
We're doing a read-along of the Redwall series! The current book is The Sable Quean!

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Started by Rainshadow, July 25, 2012, 04:45:27 PM

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Which Warriors series is your favorite?

5 (55.6%)
The New Prophecy
0 (0%)
The Power of Three
0 (0%)
Omen of the Stars
1 (11.1%)
Dawn of the Clans
3 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 9


  Who here likes the Warriors series?  I'm a big cat fan, so I've always been a fan of Warriors, but I'd like to know who here wants to join me in all of my fan-ness!
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A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.


I've read them. They're good.


  What character is your favorite?  From the first series:  Firepaw/heart/star and Graypaw/stripe.  From the second series:  Squirrelpaw/flight, Brambleclaw, Crowpaw/feather and Stormfur.  From the third series:  Jaykit/paw/feather.  And I haven't read the fourth yet.
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I read the first and second in the original series. They're good.
"There's some good in this world, Mr.Frodo, and it's worth fighting for."-Samwise Gamgee from The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers


i remember enjoying them a lot, then i had to wait a while for one of the more recent books in the series, causing me to forget a lot, so in order to read the rest i would need to read the entire series again (and that's no easy task.)


  I know!  I'm still reading the series for the first time, and I've been reading it since... February?  I had someone suggest it to me, and so far I'm reading the Power of Three.  I'm almost done with it, though.  I'm on Sunrise, which is the last book of that series.  I accidentally read the end of it though, so I already know what happens lol.
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warriors is an awesome story, but its not very well written. still, they are good books.i read the first two series i think.... first was my favorite.


  Yeah, I think the first will always be my favorite of the four series.  Though, I do like the others, I just love the first one.
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I'm a big fan!  I've read and own all the books.  (And there are a lot, heheh.)  

I've got a lot of favorite characters.  (Trivia: Did you know that in the entire series - main series, Super Editions, guidebooks, mangas, etc - there are over 750 named characters?)  My top favorites are Bluestar, Lionheart, Mousefur, Yellowfang, Sasha, and Thrushpelt (the one in Bluestar's Prophecy).  

And my top favorite books are The Darkest Hour and Bluestar's Prophecy.

Everyone pretty much agrees that the earlier series are better.  The Super Editions are all really good, I'm glad they've still got two more on the way, but I kind of wish they'd ended the main series earlier.  A big reason for the drop in quality of the story is becuase of corporate meddling; the fanbase is growing quite unhappy with HarperCollins for several reasons. (I'm actually writing an email to send to HC right now, especially since I didn't get any sort of reply for the one I'd previously sent back in March, saying that fans do not like having ebook-ONLY material, with numbers from a survey I did to back it up, and they ended up announcing even more ebook-exclusive material).  I think if they had more time to plan things rather than listen to HarperCollins telling them to keep writing more and more, the third and fourth series could have been combined into one more cohesive six-book arc - they were changing their minds on major plot points halfway through.  

Still, that being said, it's a fun fandom to be part of.  The authors genuinely love writing for us, and they like interacting with their fans.  There might be a lot of books, too many in some people's opinion, but there's always something too look forward to and discuss at any time of the year.  


Quote from: Dawnwing on July 27, 2012, 05:26:17 AM
 The Super Editions are all really good, I'm glad they've still got two more on the way,

  Two?  I know about Yellowfang's Secret, but what's the other one?
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Theres 5 I think. Yellowfang's secret, Crookedstar's promise, Bluestar's prophecy,Skyclans destiny,Firestar's quest. Been a fan of warriors for quite abit now.


The one after Yellowfang's Secret will be one about Tallstar (they don't have a title yet).

Here's the upcoming stuff they have planned:
- ______'s Omen (title is a spoiler for Fading Echoes and you haven't read that yet so I won't spoil it) - ebook-only novella - Sept. 11, 2012
- Yellowfang's Secret - Super Edition - Oct. 9, 2012
- Cloudstar's Journey (have you read Firestar's Quest?) - ebook-only novella - Feb. 5, 2013
- a fifth series, Dawn of the Clans, which is a prequel about how the Clans formed - first book is called The Sun Trail and comes out March 5, 2013
- a Super Edition about Tallstar (summer or fall 2013)


  Hmm, interesting.  Yeah, I've read Firestar's Quest, Bluestar's Prophecy, Crookedstar's Promise and Skyclan's Destiny.  I'm on the holds list for Yellowfang's Secret.  It makes me nervous though, because I had read that it's supposed to be a very emotional book, yet Bluestar's Prophecy and Crookedstar's Promise had me bawling.  I'm afraid that someone will come into my room and see me crying over a book.  Awkward.
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I like them, but I personally think that they could be better written.