A Winter to Freeze Your Heart RP

Started by Unimaginative, October 20, 2013, 12:31:24 AM

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Do you wish to join the Purple Unicorn Army of Brazil, led by me?



Brokentooth heard Kartaka's shout, and without waiting for Grund's reply, he bolted out of the tent. Sprinting to the front of the horde, he recognized Hail Quickblade with his sharp eyesight. Smiling, he aimed his bow, and fired. He watch as the arrow sailed through sky, and then shouted to Kartaka. "Don't kill Quickblade, we'll leave that for Grund. Promotions fer us both."
Hail stood shock still for a moment, staring as the Wolverine rushed towards him, followed by a large number of Vermin.  He turned and started to run, but before he made it more then a few feet, a he felt a sharp pain in his lower leg. He stumbled, then hit the ground, rolling for a few feet, snow flying into the air behind him. He looked at his leg, seeing the arrow buried deep into his leg. This may be a problem in making my escape he thought. Looking back towards the Horde, he saw how close Kartaka was. Hail dropped his swords, and went limp, his unconscious body blending in with the snow, which was slightly bloodstained.
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth


Vatra saw hail fall. She turned and leaped threw the trees towards the vermin. If they wanted Hail they would have to get threw her first. Anger began to well up in side of her And she began to move faster then leaping from the brance she flung her self at the wolverines head eyes blazing.         
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?

The Shade

Karataka looked at Brokentooth. Ha, I don't need promotion, soon I'll be running this horde like it's my own, he thought. But he didn't say anything. It was a pity Grund wanted Hail for himself, he had been looking forward to ripping the artic fox's head off.

He watched Brokentooth fire off an arrow. It seemed to hit Hail, but he could not be sure because of all the snow in the air. To the wolverine's surprise a squirrel he had never set eyes on was flying through the air towards him. Shock turned to confidence, however, and he dodged, although unsuccessfully missing her with his axe. The momentum sent him stumbling, and by the time he rose again other vermin were overtaking him on the race to capture Hail.
They told me I was gullible. I believed them.

It is well known that 47% of statistics are made up on the spot.

I used to leave out half my sentances, but now I


Vatra expecting a move like this grabbed hold of his cloak and puled her self around so she was on his back and then attempted to bring her "javelin" around in front of his neck to strangle him. 

OOC: Sorry if that is PPing if you don't like it I can change it It was just so hard to not in such a close combat situation. Also Vatra has pumped her self up in to such a rage that she might hurt your character (Cant remember his name) Dan if he gets near her.
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Jantar had heard all the commotion, and hurried to find out what has happening. When she heard the name Hail, she grinned cruelly. So we have our bird in its cage at last!
Zanga suddenly felt a buzz of confidence surge through him. He held the sword has if it were part of him. "I..I..I will be your champion, for now anyway."

Dannflower Reguba

OOC: He's a wolverine which subjects him to such things as you stated, he's got no right to complain if he's going to play one of the two tanks in the series. BIC:

Ervoyce rolled his eyes, "And then he stands there to get shot, of course." he leaped down from the tree and place himself between the vermin that were charging and Hail, "Who's ready to taste frozen steel vermin!" The squirrel impaled the front two runners and charged, he had come to get Vatra, not Hail, and he would do so if it was the last thing he did! He ducked under the first blade and swept the adversaries legs with his own sword, rendering him useless, the second attack was a spear thrust which he parried before accelerating suddenly. Ervoyce broke through the blob of vermin and faced the wolverine and Vatra, e had to make this quick, "Vatra! We can slay the wolverine later! We need to get Hail back to the abbey but I can't do it alone! Are you just going to sit there as your comrade dies! Is that why you ran! Because you're two chicken to assist those that mattered to you!" He decided to go with the, "make the bloodwrathed creature angrier and get them to follow you so that they rip the beasts that try to follow you into shreds while you carry off the injured beast," tactic.... A little dangerous, but fairly effective.
"Remember, sometimes is best to be like boomerang and come back." ~ Griffen

Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes. ~ Oscar Wilde

Mistakes can make you grow - That doesn't mean you're friends. ~NF - Remember This


Jantar stamped her foot. No, No, No! These squirrel's will not stop us!
She took out her blow pie, and loaded it with a poisoned dart. She aimed, and fired, she was a good shot, but a wind had picked up. She just hoped she would get one of them.


"Vatra! We can slay the wolverine later! We need to get Hail back to the abbey but I can't do it alone! Are you just going to sit there as your comrade dies! Is that why you ran! Because you're two chicken to assist those that mattered to you!" He decided to go with the, "

Ervoyce's plan worked. Vatra let off attacking the wolverine and leaped after him slaying two vermin as she went.   
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


Jantar saw her change, one of the squirrel's was in the air, she loaded, aimed, and fired in moments, she was sure she wouldn't miss. Her first dart had hit one of the horde, and he had fallen down dead. The poison she used was a mixture of many snake venoms, hemlock, wolfbane, and many others that she could not remember the names of.


Vatras cloak billowed out behind her as she jumped obscuring her figure. The dart ripped threw her cloak tearing a hole in it and landing in the snow to be tread on by one of the vermin who promptly died.  Every thing was a haze of red Vatra ducked weaved dodged and thrust killing the whole way. A deadly killing machine and she was headed for Ervoyce.             
I am back... sort of... maybe... Hi?


OOC: I'm not missing just my characters are sparring somewhere in the abbey grounds, not the orchard though
"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Cornflower MM


"In the meantime, no one should roam the camp alone. Use the buddy system."
"Understood." Will looked at Nico. "Will you be my buddy?"
"You're a dork," Nico announced.
~ The Hidden Oracle, Rick Riordan

Cornflower MM

OOC: Alright.

BIC: Not finding Zhui in the Orchards, Arya decided to try the Lawns. Ahah! There he has, sparring. She sighed, "Does he ever quit fighting? She stepped in, holding up her dagger so that the blades would clash against it, or take off her paw. "Um, is one of you Zhu? I need to talk to him about the defenses."


Hail woke up, the pain in his leg not subsided. It clouded his mind, stopping him from thinking straight.  He could see Vatra and Ervoyce fighting the vermin, but rather then call for them, he crawled into a denser part of the forest. Slumping against a tree, he closed his eyes. Then opened them a moment later to see a cruel figure, who Hail recognized instantly standing over him.
Brokentooth, like many sharpshooters, had fled the scene when his enemies got to close for comfort. Deciding to sneak into a deeper part of the forest, and come up behind him, he bolted into the trees. After a few minutes, he came across a silvery figure lying against a tree. "Well," he said. "Look who we have here." He bent down, pulling a rope out of his belt, and bound Hail. Then, dragging him via the rope, he left the forest, successfully reaching the camp. He took Hail, and pulled him to Grund's Tent. Smiling as he entered he said "Sir. I 'ave a present fer yew."
"Once built a steamboat in a meadow
Cos I'd forgotten how to sail" - The Gardener , The Tallest Man on Earth