrong and will forge on with his goals. If there's no hope, he'll say, 'S*** your sanity, keep going'. However, that usually doesn't work out too well. That's a two-edged sword, and a sharp one at that.
Perrit's very sensitive about his hobby of playing with dolls(don't tell anyone!), and if anyone walks in on him while he's playing, he will soon accuse that vermin of mutiny or something and kill him, just to keep his secret safe. He's a big collector of knickknacks and has a prominent collection. He could even be called a magpie, and keeps them stashed in his cabin. So far he has several gold chains and coins, a mouse, weasel(he pretends it's a ferret), and squirrel doll, various valuable stones, and even a small silver bird inlaid with gold and bronze. He's known about the treasure the Redwallers are after for quite a while, but has yet to find it.
Perrit's rather dramatic and absolutely loves to overdo things(example A: his name). He always finds time for dramatic swordfights with air in his cabin and drawn-out executions. He's secretly terrified of big birds and death. He's a very 'honourable' creature. The quotations are because e mentions his honour quite a lot, but never really follows through with it.
History: He lived on the shore for a while until he was captured by The Bay's Leaf. He was a slave for a bit, until a new captain came to power. That new captain left the woodlanders to work the oars and released the vermin slaves to serve as deck hands. After a while, he ended up killing the captain and became the captain himself. He knows about the treasure the Redwaller's are after because he's captured 'the one who dresses in kelp' and made him talk.(in progress)

Okay, I have to say, I think this is the best villain I've come up with yet, and he's not even done! Either him or Tzarin.

The Bay's Leaf
The Bay's Leaf was ship that has been in vermin paws for many a season, though she was built by woodlanders. She is a big, three-mast ship, and is so well made that she can 'stand stiff in a maelstrom and turn on a leaf', if you were to quote her proud maker. Who also happens to be enslaved on the Bay's Leaf. Her sails are green with a white interpretation of a bird on them. Other than that, there isn't much to say about the Leaf.

I feel like River Song with all these spoilers.


Lauria Wharsley
Name: Lauria Wharsley (LAW-ria WAR-sleigh)
Species: Mouse
Gender: Female
Age: 18 Seasons
Weapons: Stick shaped into a crude spear (Which she will find later on in the quest)
Occupation: Redwaller
Appearance: Orange fur, four grey paws, young of appearance (Even if she already is ::))
Clothes: Purple habit
Personality: Kind, quick witted, helpful, imaginative
History: She was born in the Abbey of Redwall. She was barely three seasons old when her parents went away with other Redwallers on a quest to rid the land of evil that lurked around en masse these days, but they never came back. Because of her young age, she never remembered her parents, being brought up by the kind badgermum of Redwall.

Didn't want to make a super long character with this one, maybe another one later.


  Ooh, pirates!

Name:  Tom

Species:  Fox

Gender:  Male

Age:  24

Weapons:  Tom uses a (rather fancy) spear as his main weapon, but he also carries a plain dagger, just in case.  Surprisingly, both weapons are kept in very good shape.

Appearance:  For a physical description, Tom has black fur with a white tail tip, and he has sparkling blue eyes.  He's a lean fox, not the strongest, but he is a hard worker nonetheless.
 As for his clothing, the fox wears a black and green tunic with a black leather overcoat-like jacket, which is sleeveless.  He has black trousers and black boots (both with a hint of gold on them), as well as black/gold arm bracers.  All of his clothing is in good condition.

Occupation:  First Mate (with permission, of course)

Personality:  From his appearance, Tom looks like a very kind, trusting fox (well, as kind and trusting as a fox can be!), but underneath the surface, he is a hardened killer who will let nothing stand in the way of what he wants.  He's rather intelligent, and he tends to look down on his fellow crewmates.  Surprisingly enough, Tom actually has very good manners and speaks like a highly educated beast, which he is.

History:  Tom used to live with his older brother and his parents, who were very rich, but he grew tired of the pleasant life and how everybeast trusted each other.  He decided to run out on the family, but not before stealing his father's spear, his most prized possession.
 After that, Tom was on the run for several days before finding a ship floating not too far offshore.  He was noticed and brought aboard, where he soon learned that he was standing on the deck of a pirate ship.  He immediately asked to join the crew, and soon after that, he started working his way up the ranks.

 Tom looks a bit like this:

 Would you guys mind if Tom was (were?  Was?  Ugh, it's too late for me to be thinking grammatically) the first mate?  Won?  Osu?
If you're interested in my art or keeping in touch, I'm active on DeviantArt and Instagram!